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Cat Pukes after eating...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by justchil, Apr 20, 2005.

  1. justchil

    justchil New Member

    The dry food is Purina One Growth & Development

    The wet food is Purina Friskies Prime Fillet (this makes her sick)

    I'm still not leaving food out for her.. at least not very much at a time. I really think part of her problem was eating too fast. I'm not sure if this is something that will change with time or not.. I'm just happy that she's happy :mrgreen:
  2. vene

    vene New Member

    Maybe part of her problem is that she eats too much too fast and pukes. Pumpkin will do that on many occassions especially when stressed. :roll: My previous vets always recommended Purina foods. My cats did well on Friskies and now Pro Plan and Wellness. Ironically, Pro Plan has the same maker as Purina. :mrgreen: I so happy for you that she's doing so much better! :eek:
  3. yogi

    yogi New Member

    pics of all eleven?

    first I will have to corral them. I have 11 cats, 10 dogs and 6 birds.
    It is just me so these days this is my only family.
    Divorced and kids grown married and gone. I have to admit, this is easier than married with children.
    I have one Tom, Tigger Li. Cameo rumpy. Tsunami is a siamese domstic mix. Her son from Tigger is TiLi a russian blue tailed 14lbs 2 year old fetching machine. KC is a torty rumpy riser and my littlest baby girl. Tai Li is a cameo female bob tail and my other little girl. Both of them are daddy's girls and will hide so long as anyone is in the house. Butter and Powder are KC's and Tai li's son's from Tigger. Very athletic at 1 year old and about 11lbs each. Butter loves to kiss while Powder just lays around.
    Kiki is my only long hair. She is not quite 2 years old. Blue Cream cymric rumpy. Then Butter's sister, Bebe. She is a bobtail torty that moves like a blur. The youngest is Spice a black and white bobtail from KC and biscuit a cameo colored from Tai Li. They are both 7 months old. Total array.
    It is funny with all them since my dogs are all Min Pin's so there really is not much difference in size. Tigger as a kitten was bed mate to my fawn Min Pin Lili who is only couple months older than Tig. They slept curled up in each others arms til they were nearly 2 years old. My youngest Pin is Podo, not quite a year. He wrestles with Tili til TiLi puts a head lock down.
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm sorry I must have misunderstood. I thought she began getting sick as you were introducing the dry food which is why I suggested canned only to see if it helped. Anyway, I'm so glad she is doing better! :eek:
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Yogi, we'd love to see pics of your entire family when you get a chance. :eek: It's amazing that the Min Pins and the kitties get along. Do the birds have to be separated? You must have very high energy. I get tired just watching my 2 year old and my 4 furbabies. :mrgreen:
  6. justchil

    justchil New Member

    Check this picture out.. caught her totally off guard

  7. vene

    vene New Member

    She looks cute even when surprised. :mrgreen:
  8. yogi

    yogi New Member

    Vene, suprisingly everyone gets along fine. My Greater Patagonian flies around and Ti Li will pace him from the floor than when Jade lands he just sits and watches. Occasionaly Jade will land on a chair or the floor and the cats just avoid him. Only dog interested is Snoopy and he just takes a sniff than walks away. It is a menagerie and those few who come over are amazed at how all these guys seem to click. Only one of my pins is an issue with people. He is not quite 5 years old and original owners were going to put him down due to his biting. This was caused by their failure when they got him as a 10 week old puppy to regulate the play of their little children. Kids were to rough on him. I took him in to evaluate to see if he could be adopted out but unfortunately he bonded to me within a day and now is very overprotective of me that when people come over he has to be monitored. Any movement he deems a threat to me so he goes in to a full protect mode. He gets up in the morning growling at everything and goes to bed at nite the same way. He really has the growling thing down but my Alpha is a 13 year old female Abbey I have had since she was 9 weeks and she is not overly tolerant of his attitude so over time he is slowly correcting the situation. To me it is like having a house full of children so you take the good with the bad. The real problem is the vet bills. They have overwhelmed me a couple times. General yearly is around $1500. I had my vets up to $2600.00 last year but they actually bailed me out. They needed the clinic painted and I have been doing painting for years so they offset all but couple hundred. Its just par for the course when you take this on. it does though making going on vacation a real issue. Can't seem to find a babysitter lol. geez, wonder why!.
  9. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    just make sure with dry food that she gets enough water. the wet food is better than dry, for several reasons...but one being its more hydrating than dry food...

    only chris and mikey will eat wet, the one i really need to eat wet is max, but he wont....so i give them dry....i/d for problemmmatic tummies...its digested more easily....

    good luck with your kitty. shes adorable...
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    Do you have insurance on all your pets Yogi? I don't for my 4 and the vet bills have been astronomical lately with Rene getting gastroenteritis and getting dental care for Pumpkin and Monty. Milo will be next. :roll: It's wonderful you can trade services, lol's. We don't take vacas either with our small menagerie of furbabies. :mrgreen:
  11. yogi

    yogi New Member

    pic's of the family

    Vene, I tried last nite but can't seem to figure how to get pics on the site.
    sorry. I actually had some good ones too. Anyway at least they are saved on the computer gallery.
  12. vene

    vene New Member

    The most popular ones are Photobucket, Tinypic, and Snapfish. They are all free.

    From EternalFlames's post:
    Posting images is simple. Just get a photohosting account with a place such as photobucket.com

    Upload your picture. At the mentioned site, it gived u 3 formats for the picture. 3 codes. u want the code with the at the front. Just copy and paste the whole code into your thread window.

    Simple as that Smile Good luck and cant wait to see the pictures!

    For an avatar:
  13. yogi

    yogi New Member

    pics are over my head.

    Vene, sorry but this is far too complicated for someone like me. I can tear down and rebuild and engine, can build a house but this computer stuff is too much. I can e-mail my photos from my gallery just fine but this moving them all over the place is more than I have time to deal with.

    sorry, dogs, cats, birds and work and hobbies take pretty much all my time.
  14. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hi juschil...i love your kitty cat!! :eek:
  15. yogi

    yogi New Member

    pet insurance cost and value

    Unfortunately no but not for good reason. All the programs out there including the one AKC sent me info on does not really cover multiple animals. In addition, the monthly cost and deductible based on my history would have been more than what I have paid out.
    It's sort of like being single and owning 5 cars. State says you are required by law to have at least Liability insurance which I agree. Problem is that Liability insurance has nothing to do with your vehicle. It protects against anyone else's property you may damage while operating your vehicle. Good idea but as I cannot drive all 5 at the same time, why are you charging me 5 times. It makes no sense unless you are in the insurance game. The 2 largest organized crime organizations, IRS and Insurance companies. My local house and auto insurance carrier for over 20 years dinged my year before last. My auto rate went up over $175.00 in one year. When I called to ask why they stated too many personal property claims paid out in my zip code. I have had no accidents in years and no citations in over 20 years. Next thing I hear is their new commercial how if you are a good driver they reward you with low rates. BS, I am a good driver and record to prove it but they rewarded me after 20 years by increasing my rates. Their ad even mentioned that they do not penalize you for others. Well telling me the reason rates went up was due to personal injury claims in my zip code is a little contradictive. Needless to say I no longer have them and have had no luck finding an insurance program for the dogs and cats that does not do the same. I mean the likely hood of 10 dogs and 11 cats all need emergency surgery is too far remote to even fathom so until they can be realistic with regards to these programs I cannot justify giving them more each year than I would pay now directly to the vet. Even my vet agreed it would make no sense. Abbey my 13 year old pin has had one c section, one spay and one ear infection. Total for 13 years has been approx $600.00. The insurance would have cost me $1700.00. :oops:
  16. yogi

    yogi New Member

    Vene, pics on snapfish

    now but how do I move them to the site?. I was going thru options here but could not quite see how to move them.

    thanks, Yogi.
  17. TabbyLover

    TabbyLover New Member

    How to use snapfish


    go to snapfish, log in, and open your photo album.

    Select the photo you want by clicking on it (so it fills the screen)

    Right mouse click on it and select properties.

    Highlight the line that says "Address" (URL) and copy it.

    Come here to your post and press the Img button under the subject line, paste in the URL you copied from your picture, and then hit Img again.

    Voila! :eek:
  18. yogi

    yogi New Member

  19. yogi

    yogi New Member

    KC age 2, torty rumpy.

  20. yogi

    yogi New Member

    I will try this one more time.

    KC, one of my female Manx's. She is a 2 year old Torty. [​IMG]

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