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Just a size question

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by lukiebo, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    And here I was worried to death my pit was to small but seems to be very average hieght I guess that is a relief lol...

  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member




    She is 30lbs chain weight, gets called a puppy....lol
  3. Freedom

    Freedom New Member

    Awesome dog truepits. At swampdog kennels here in NC they are very big into weight pulling and hold many titles and records. Their dogs range anywhere from 28lbs to 90lbs. They have this one male, I forget his name, but he was 28lbs but AWESOME at weight pulling.
  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yes I am famaliar with Swamp Dog Kennels and their paper hung AB and DDB 90lbs pull dogs :roll: , as well as their smaller and much nicer APBT/SBTs.
  5. Freedom

    Freedom New Member

    Yes, I have seen their 90lb "pit bulls" and they are probably more then likely mixed, but my point was that they are a HELL of a weight pull trainer. They have done really well with their dogs as far as medals and accomplishments go.
  6. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    OMG True, I think im in LOVE!! :kiss_heart:
    I want one of that dogs get!!!
  7. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Not probably they are mixed... Whopper dogs are KNOWN to be DDB and AB no disputing it...they're registered and that's that... SAME with Dagger dogs... BOTH lines put out GREAT pullers though...no doubt!

    I myself like the smaller pullers like Wilhe makit etc... Eddington had GREAT LITTLE dogs too...everyone overlooks them...
  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    They do have the Wilhe Makeit stuff too with the Johnny Rotten dogs, which is their APBT/SBT. I'm not debating that they have some good weight pullers, because they do, but I don't like big ugly mastiff mutts being called and being registered as APBTs.

    No doubt he had great little dogs! They do seem to get overlooked a lot, because if you mention the name eddington what most people think of is Whopper. But Wilhe Makeit was a great dog and not a mutt, Pocket Pits/Two Bits kennels have some very nice Wilhe Makeit blood. As well as some Frisco, Jeep and such.

    Max you really like her? She's my newwest addition only had her for a couple weeks now. She is one of the cutest dogs, she is so, so sweet too. Loves all over you. Thats what makes her a good puller, that and her drive and love for it, but she will try to get to you no matter what it takes. Can't wait to get her in competition, well see how it goes.
  9. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Those love bugs make the best pullers eh? LOL... She looks like she's got a champion in there for sure! Talk about determination...she eeeeks of it just from the pics...LOL... I LOVE the little Eddington dogs...LOL... I have a friend that was his buddy for a time and has a few of his dogs on his yard... QUITE a few I would say... GREAT dogs...

    I too hate the big mixed ones but can't do anything about them...since...they were registered on hung papers so long ago...ugh... Frustrating for sure...especially when they're the reason people THink Pits are giant monsters...
  10. ozzie

    ozzie New Member

    I haven't seen the 90 pounds plus pit bull, Has any one pictures?.
  11. someday

    someday New Member

    Here's a picture of Whopper


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