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foster puppy has parvo

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Mar 4, 2006.

  1. rottie

    rottie New Member

    Use childrens pedialyte (sp)...It works wonder on puppies with parvo...My puppy had parvo and when force feed her pedialyte with a babies medicine syringe. gave her 2 bottles of it and she was better within a day.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I have been using children's pedialyte but she has been unable to keep it down so far.

    I am going to try it again this afternoon, after her next Reglan shot. I am also getting some Rebound Liquid Diet that the vet suggested I water down with pedialyte. I can try baby food again, but the last time I put a dab on her tongue, she was vomiting a minute later. That was a couple days ago, though, so hopefully it will go better this time.

    Mary Kate relapsed Monday night, just as I was going to go to bed and actually sleep for a couple hours in a row. I was up all night tending her. Her tummy was so gurgly I could hear it across the room. I was forcing parvaid+pedialyte into her all night. In the morning she seemed better. Then she started eating I/D again. She has since quite eating that, but I think it's because she doesn't like it. I gave her a jar of baby food and she wolfed it down. I thought she was going to eat the jar itself! So then I mixed her kibble with some I/D and she ate all of that as well. If it settles okay, my husband has instructions to feed her more. She has yet to have any stool since the relapse, but the vet isn't concerned. She is running and jumping and pouncing and barking and getting into trouble. I think she will be fine. :)
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    The vomiting and diarrhea has mostly stopped. She seemed more alert briefly, but I don't like the way she looks now. She is very lethargic. I have been giving her pedialyte or pedialyte mixed with Rebound and she has been keeping it down. She has a slight fever. I took her glucose level and it was low so I put some light syrup on her gums and it went higher. Maybe she's just not so good at night? Worn out?

    She actually drank a tiny bit of water on her own this afternoon. I was so hopeful. Now I'm scared. I should have just paid to hospitalize her. :(

    How the heck can I jumpstart her to get her eating?
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    temps usually go higher in the afternoons... don't know why, thats just what I've always been told and observed....

    perhaps taking little bits on your fingers and putting it on the roof of her mouth?
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I wonder if she could have some infection the antibiotics aren't taking care of. The vet chooses from the ones our group already has access to rather than the ones that are best and I hate that! Maybe I should call and see if I can buy something different if it would be better.

    I think she has been keeping down the pedialyte I have been giving her.

    What if she has given up and doesn't want to come back to us? I don't know how to reach her.
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    The vets Ive worked with, antibiotics of choice for Parvo are Naxcel injection while in the hospital (as far as I know, up until I left it wasnt available in oral form), for oral meds they use cephelexin unless the dog reacts to that with vomiting then they would switch to amoxicillin.

    Some vets do a combination of two antibiotics and some use Chloramphenicol which is another broad spectrum antibiotic.

    Dont know if that helps and I dont know if there are 'better' meds and they were used due to convenience but they work. Baytril is good but last I heard its not recommended in growing pups (or kittens).

    I dont really know what to say if you think she has given up :(
    There have been pets that Ive worked with where you can see it in their eyes that theyve give up, its heartbreaking. I remember a puppy, only about 7 or 8 weeks old, he had parvo, was already being treated and had been transferred to us (a little lab mix), I worked with him for two 14 hour shifts, when I left after the first shift I didnt think he would make it but I went in for my next shift and he was still alive.....I spent every chance I got that day sitting with him, talking to him, this little pup had been born in a shelter, adopted by someone and was at their home for just a few hours then hospitalized. I unhooked him from his IV fluids and took him outside, I put him next to the flowers, the grass, for the first time in 2 days his eyes showed some life in them, he managed to lift his head up, he was wobbly but he started to sniff the things around him, I had a cat toy (one of those jingly balls) and rattled it near him, he tried to raise his paw to reach it. Unfortunately while I was holding him I noticed a lump in his abdomen, it turned out that the original vet at the shelter had done a fecal test and missed coccidia, the pup had developed an interscusseption (sp). There was nothing more we could do for him. I was in tears when we put him to sleep, the only thing that helped me deal with this was I know I tried, I really did, a little puppy who had probably never even felt the grass under his feet before got that chance.

    There were a couple of people I worked with that thought I was a bit of a 'nut', what made me think that by taking him outside and spending time with him would help him when all the medical attention he'd got wasnt working.....the thing is, Ive done it before and it has worked (maybe). A dog that had been in a coma after coming out of anaesthesia, all vital signs showed after 2 days that the dog wasnt going to make it, I sat with him every chance I got, I pulled on his feet, played with his ears, I took him outside lay him on a blanket with the sun on him, , I talked to him....I checked his heart rate on and off and then I noticed his heart rate had increased slightly....he walked out of the hospital the following day.

    Then there was the only dog Ive seen survive a Mojave Green Snakebite (obviously not a dry bite), the dog basically died a couple of times and she was rescussitated (sp), comatose for 4 days, she was taken care of medically but wed had a really busy day, when I finished my shift I decided to spend some time with her, just again, talking to her pulling on her feet, her ears, her tongue had been sticking out the whole time she was 'out' and we had been putting vaseline on there so it didnt dry up, I was putting more vaseline on and as I pulled her tongue out a little more she flicked it....after just a short while her eyeslids started to flicker, within half an hour she was raising her head.

    So, did the personal touch help, I honestly dont know, I know it didnt make anything worse and I know it doesnt always work but I read a story a while back about human babies in a Russian orphanage, there werent enough people there to take care of them and other than feeding and changing them there was no human contact, studies showed that babies that did not have human contact had a much higher death rate, they werent sick to start off with....just left in a crib...alone. If giving contact to a human baby can make the difference between life and death then I dont see why it would be any different for animals....its always worth a try.
  7. sexandthecitygal83

    sexandthecitygal83 New Member

    some of my news

    my baby is going through the same thing except they havent told me its parvo yet i would take him to the vet and let him stay thats what my bay is doing this is day 2 and he is still there he is on iv's and not vomiting anymore and thats a good sign they say he is a lil fighter i love my baby and i pray for him more than me he is my baby i love him so much u have no idea i will pray for ur puppy along with my baby pepper but i have heard that after the 3 days they should make it this is what i heard
  8. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    My previous run ins with Parvo were that I always left the dog with the vet.
    1 was a roommate's 7 month old male Rotti he was home on day 4, we bleach everything while he was away.
    2 was a Lab/Shepard Mix home on day 5.
    3 was 1 year Dobie/Lab, home on day 4.
    Number 4 was 3 month old Staffordshire Terrier, home on day 3.
    The 5th was 9 month old Staffordshire Terrier she was home on 4rth day but returned for 7 days as she contracted Canine coronavirus during here first visit. The vet thinks the Dobie/Lab was a carrier so we put him through the Parvo Vacc treatment again. He lived to be 18 years old. And we had no more Parvo but then again no new dogs were introduced for several years.

    All these dogs survived but the last one Pepsi has had some stunted growth issues and is a little prone to sudden heat exhaustion (sp). She is now 13 and still going strong.
    I could not have done what you guys are attempting in home recovery for this horrible desease.
  9. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I know that with humans, our body's cortisone levels drop off in the evenings. That's why we are always sicker at night. Probably the same for dogs.

    Delauk, those stories made me tear up. :( But I would agree. I'm sure the personal touch does help.

    Still pulling for yall! She seems like a fighter!
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    How's it going Jamiya? Any better? She should be showing signs of improvement by now...
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I gave her small amounts of Rebound every hour for four hours. After the fourth hour, she threw it up.

    I called the Parvaid people and she suggests that I giver her 5 drops of parvaid in a quarter teaspoon Rebound every hour. I can use Pepto Bismol to coat her stomach first if necessary. Someone else told me that Sleppery Elm powder can do the same thing. If this doesn't work, I am supposed to call her back.

    I hesitate because I don't want her to lose her antibiotic, but I think I have to risk it. When I am giving her liquids, it makes her tummy gurgle. :(

    I do think she looks better, though. Maybe it's the honey I was putting on her gums. The vet seemed opposed to that.
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well your doing great, dispite what the vet has told you. Just keep it up. Iknow your drained.... but it's all worth it, I promise.
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    After a rough night, Ashley seems improved this morning. She is more alert, her fever hasn't spiked since night before last, and she seems to be better hydrated. I think her blood sugar is under control and she hasn't had that gummy, glassy look in her eye since day before yesterday. This morning she was standing up in her pen and she wagged her tail when she saw me come out of the bedroom. When I sat in her pen to give her fluids, she crawled into my lap. When I fed Mary Kate, Ashely jumped up on the side of her pen! I put some baby food and liver puree in her pen and she sniffed it. Later, she sampled the baby food. She drank some water.

    She's still having trouble keeping stuff down, and she still has the cough and runny nose that concerns me. But I think we are moving in the right direction. She must have gained some nutrition from the feedings yesterday, despite throwing them up in the end. After the first time she vomited, I started again with parvaid/Rebound, only a quarter teaspoon an hour. She kept it down for 5 hours this time before losing it. Then I tried Nutri-cal, but she vomited that up in only a couple hours.

    I am at work, but I have a friend sitting with her today. She is giving her the parvaid/Rebound, Reglan shot, fluids if necessary, and loving on her. And watching over Mary Kate. Now all I have to do is stay awake at my computer until it's time to go home. I am too darned old for this.
  14. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I hope Ashley has made it over hte hump, good luck
  15. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Well, all that sounds promising! Hang in there girl.
  16. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Ugh. Instead of going to work, I should have slept while my friend sat with her. So far she is keeping her "food" down, which is great! I need sleeeeeeeep....... :shock:
  17. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Jamiya, if she's doing ok... take you a couple hour nap!
  18. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I think I am going to go to two hour feedings tonight, or maybe even 3 hours, so I can sleep some. Why the heck is it so hard to go to sleep when you are overtired?? I was falling asleep at work all day, but I get in bed for a solid one-hour nap and I can't fall asleep! Sheesh.

    She has been taking Parvaid in Rebound hourly all day, starting with 1cc and we are up to 4cc now. She also has had liver and/or baby food and/or nutrical smeared in her mouth occasionally, and I just gave her 1/2 tsp liver last hour.

    She has only had 250cc subQ fluids today and I think she is doing okay in that regard. We will skip the usual night fluids. I'm still giving her the Reglan injections, though, and will start weaning her off them in another couple days.

    I am hoping she will start eating on her own tomorrow or the day after.
  19. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Sounds to me likes she's doing much better. her appetite will come back. It might take a little bit though. Looks to me like you did a WONDERFUL job and she's going to make it!!!

    Congrats Jami!!! Lets just keep our fingers and hearts crossed and hope for the best!

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