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Feeling LOWER than Low.

Discussion in 'General Topics & Support Issues' started by Maraya, Nov 6, 2005.

  1. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    I was at this job for nearly a year......never got a raise or review and now they're letting me go. I took pride in my work but it looks as if only I was noticing....and no one else. At last week's meeting with all the staff - they introduced the new gals right in front of me.....BEFORE even telling me I was being let go. I sat there humiliated, hurt and wide eyed......then AFTER the meeting, I was informed.

    Feeling low............thats why I come in here....when people lower me.......ANIMALS cheer me up and raise my spirits. Pictures......and animal chat.

    Anyway, thats my issue. :cry: not to mention, today my monthly cramps are bad........to the point of nausea and vomity feeling. :cry:

    I need all the cute fuzzy furry animal pics I can get........ :wink:
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Sorry you are feeling down. It sounds like this just wasn't the job for you. I bet you'll find another job that is a lot better than that one and you'll be a lot happier. Hang in there. I'm sure things will get better for you really soon.
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm so sorry to hear you lost your job :( Hopefully you'll get a better job soon, and something good will come from all this. That's what happened to me: I worked as an extra at a newsstand for almost two years, working between 120 and 170 hours every month with a lousy salary. When I asked if I could get a permanent position (clearly the need was there when an extra had to work that much) I just got "no" as an answer, no explanation why... I quit and had a couple of jobs here and there (none of them made me rich, but at least I was happy working there) before I got my current job at the duty free shop where I live. Just to compare: at the newsstand I got 99NOK pr. hour (approx. $15), now I get ca. 170NOK pr. hour! (approx. $26) :shock:
    (That's waaay more then someone my age should have though, but I'm not complaining :wink: )

    Kyrre sends you a balloon and wishes you happy job hunting :D
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    *HUGS* I hope you will perk up soon. Your old workplace does not deserve you. Heck with them. You will find happiness in another place where people will appreciate you. Keep your chin up and hang in there.
  5. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    awww THANK YOU you guys! your sweet caring messages really brightened my morning up. I heart ya all! :p

    and Bente..you're so right......and thank you for the pic and the balloon from Kyrre. made my very heart smile! Adorable kitty!

    I feel better now....today........once again, thanks for all your sweet messages.

  6. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Maraya. Hang in there. I'm sure things will get brighter. Sometimes a job is just not meant to be. I agree with the others, there is something better out there for you. When I get down days, I hang onto the idea that it will pass.

    I've always loved the song...The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow from the play Annie. I especially like it when they sing...The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow, It's Only a Day Away. It helps brighten my spirits.
  7. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    Thanks for your support hun. and you're right...

    "this too shall pass......."

    I find comfort in that too.
  8. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Remember every ending leads to a new beginning. Company's loss. They don't deserve you if they can not recognize a good worker, or at least have the decency to talk to you and work on improvements if they felt things weren't up to par.

    Good luck with your new endeavours. It will all work out. :y_the_best:
  9. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    thanks so much for your support.

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