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Let's See Those Nicknames

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Jul 8, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

  2. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Oh wow, Jamiya! She's a cutie! And just a ferry ride across the bay from me! I'm not so sure I see the chiuaua(I know I'm spelling that wrong!), but I sure see something that looks like Jack Russell, and maybe Dachsund because of the body. Whatever, she's a doll, for sure.
    And as for a dominant dog, I guess it would depend on how dominant they mean. Rusty is really submissive, the only time he'll show anything like agression is when he feels threatened, like if a man he doesn't know walks towards him and I.... then he's afraid and will growl. But with other dogs, he has always been submissive, especially with female dogs. My grandma has a little older female poodle, and she is definitely the boss, and Rusty is okay with that. But also, I want a dog to be his friend and companion when I'm not around, so I don't want one that is crabby and domaneering to the point that she keeps him away all the time.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yeah, I would definitely want to observe Rusty with the Best Friends dachshund. Nala is a very submissive dog with other dogs, and yet pushy at the same time - she thinks other dogs were made for the sole purpose of playing with her. I think it was this combo that made one dog we tried to adopt attack her all the time. They got along for a day and then he just started jumping her - she would immediately submiss but he didn't care and I would have to pull him off her. It was stressful and horrible.

    I was talking about that recently at the dog park with one of the shelter workers, and she said there IS such a thing as a dog who is a bully. I was told no when this happened to us, but she says she has seen it many times.

    I'm not trying to say the little dachshund you found would not work out - but I would definitely be careful. My two submissive girls do quite well together.

    Did you see my second post (above) with Woodie and Crickett?

  4. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Well, Bo's real name is M&m's bluemist bold hero's promise. We call him BoBo, boogie, mommas boy, little guy.

    Missy is just that to us but shes a sweety.
    M & M's Precious Memories, Precious , presh, sweetheart.
    Jazzie is Jazzie J, momma, (she has 4 babies) razzle jazzle.

    and our new maltese: is M & M's * Fancy* White diamonds, we call her fancy, pretty girl, snowball.
  5. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    Josey: JoJo, Jo
    Pokamon (yes its spelt right): Poki

    these are dogs at my sis barn so i dnt see them much but the amount that i do, i gave them their nicknames.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Sam, best friends is in Utah.

    Pam, I was trying to find you a dog on that site because I get their mag and there is one that sounds perfect for you but she is not on the web site.

    I will check my mag again when I get home

  7. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Those other two are cute, Jamiya.... I had already looked at Cricket, she's an interesting one. Woody is a doll, but I think sounds a bit too active for what I need.... I already have a little bundle of dynamite in Rusty... I was sort of looking for a quite girl dog to hopefully teach him the value of patience and quite, contemplative thought( I can only hope, right? :wink: )
    He sure is cute though. If only I didn't have to go to work every day, I would have several dogs, and not have to worry about the alone time!
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hehe, "a quite girl dog to hopefully teach him the value of patience and quiet, contemplative thought" - well, my girl dog Nala would NOT fit that description! :)

    I have often thought that if I were independently wealthy, I could surely have many more dogs and have time for them all. Who invented this "go to work every day" thing anyway, and why can't we bring our dogs?!

    Ummm. So I sort of hijacked the nicknames thread.

    Errrr. I often call both dogs my "Baby Dogs" even though they technically won't be babies for much longer. They will always be babies to me, though! :)

  9. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Yeah, I noticed we were sort of getting off the subject :oops: Sorry!
    So here's more of Rusty's nicknames that I forgot before.... when I think about it, all of these little names I call him, it's amazing he knows his REAL name!

    Turbo dog ( after his bath)
    muttley buttley
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    That chiquita sure looks like rufus.
  11. Jules

    Jules New Member

    I couldn't agree with this more!!! I work from home but I do have a part time job, and I hate it when I have to go coz I have to leave my babies!

    Kindness101 my Mum has a dog named Missy, and her nickname is Missy Moo. Feel free to use that on your un-nicknamed girl!

    Bender is: Bendy boy, cheeky boy, stink but, stinky

    Leela is: Leel's, little girl, Lee Lee, Girly whirly, wiggle butt (coz her whole butt wiggles when she's wagging her tail), cheeky girl, stink butt, stinky, and STOP JUMPING ON ME!!!! DON'T BITE MY SLEEVES!!! CUT IT OUUTTTT!!! QUIT IT!!!

    And when I call them both together I call them "Babieeeess!" or "Puppieeees!"

    I also sing them a song that says: "you two dogs stink to high heaven, stink to high heaven, stink to high heaven (over and over again). It gets them all hyped up coz I sing it loud and stupidly.
  12. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Jasper = Jay, Boof, & dog.

    Miah = Miah Moo, Moof & Shayloo.

    My dogs don't have many nicknames, they get confused now as it is. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Yes, Puttin510..... I actually thought of Rufus when I first saw the pictures of chiquita! What is Rufus again? I know I've asked before, but I sometimes have these occasional memory issues--- things I know were once there, but have suddenly escaped and are no longer within reach! :roll:
  14. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    That's to funny! I also sing to my dogs and they get so excited!
    My song goes like this.."Oh little pittie babies little pittie babies that's the mommas babies that's the mommas babies." LOL good to know IM not the only crazy person!
  15. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Bailey's nicknames are: Monster (of course), Pookie (from his dad) and Mamma's Babyyyy (said in a sweet, nursery song type of voice...lol), and "thats-a-good-boy" (said in a ridiculous, obnoxious to the neighbors manner)...

    My hubby used to call him Doody until a few months ago when my mother let him know she didn't appreciate her grand-dog being called Doody.... lol... (very mother-in-law-esque, wouldn't you say?), so then it turned into Pookie... (ummm.... don't ask)... lol....
  16. Jules

    Jules New Member

    That's funny GinaH!! We are both loony :0010:

    I forgot to say I also call my dogs "The babies of the house". And I talk to them all the time like they can understand me, it's kind of like talking to yourself but you don't feel so crazy when there's dogs there! I get caught out all the time talking to my dogs in public :oops:
  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LOL, yeah. I take them for a walk and chatter to them the whole way. I'm sure the neighbors think I am nuts, but I think they are all silly anyway.

    My girls are also "Waggedy Tail Dogs".

  18. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh Yeah!!!! I'm not the only loony nut!!! I talk to my animals more than I talk to my own ol' man!!! How funny. When riding down the road on Sassy, I'm constantly talking to her (and the funny thing is she responds and half talks back!!!! She lets out theses huffs and whinnies...)
    And the dogs. If I didn't talk to them on a regular basis, they'd think I was nuts!! We hold conversations! Smoke will whine and huff and make noises like he's talking too!
  19. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I talk to all my dogs even Pinky and the poor thing can't hear a word!
  20. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Ginah: but pinky appreciates your chats. She see you are treating her the same.

    PamR: Rufus I believe is a wire-haired JRT-Border Collie mix. Thats what I think.

    Oh another nickname I call sasha is mamma and and mamma's babie. Monster reminded me of that. I never grew up calling anyone mom, so this one baffles me.
    Also, my husband likes to goof around and make up evil sasha songs. She was literally the evil temptress when we got her. Let us hold her and then try to bite us. I had even drawn a funny picture and had it on my screen saver and named it the evil temptress. It was her snarling,LOL

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