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I'm the worst person in the world!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, May 7, 2004.

  1. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    I know you are always busy with the newbies that find you, but I would love to see the little ones.

    Is mommy sweet or still pretty scared?
  2. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Would love to see pictures and if I can help place them ,let me know .
    glad to hear the dog got help too .That was the most important thing was he got help fianally .Also happy to hear the man was cited !
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH momma has tamed WAY down! She's sooo cute, but VERY protective of the babies she's growled at us many times and snaped at Char through the kennel. But once she see's that we aren't hurting them or taking them away she's ok. But watches intently. I don't think she's going to be adoptable, but I really won't beable to tell until the pups are weaned and gone. Her whole attitude may change, but with her food agression and fear (snapping) I just don't know.

    I bought some of the puppy wipes to wipe them down a bit, (we've been having some serious storms down here and I didn't want to leave them outside so I wiped them down and brought them in....)
    No fleas or anything, but its probabaly because its been soo wet.

    I've been feeding momma some milk replacer for cattle. Its just straight suckle. She's putting weight back on and producing a bit more milk. All puppies are healthy and little rolly pollies. I think they've doubled in size in less than a week!!!!

    I boiled a chicken down and added a boulion and some really soggy rice. She wolfed it down like nothing! I leave dry food in there for her all day in a self feeder. But she's just not in tune with that.... Smokey and CHar are really jelous. They can't come in the garage or house because of momma dog and the pups. I'm picking up the shots for the pups today and momma already had hers.

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