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California animals need help

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Hi Monster I guess the law here in calif. protects animals for 6 days and arnold was going to try to change it to 3 days but he said on the news that he will not try to change that it was a mistake to think that 3 days was long enough or some something like that. I really didnt know that it was only 6 days as it is i think it should be way longer

  2. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    The day this topic was posted I was watching the news (yes, I live in Canada and watch American news ;)) anyways, he had received so many angry responses I just knew it wouldn't fly.

    I'm happy he realized how stupid that was.
  3. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I listened to the news today too.... I just love how he said it was a "mistake"... HELLO!?! Can't you just admit that you received a lot of opposition and you are willing to DO WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT? argh... what an _ _ _.

    And NO, I didn't vote for him. :)
  4. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    What a jackass

    At least he can't say, "I'll be back" when election time comes rolling around!!! :eek:
  5. ILoveGreatDanes

    ILoveGreatDanes New Member

    I think its a little quick to jump on him. Id imagine that someone pitched the idea to him with a cover so that all he heard was "saving money". I dont live in california anymore but I have to say that I dont think any politician would commit political suicide like that intentionally that early in their career. I know he is doing good things in california from what I have heard and am sure this was more of a mistake and misunderstanding type deal. Remember it was just a proposal...one man does not run the state. I believe that it was a mistake. Plus his stance on one issue does not make him a good or bad governer. While we are concerned with animals...that should not be the only reason we vote for or against a person. Unless that person is saying they are gonna do away with shelters period or something. I talked with a person...actually argued extensively last night with a guy who was saying that all animal shelters should be torn down and turned into people shelters. Saying that animals should be put AFTER humans. I for one say that its animals that dont have a choice in the matter...I have encountered entirely too many bums to know that while a select few of them arent there for their fault...the vast majority put themselves there and a huge portion arent trying to fix their situation (crime drugs alcohol etc etc etc) Thats not the point. Ok im sidetracked.

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