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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lynnhaz, Jul 28, 2004.

  1. vene

    vene New Member

    Lynn, I'm sorry all 3 of you are so stressed. It's going to take some time, patience, and effort to make your kitties settle down. Did Mikey break your skin? If so, you may need antibiotics. Stress may make a cat lash out at you so this may not be an usual thing that Mikey does. You might want to leave him alone for a while and let him settle in his new place. Max needs extra reassurance right now so you need to spend more time with him until he gets used to another kitty in the household. Cats are territorial so Max thinks his space is being invaded right now and he's showing displeasure. I think we need to lower our expectations and expect things to be ugly for a while. If Mikey is in a bitey mood, give him a stuffed toy to attack like Footsie recommended in other posts. Lynn I'm so sorry I can't be there and help you and I've never experienced your situation. We've always thrown our cats together immediately without separating them like the experts recommended. We get hissing for a day or 2 from 1-2 cats and then they all got along after 2 weeks with the exception of Pumpkin. She's an old grouge and never took to Vene but accepted everyone else very slowly, over a course of a few months. I hope some of these articles help out. If not I'll try to look for some cat aggression articles. Keep us updated. Also if Mikey doesn't work out after a couple of months, will the shelter take him back? I hope it doesn't come to this.




  2. vene

    vene New Member

    Looks like Nern may have solved Mikey's problem! :eek:
  3. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    vene...can you go to chat??? and anyone else for that matter?? :wink:
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Never tried chat or paid any attention to the chat post. I'll try and you can PM me now also if chat doesn't work.
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm in the chat now. I'll wait a few minutes to see if anyone comes in.
  6. vene

    vene New Member

  7. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :eek: okay!!! here is the abbreviated update!!! :shock: :m27:

    1. yesterday he bit me...hard...

    2. today i thought he was spraying

    3. he has used his litter box very well

    4. he is eating well

    5. max caught a glimpse of him

    6. max seems to be fine after pooping down my air purifier
    yesterday :roll:

    7. ive taken pictures

    8. i found out he is NOT spraying....his poo just smelled awful!!! i had it
    in a odor proof bag..but the smell was so bad it was coming from the

    9. he has got to be the most loving cat i have ever been around...
    rubbing, head knocking, paws on shoulders...etc

    10. he is still a little fiesty though....a little biter at times. he is very
    strong so i am squirting him, and that seems to help

    i think he will be okay. i cannot imagine that a kitty that is soooo loving most of the time, is mean and aggressive. he just needs discipline and consisitency.

    :m10: :m34:
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    You know Lynn, the moo cow cat that visited us looked very friendly too, purring, rubbing hubby, the whole 9 yards and bit my husband out of the blue and that's how he got a nasty infection that required immediate medical care after a couple of days of ignoring it. :roll:

    I'm sure that Nern was right. Mikey was overstimulated and will calm down soon. Sounds like the squirt bottle is a good thing! You're doing really well. :D :m10:
  9. nern

    nern New Member

    Good luck Lynn. I'm glad he was NOT spraying. :m27:
  10. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    LOL, Lynnhaz. You poor thing. Now you have two kittens to give you a hard time. :wink: I wish all three of you all the best and that you will all be one big happy family very soon. :D
  11. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    lol...thank you for the support you guys :shock:

    chessmind...i didnt really think of it that way...BUT ITS TOTALLY TRUE!!! :roll: i think i have become desensitized from max...his medical issues, his daily and frequent time outs :0010: although, once i got mikey here...i can see very clear differences between them.

    mikey is totally affectionate...repeatedly puts his paws on my face, cuddles up to me, lays next to me...stretches out and "chills". :love_y_t_much:

    max, on the other hand, racks out on the desk regularly when i am on the computer, :m25: but rarely cuddles with me. he is a baby though. he looks like one, and he acts like one. he is my love. as mischievious as he is...he is just sooo sweet, but a total character...ALL THE TIME TOO!!! :m9: i will have a special place in my heart for each one.
    max...for everything we have gone through, and i got him when he was a baby. on a daily basis i thought he was going to dehydrate and die. 8-[

    mikey...because he is a rescue cat...and so sweet despite everything he has been through. lets hope he gets a handle on the nipping and no more biting like a couple days ago. although the sprayer works very well with him. with max. he just stands there getting soaking wet...then licks the water off him!! :m27:
  12. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm very happy to hear that Mikey has not bitten/nipped you recently and that he is truly affectionate. How are your hands?

    LOL's about Max with the squirt bottle. Bengals love water and that's an understatement! Water sprays and splashes never deters Rene from doing "bad stuff." I have to physically remove her from the source or distract her with something else.
  13. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :shock: :shock: :shock: lol...is that not the truth!!!! i swear....he is a goofus :m37:

    max says "mow, mow, ehh ehhe ehh" to rene. (that last part is the bengal chatter, if ya know what i mean) :m27: =P~
  14. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I'm so happy for you Lynn. Keep up the great work!
  15. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    BELLACK!!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN????? :m34:
  16. footsie

    footsie New Member


    You haven't met Footsie!

    Although he's the reverse: A kitty that is soooo mean and aggressive most of the time and sometimes loving.
    ](*,) Kidding. He's not that bad...
  17. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :eek: :eek: :eek:



    well...max decided today that he no longer wants the towel under the door to the room that mikey is in. up to this point, he really hasnt even paid any attention, except a couple of times when he caught a glimpse of mikey when i opened the door.


    so, he takes his claws and removes the towel that was stuffed under the door. i tried to put it back...he would have nothing to do with that. :shock: so, ever since then, they have been playing with each other under the door...paws touching each other, playing with a string....making little chirping noises.

    :wink: :kiss_heart:
  18. vene

    vene New Member

    Now you've done it. The sterile field or force field is now broken. You've no choice but let the 2 together. Are you going to let them meet? Heck, they are already sharing germs!
    Sounds like they're going to be great buddies! :qm4: :qm2:
  19. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member


    so i walk back to check on them. the door is still closed. mikey has his whole arm sticking out under the door, and max (SOFTLY!) pounced on it and makes a little chirp.

    i think they are going to be hysterical with each other. :eek: :m11:
  20. nern

    nern New Member

    LOL Lynn. How cute! I can't wait to hear about their first real introduction. :D

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