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Jamiya ~ Photos

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Oct 27, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    come on down Baby! WaHOOO!!!!!!
    he he he..... Yeah, its alot of fun. Clean stalls, get dirty, feed, groom clean tack...and if your lucky, youget a full 5 minutes to ride before it gets dark!
  2. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I think Taco has sour cream on her head!

    So these are rescue horses?
    They are for sale?
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Wow! What a change in Taco! She looked like a donkey when you first got her. :)

    Sams, I think I should come down there for a few weeks and you can teach me to ride and how to take care of the horses. I wish I had the time off work and I would seriously come down with the kids.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I wish everyone could come down!

    Yes, she changed alot. She came from Northern Canada. So it was ALWAYS cold there in the negatives and such.
    Once she hit this Texas heat, it was a mere 14 days and she lost all that shaggy dull coat. Now, on good feed, and healthy grass and turn out, She's blossomed into a beautiful dappled Bay. She's drawn down quite a bit since having Moonie. But nothing a little extra grain and suppliment won't fix!!!

    No they are not all rescues. Taco, Sherman, Gidgett, Jett were rescues. Tex, BJ, Buster and Lady are all breeder horses. Great bloodlines might I add.
  5. Angie

    Angie New Member

    What exactly does it mean when they are rescues? Do ya'll keep and take care of them or are they for sale/adoption?
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    you can visit LSER.org to get the resue information...

    Basically we get calls, find or whatever about abused, neglected or abandoned horses (and some times other animals). So we go out. Assess the situation and confiscate if needed or have the owners/caretakers surrender them to us. We evaluate them, rehabilitate and take all actions necessary to benifit the horse. Then it goes into fostercare to be further evaluated on individual basis as to their abilities. If they are suitable for adoption, they are placed up for adoption. If not then they are usually (if too injured or ill) euthanized. But thats in the most extreme cases. Most are adoptable.
    Then we have some people that will "donate" their horses to us. This doesn't allways mean they have been abused, or neglected. Generally people get old, or finacial problems arise and they can no longer care for the horse and will send them to us to find good homes for them. Sherman and Jett were donee's. We have several show horses, and great healthy horses that we're donee's and some that arent.

    Once adopted to a new home, they cannot be sold. If a problem arises, they are to return to LSER. No exceptions. (If family is involved, we do more inspections to make sure who the horse is going to be adopted out to for the second time, is suitable)

    We do pre inspections of the family and their facilities, and several post inspections and interviews. there is a one year "waiting" period before the horse can be adopted to the "potential owner"
    So once some one picks out the horse, and passes inspection. THey can take him home. Then a year from the date they bring him/her home, we do another inspection and if all goes well they decided to "truely" keep them, the adoption papers are signed.
  7. Angie

    Angie New Member

    My dad is wanting a horse.
    I don't think he is ready for one now but I think Taco is beautiful!
    My sister had a paint before and she was a great horse. Beautiful!!
  8. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Thats fine I love just being around them, riding is great but just being with a horse is a great feeling.
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Tell me about it.
    It's my peace of mind, therapy, and life. I honestly don't think I can live one day of my life without them. Sassy is my life. My child, my best friend. Sad thing is. I would choose her over anyone in any given situation. Thatmare is like no other. And once people meet her, they understand.

    We have a bond...I can't explain it. No one can take that away from us. It becomes quite a problem though. No one else can handle her...SO if she needs to go to the vet. I have to take her. If she needs to be moved to another pasture. I ahve to walk her. No one else can ride her unless I'm right beside her......its a pain in the butt. But a pain I can live with.

    She was born in my arms. And will die in my arms....thats one horse that will never know hungry, pain, or lonelyness.....and with her around. Neither will I.

    everyone should have a friend like her....no matter what species.
  10. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Have you posted a picture of Sassy?
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    not yet. I will this weekend though.

    These are some of THe PMU horses I hope to bring home:


    These guys are just awsome!!! And there are sooo many...

    This mare is a sister to Taco. I hope to bring her home. She's bred to the stallion "Sputty" below. Hopeuflly he can come home with me too. Only problem, hes a pasture breeder. SO he's not been handled much. And at 1400lbs, and 17hh. He's gonna be tough to deal with.


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