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Ear Problems?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jody, Jul 10, 2004.

  1. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    Well dam girl if you stopped scratching my back all of a sudden I be rubbing it on a door edge. Shame on you, should have some itching powder put down your pants.

    ( I'm gonna try and pluck her ears, wonder how she'll go with that. She'll probably bury my tweezers after I have finished doing it...)

    Bury the tweezers hell I would be checking for any knew and very deep holes dug in the back yard before I stepped out the back door if I did that to Arthur.
    I wonder if ? Ok I am going to us Arthur as guinea pig and me, I saw some new product in the store the other day that men can take and just wipe the ear with and then rinse I believe to remove hair in there ears. Yea I know all about the not down in the ear not if red
    --- blablabla.

    life is such fun

  2. Jody

    Jody New Member

    LMAO - Need I say anymore......... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    And I ask again....If it's only wax, is it itchy? Does it smell? :)

  4. saffy

    saffy New Member

    I don't know how to do a direct link to the website but it's called www.ItsFortheAnimals.com they have a recipe for home made ear wash that is supposed to be a good preventive medicine as well. :arrow:
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Pyrs, floppy earred dogs are prone to ear infections. all the more reason to keep the ears plucked and air flowing right.
    Also, think about foxtails and other strange things that do work their way into the eardrum. I know someone that jut had this happen to her poodle. the foxtail broke the ear drum. Had she not noticed her dog acting sick it could have worked its way into the bloodstream. Have the vet take a look.
  6. karma

    karma New Member

    Actually, there are two schools of thought regarding ear plucking and infections. One says that plucking the hair from the drop-eared breeds that are prone to infection will keep the ear cleaner and less prone to infection.

    The newer school of thought says that plucking the ear hair from some of these dogs may actually help PROMOTE infection, by opening the pores in the ear skin and leaving it prone to irritation.

    Many groomers who used to routinely clean out all hair in the ears are now finding a comfortable middle ground, plucking out only the hair that comes out easily with the fingers, or plucking out only if it's grown in thick and seems to be harboring greasy/nasty stuff.

    To summarize, it now sounds as though some infections may be caused by too much nasty hair in the ears, and some may be caused by too much plucking, which can spawn irritation and cause infections.

    I would advise consulting with your vet, who can probably make the best guess as to whether or not YOUR dog's ears should be plucked, after she/he examines them.
  7. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    Normal ear wax should have very little odor to it and the color should not be dark brown, wax from dogs is not the same as in people the color is more darker and should not be paste like as when they get and ear infection. As to itching it well if there is a build up of wax even good wax the response is to scratching at it in attempt to remove it. At this point if not cleaned it could start and infection from constant scratching.Some dogs do secrete more wax then others, this could be dew to the life style they live or some believe there food has a link but I have not seen any information on the ladder. I clean my guys ears on a regular bases but not our little one as she does not go in the woods like the other guys do. I believe if one over cleans the ears such as two or more times a week it well set off a response for the system to make more wax. Keep in mind the reason for the system to make wax is to protect the inner ear so if you constantly remove it more must be made and the more you remove it the more it well make to the point there is to much and when you stop or don't clean as often it could build up into a real mess (infection). I judge when to clean by lifting the ear flap and by how they act and there surroundings such as hiking, fleas season and playing in the lake other wise if it is just dirty I take baby wipes and clean off the ears. As to removing the hair after some thought I don't agree with it for my guys.
    This is not a scientific study it is what I have learned over 35 years and from friends with more then 40 years of care and articles read over time of course as with any thing one can agree or disagree.
    I wish to clarify something here I am relating my experiences and what I have learned over the years and not telling any person that they need or should follow my beliefs. If asked I well try to tell how I take care of any given situation as taught to me or by time learned. I well not sit here and argue and send articles to prove any point I may have. You can chose to say no or ask why but in the end do as you wish. I well not give advise I don't know any thing about and if I don't know then I well say so. Life is and on going learning experience and if we decide to share what we have learned with others may be it well make a better world, but only to those who are welling to open there eyes and ears to that around them.

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