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Interrupted meows, shaking head

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lunaguy, Jun 4, 2004.

  1. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Hi all,

    Thanks for the nice comments vene and lynnhaz, Luna says thanks! :)

    Well, my visit to the internist was confusing but worthwhile I guess. I wasn't able to get an appointment with the experienced doctor that my vet recommended (there was a 2 week waiting list and didn't want to delay since Luna is still taking the probably unneeded antibiotics), and had to settle on someone who just got their first dvm license less 5 months ago. Anyway, she was very nice, and after examining Luna's ears, eyes, and throat, said that she looked completely normal (no evidence of the "opaque" eardrums that my vet had found).

    She said that at this point, the best way to diagnose exactly what was happening inside her would be to take her on a 6 hour roundtrip journey to Portland to get an MRI of her head, which would cost between $800-$1000. She explained that sometimes unexplained head shaking can be a sign of a type of brain tumor, although Luna wasn't exhibiting any other symptoms of that. She also said that the more conservative route would be to bring her in for a thorough ear exam under anesthesia, which is what I had expected her to say, although she felt that the results would be inferior to an MRI because of the lack of brain-area inclusion in the results. I don't know, at this stage in the game, I think that the MRI would be premature and would cause more stress on her than anything else. She wails whenever she is in the car, and a trip to Portland would be really difficult on her, not to mention the scariness of an MRI. Although if it is really needed, I would do it.

    So far, I have consulted with 3 vets (one of which was the one my mom talked to) and each one had a different idea of what could be happening. One thought it was an inner ear infection, the other considered a brain tumor, and the third suggested that we ask our vet about prescribing an antihistamine to see if that had an effect. I wish Luna could just explain to me how she is feeling! She does sneeze a couple of times a week and occasionally "snorts" (exhales loudly through her nose) so maybe there is some merit to the allergy idea.

    I think what I'm going to do is finish out her antibiotics (she has 5 days left) and then make an appointment for the thorough ear exam. I still think she could have a polyp or something in there. My mom talked to her own vet about Luna's situation, and she said that I should also explore the possibility of an allergy which could also lead to ear-related problems (congestion, pressure, popping, etc). Since then, I noticed once that when she was in the litterbox sniffing at the litter before and after using it, she shook her head a couple of times like the dust was bothering her. I just bought some paper-based litter and am going to slowly switch her over to it, because it has a lot less dust then her previous low-dust clay kind. Sometimes when the sun is shining on it just right, you can see that she was actually standing in a cloud of dust as she used the litterbox, which can't be good for her or us.

    If you can't tell, this cat means the world to me, we're inseparable. I never imagined that I could have such a strong bond with a cat as we have with each other. I've always been a "dog guy" until now. We're the best of buddies. :) I want her to have a long and healthy life, and will do whatever it takes to help that to happen.

    Anyway, thanks for letting me share, and your advice and comments are always appreciated!
  2. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    oh dear, lunaguy...how terribly frustrating and scarey. it sounds like you love your kitty so much. (as i do max...and in the past, otis who went to heaven in march of this year.) i totally understand the strong bond.

    what a dilemma. i guess i would probably go the least invasive route first to see if it is something more minor like an allergy. that is a very long drive...but you could also give the kitty a tranquilizer if you need to make the trip, so luna wouldnt have to be so stressed in the car.

    just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you...

    lynn and max
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Lunaguy. I would also start with the ear exam first. I'm hoping that with you switching cat litters to a more non-dust type, Luna would get better before the testing. An MRI would definitely be able to tell if Luna has tumors or polyps or other disorder, but it is extremely costly. An CAT scan can also do the job for much cheaper but it emits high dose x-radiation and is just as stressful on Luna. Is there an insurance policy available for Luna that would cover the cost of the expensive exams? She would obviously have to be sedated for all of the above.

    I'm thinking about switching cat litters as well but I'm not sure what to start out with. I used to use Scoop Away which said 99% dust free. It's not true and the new scented boxes smell horrible. There was dust everywhere and like you said it's not good for cats and humans. Then after hearing from people here that Arm and Hammer works great, I tried it, and I like it. There's less smell, and much less dust. Pumpkin and Rene would occassionally have teary eyes. So, I'm definitely thinking about switching the litter. Please let me know how Luna likes the paper based litter and if her shaking has gotten better because of it. Keep us updated on Luna's ear exam. Best wishes for Luna's recovery.

    What do you think of these 2 sites:



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