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  2. Microworms - Live Aquarium Foods

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  4. Live Spirulina

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End Of An Era

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by loves-da-pits, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Ten years ago I came to this Forum to introduce my two new PitBulls. Reese and Grace. On Monday July 14, 2014 I release Reese from his earthly body which started to fail him a year ago. I came here looking for advise after getting these two crazies since I wasn't an expert. Needless to say I have never been so in love with a dog my whole intire life. I became an advocate for PitBulls and Grace and Reese have been great Ambassadors. Coming here is like coming full circle and strangely as I held him in my arms, looking into his beautiful eyes as the Vet gave him his injection, I thought about how I would come to this forum to tell all the Reese and Grace antics, which there were many I might add. So it only seem fitting to visit here to tell of his passing.

    The pain of loosing him is worse than anything I can imagine. I have no joy, nothing to look forward to, just an ache that never goes away. I walk around like a zombie and can barely get dress and comb my hair in the mornings. But the joy in Reese's life was knowing that I was happy. To honor his memory I have to pull myself together and take care of all the other orphan animals we have taken in, not to mention Gracie is grieving as well. I just hope I will be able to heal before it's time to set her spirit free.

    I ask myself if I would have skipped having my sweet boy to avoid this pain? Absolutely not. Am I ever going to give that special piece of my soul again.....probably not. Friends like Reese come along only once in a life time. I would not miss the 11 1/2 years we had for anything else in the world.

    I just pray that there really is a Rainbow Bridge and when the time comes for me to step out of this darkness, Reese, Grace, and all my babies will be there to welcome me into the light.

    Thank you for letting me to purge my soul of this pain and put it in writing. I'm hoping I can remember Reese with Smiles instead of tears someday.

    Sharon O

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