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Do your cats eat vegies and fruit?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by vene, Jul 28, 2004.

  1. vene

    vene New Member

    Lynn, du, du du du du, du du du, doo, doo, bum, bum bum bum bum, bum bum , bumbum, Where is the love? All I could think of his Max's rear-end. Sorry!:mrgreen: How's Max and his bun? Do you think he can tolerate vegies with high B-12 content and assimulate (spelling?) them? By the way, I went to Kasaa (no more Morpheus-got bugged bad) and downloaded Cat Scratch Fever from Ted Nugent and quite honestly, I've never heard of it. It's neat, my son loves to dance to the beat and sing (baby babble) at the same time to the tune. :m9:
  2. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :eek: lol lol lol :0023:

    cat scratch fee-va...unh unh unh....cat scratch fee-va...unh unh unh :0019:

    max's (uhem...) diarrhea is better. now only going two to three times a day instead of ten to twelve. he still is on the med mix and the b-12 shots each week. it is helping alot.... :eek:
  3. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    If it's left on the dinner plate on the table, they will eat it.

    Spaghetti sauce, corn, anything meat-related, alfredo sauce.... whatever.

    Heck, my youngest likes to eat the fuzz on the ground. I haven't seen it in the form of a hairball yet or in her litterbox, but I bet it's bound to happen. At least she lightens up my vacuuming load.

  4. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Hunter likes lettuce. He has gotten SOOOOOOO good about not begging for food. Although this morning DH was giving him ham as he made his lunch (this made me mad!!)

    Hey Lynn...I can relate to a cat needing to go to time out...from the time we got Hunter till about 1 month ago, whenever I was cooking, eating, had guests WHATEVER...Hunter had to go to time-out because he was all in what I was doing. He just recently stopped bugging me while I do these things. He'll sit off to the side...although he knows that I'll let him have lettuce, so he gets in that while I make a salad, but I just toss him some pieces and he's fine!!!
  5. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    lol lol lol...fridaylove....

    lettuce... :roll: go figure!!!

  6. Ashimmerystar

    Ashimmerystar New Member

    My little man doesnt like veggies. When I was a kid I had a cat that would go through the trash to get the chicken bones. We would come home and the trash would be strewn all over the floor and the chicken bones would be scattered throughout the house. My cat now likes the Veggie meat that my boyfriend and I eat since we are Vegans but he DOES NOT EAT ANY VEGGIES. He loves his kitty food and NEVER begs for my food, but he is a carnivor(sp :?: )
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Fridaylove, Hunter just reminded me of Vene and Rene. Whenever I washed romaine lettus or spinach, they are always on the counter sneaking a piece. Vene used to bite the lettus and both would attack it. Sometimes Milo came along too for fun. (Rene came after Vene :m30: )

    About timeouts. I can relate. When we lived in Syracuse, NY with Pumpkin and Pooky, we had to close them in a different room at meal times. It was a French door with glass panes and they looked so cute pawing the door wanting to be let out and given chow bits. We almost felt sorry for them, but not for long. :mrgreen: :qm3: :m37:

    You and Hunter are so funny! :m39: You just reminded me that I need to vacuum my house- arrrg!

    Pumpkin used to do that too when she was a kitten. We had to put our garbage out of reach all the time. She used to swallow chicken bones and I'd worry that she would choke or slice up her esophagus and guts. At least she outgrew that. :roll:
  8. hellokittylover84

    hellokittylover84 New Member

    My kitty Galadriel loves fruit. :D She will meow :m33: every time I am eating fruit and begs for some. :m29: Her favorite fruit (and food) is bananas. It's like candy to her. But she will eat any fruit that isn't sour. She also loves celery and carrots. Which is good because I hate them so we usually share a meal when it comes with either. I know I shouldn't spoil her like that because now when dinner is almost done she sits in "her" chair at the table and waits for her plate. :m18: I tried to put her cat food at the table but she usually just stares at it. (probably hoping it will morph into whatever we are eating.[/img]
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome Hellokittylover! Galadriel must have been a vegetarian in her previous life! :mrgreen: What a lucky kitty to have her own seat at the table, lol.
    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. hellokittylover84

    hellokittylover84 New Member

    She is a very lucky and spoiled kitty :eek:. Unrelated to the topic she also thinks she's a parrot. She enjoys walking around the house perched on my dad's shoulder. She'll jump onto his bed, climb up his shirt, and sit on his shoulder while he takes her on a tour of the house. She is too silly.
  11. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    not fruits and veggies..but darn it everything i eat my jazzy wants it too..she luvs speghetti sauce, gravy, applesauce, pork chops, chicken, fish, hot dogs, coffee..thats a big one, potato chips, ice cream..if i eat..so will she..lol..but funny thing is my 2 boys..wont eat any people food..weird not even fresh chicken, or tuna ect
  12. hellokittylover84

    hellokittylover84 New Member

    My kitty loves coffee too. If you leave a cup sitting where she can get to it, the minute you walk away she will drink up. But she pretty much likes anything in a cup. Her water has to be poured in front of her from a cup into her bowl otherwise she won't drink it. And she won't drink milk unless it had cereal floating in it (doesn't matter what kind).
  13. hayanyujah847

    hayanyujah847 New Member

    Kanga loves to eat fruit!

    I thought it was the strangest thing ever until I found this thread! I have had cats my whole life but never any that liked fruits....until Kanga came along!

    Kanga loves fruit! Strawberries are her FAVORITE but she also loves apples & oranges...She will lick them for awhile and then CHOMP take huge bites. It is so weird...but so cute for cute photo ops like below!! <3
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    Hi + welcome to the board Hayanyujah! Kanga is a cutie and very unique! :mrgreen:
  15. hayanyujah847

    hayanyujah847 New Member

    Thanks so much! I actually came to this forum looking for an answer to something but don't see it on here...so I am going to make a new post :)

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