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Help me design a new dog park, Need ideas.

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Jun 11, 2004.

  1. Zekesmom

    Zekesmom New Member

    Sounds like heaven on earth! I hope I get to visit the park!! You may have posted it but is there a timeline for the park as far as groundbreaking, construction, completion?
  2. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    The rules do state that no bitches in heat are allowed in the park but so far un-neutered males are allowed. There is also a rule that all dogs should be off leash when in the park to avoid something called leash aggression. It seems a dog on a leash in ther presence of dogs not on a leash gets very protective and aggressive. I have personally witnessed an incident where some people walked their dog into the park and immediately a group of off leash dogs ran up to greet the new arrival and he went into a snarling tizzy. As soon as he was let off the leash he ran off with the pack happy as can be.

    The Houston Dog Park Association posted some photos of the Millie Bush Park dedication on their web site at: http://www.houstondogpark.org/photos.htm
    There are some really good photo's there.
    We actually have immediate plans for three more dog parks here in Harris County, Texas.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Where does the money come from?

  4. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    The dog parks are funded the same as parks for people. Mainly out of the Capital Improvement Program which receives both general revenue allocations from an ad valorem tax and also bond funds. In 2001 the voters approved a 60 million dollar park bond issue to fund new County park development.
    We also construct these facilities using in-house labor and equipment so the only cost is for materials. The fencing and parking lot are the real high cost items.
    Most frequently I am asked how we maintain the dog parks. At Millie Bush the parks staff empties the waste collection cans twice a day an weekends. As for the grounds I have noticed that more and more people are obeying the rule to pick up after your dog but at 15 acres it's not always easy to follow your dog. As a back up, each weeken the county jail sends out a group of a work release prisoners to clean up the park. The work release program is voluntary. Yesterday I saw a group of about fifteen working the clean up detail. I chatted with one group who stopped to pet Duke and Freckles and they said they loved the chance to come to this park to work because they could visit with the dogs.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thats a great idea. Kinda like Cell dogs!
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I finally got to read through the Dog Park site you showed us, Dukesdad. It sounds awesome! I wish we had such a thing here. There are two parks that have an off-leash area, but I don't think either one is totally fenced in (can you believe it?!). There is a totally secure one at one of the shelters now, which is where we go. It's nowhere near as nice as yours is, but it's a place for the doggies to run. Not many people use it, or at least not yet. And you have to pay $17.50/month or $120/year - which all goes to the shelter so I don't mind. So far I have only seen shelter dogs and the dogs of shelter workers using it. Oh, and one other guy that had the sweetest aussie mix ever!! (We wanted to take that dog home with us, but he wouldn't let us.)

    If I were to try and start an association like that, I would never have time to spend with my dogs! I have no idea who to even approach about improving on the existing "dog parks" and building more.

  7. Jules

    Jules New Member

    Wow, lucky, lucky dogs!!!
    We have nothing like that over here. We do have parks that dogs can go leash free- yet there are always people who do not like dogs around, it seems. On the leash free tracks there are also bike riders that get really annoyed with the dogs sometimes. They have to understand that there aren't many places left for dogs to run free, and they have as much right to be there as they do. It seems there are many rules here and signs all over the place (confusing ones!) about where dogs should be on a lead and where they shouldn't. I'd love a place specifically designed for dogs- because it would be a great opportunity for them to play and socialise, and I wouldn't get people complaining about them, coz I'm sure everyone there would be dog lovers!
    Anyway, I think maybe you should have some little mounds (kind of like a bmx track) and maybe some jumps for the dogs to go over. I think there should be signs saying people use this park at their own risk... (when will people start taking responsibility for their own actions?? And stop trying to pass the blame??) Maybe a little seesaw they can walk over...
    I think the fountain thing sounds great, one of my dogs barks and bites at the water coming from the hose. The sandpit is also a great idea.
    So when are you coming to Australia??!!

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