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I Found an Awesome Raw food Supplier In My Area...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by pamr61, Aug 18, 2004.

  1. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Jamiya: I'm feeding the meat with a high grade kibble with bone meal in it. Should I still feed the bones, also? They eat 16 oz. of kibble in the morning and the meat with about 10 oz. of kibble at night.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Personally, I would skip the kibble and add raw meaty bones to the diet. I'm thinking I remember reading that bone meal is not a good subsititute for bone, but I'm not sure. I guess if the kibble is balanced then kibble and meat would be okay, but I'm not really sure.

    Ummm, so my official answer is - I don't know! :?
  3. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Jamiya-- Yes, I do give Rusty meat on top of chicken necks. I just thought chicken necks would be a good way to give him the bones he needs too...do they count as bones? I found some bigger beef bones with a good amount of meat on them and gave him one last night... he really enjoyed it. But I do always give him hunks of just meat, along with a daily portion of the pre made frozen raw food rolls I bought at the pet store with his Linatone supplement in it. Now that I found this guy in Seattle that I can get all sorts of meat cuts and organs from, I can get started on making my own ground mix to feed him along with occasional necks and bones.
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm not sure if chicken necks count as bones or not. I'd toss him a chicken leg a couple times a week. They're fairly cheap, and if your family gets hungry you can cook them up and eat them yourselves. :)

    Do you cut up the hunks of meat, or hand him a slab? Better to hand him a slab (of appropriate Rusty-size, of course) than to chunk it up for him.

    I avoid ground meat, but others feed it regularly. I really like the meaty pork ribs I find at Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market. They are a little pricier than I like (around $2.00/lb) but not TOO bad, and they are very meaty yet still have a lot of bone.

    My staples are chicken quarters twice a week, pork ribs once or twice a week (if once then another pork cut that week), and a whole raw fish once a week. The other two days I try to feed some alternate meat source - duck, game hen, turkey, rabbit, beef, or whatever I can find.

    I like getting a whole chicken fryer and cutting it up - I try to get one that's around 4 pounds and then hack it into quarters and feed one part each day. That way I know they are getting the equivalent of a whole chicken in the right proportion of bone and meat.....but it's hard to justify $1/pound for a whole chicken when I can get leg quarters (that are HUGE) for $0.37/pound.
  5. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    I guess I tend to give him bites of meat rather than just a big hunk. I'll have to try just handing him a slab of something.I have given him chicken drumsticks before, and he seemed to do okay with them. I do have the advantage in that Rusty is a LOT cheaper to feed than a lot of you have...even at a couple of bucks a pound, it's tolerable. Pretty much whatever we are having, I cut some off for him before I cook it.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Sam regarding veggies, tyr steaming them, Jake wont eat plain uncooked veggies, but he will eat them cooked. but he does like canned peas.


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