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good fry recipies

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by pookiepets, Jul 16, 2005.

  1. pookiepets

    pookiepets New Member

    ehhh palties stomachs not as big and no babies wat shall i do i need good recipies and easy to make ones
  2. sakura.seppun

    sakura.seppun New Member

    The easiest thing that I have found for my new platy fry is to put flake food into a bag and rub it into a powder. Then when it comes time for feeding just take a toothpick, dampen it, and dip it into the food. There should be just a little food stuck to the tip, then just touch it to the water, and there you go! The perfect amount of food.

    Platy fry are too small at first to eat brine shrimp, but once the gain about another 1/4 of their birth size, you should be able to feed them brine shrimp.

    That's what I have been doing, and all of mine are healthy and growing. ^.^

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