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I am VERY angry and need advise! about my dog.....

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by LucyLu, Sep 18, 2005.

  1. LucyLu

    LucyLu New Member

    Hmmmmm ok I see what you are saying. Now I am really confused.
  2. LucyLu

    LucyLu New Member

    So should I just tell my vet to forget it and not give him the boosters in 3 weeks? He had the inital vaccine on Friday so there is no turning back on that now. A different vet also told me that he needs the boosters. I am confused. Should I go to a different vet? We already had all those heart tests done at this vet. I AM SO IRRITATED. I FEEL SO HELPLESS!
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    It can be so confusing! You want what's best for your dog and your vet should know, but then you find out he's wrong! I know the feeling.

    Maybe you could ask him why he feels the dog would need more shots. Or call a third vet and ask. Or you can just turn down the shots - there is no law that says you have to have them. One rabies is enough to satisfy the law.

    As for the heart - I would wait and see what he says the results are and the course of treatment. If you want, you could have the test results sent to another vet for a second opinion. Most vets shouldn't be offended at this.

    But a LOT of vets are uninformed about vaccinations and nutrition but good at the other sorts of things.
  4. LucyLu

    LucyLu New Member

    Thanks for your support. It's so frustrating because I just want to take care of my dog. I feel like I am taking my car to a mechanic and they are telling me one thing while others are telling me another thing. And since I don't know anything about the mechanics of cars, I am very confused. I am doing to do some more research online. Thanks again.
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I agree with Jamiya on this, at a year old weve only ever given one vaccine. If the dog is 'around' 6 months (maybe questionable ion its age)we might give an additional vaccine after 3 weeks, its up to the vet but no, I dont recall ever giving dogs of a year or more, more than one set of vaccines.

    Hope the results arent so bad but just so you know, there are many dogs that live full happy lives with some heart problems.

    I am a little surprized that this was not picked when Murphy was under anaesthesia, I cant remember right now exactly which drugs increase the HR, the ones we used commonly were Ketamine, Telazol, both increased HR, if a dog had an irregular rapid HR we would use something like Propofol which would slow it down a little...point is, it only takes a couple of seconds with a stethescope to pick up on the fact that something is not quite right. One of my dogs had a heart murmur and was bradychardic, she went through a barage of tests before we put her under for a dental cleaning....but then again Im not a vet so this is just my opinion....Im still surprized though!!!
  6. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    if I wouldn't be going back and forth across the ocean, i would never have vaccinated Luther so much, and I put off the shots as long as I can.
  7. LucyLu

    LucyLu New Member

    I heard from the vet today and she said that she looked at the ECG but the cardiologist hasn't called her back about with her/his opinion. She said Murphy has some kind of blockage in his heart and that it isn't telling the heart when to beat properly BUT she doesn't think it looks bad enough for him to be put on medicine!!!!!!!! :eek:
    So my prayers are being answered so far. She is calling me back once she hears from the cardiologist.
    At least this is some kind of good (or great!) news.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Wonderful! Hopefully Murphy will have a long and happy life with you.
  9. Jas

    Jas New Member

    I agree with Jamiya on this. IMO he should be sufficiently covered. Please have a read: New Vaccine Protocols http://www.naturalrearing.com/newsandvi ... otocol.htm with Dr. Jean Dodds input on the program changes vet hospitals will be making.

    Typically regular vets can pick up murmurs/problems but unless they have the equipment and the knowledge they might not be able to detect problems - could be a reason it was over looked before, also some heart murmurs can come and go throughout a dogs life. Only a specialist can give proper diagnosis.

    Wish you best of luck!
  10. woofdoggy42

    woofdoggy42 New Member

    I am very angry and need advise.....

    Hi LucyLu,
    I've just come into this group and been reading this post, and can see you've had a lot of really good advice from others. All I can say now is how wonderful it is you love Murphy so much and are doing everything you can for him. Would other dogs were so lucky!! I can only join with the others in wishing you both a happy and joyous time together. As someone else said heart conditions are not always as bad as they sound, and I know many dogs who have lived long and happy lives with less than perfect hearts.
    Best of luck.

  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Finally!! I hope the vet schools really are changing what they are teaching. And I hope the boarding kennels adapt soon after and stop requiring all these massive shots before boarding. As it is, I can only board my dogs at one place (who asks but never wants to see actual papers) unless I want to forge documents, which of course I would rather not do.

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