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Molly & Emma are HOME!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by PooGirl13, May 28, 2004.

  1. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Puttin ~

    Thank you! Yes, the Puppies for Dummies book is still out and I'm still referring to it. I think it's going to be our bible for quite some time! About the fence.. hubby did build it a bit too high, which we didn't realize till after. They won't be outside unattended for quite a while, so we are always watching. They've only gone near it once, sniffed around and then walking away. We're watching them closely though :wink: Glad to know I'm not the only one who gets a kick out of their butts! :lol:

    Wow, MyBaby!!! The photo in your avator is the most recent I've seen and it looks like Tigger is even whiter now. And, there's no denying that with or w/o color he's just the cutest ever! I think I remember you saying that Mickey & Tigger don't let you sleep past 7:30am? I can't wait till we're there too! Although, 5:30 isn't bad and it will be even easier to take once they are sleeping through the night.

    Kristine ~ thank you so much as well! Emma is the original fluff butt.... she is the owner of the butt that made me think of the name, quite the cutie if I do say so myself!

    Day 3 is winding down. We are so proud of them and how they have handled all the changes they've been through recently.

    They are so laid back and yet so smart! We love them so much and I already can't think of them not being here! :kiss_puppy:
  2. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I agree... I just ADORE Bailey's hiney too!!! I thought it was me, but now I know I'm not the only freak!! :) LOL

    I, too, noticed the puppies for dummy book too when I took my hour long stroll through the pictures! :) (JUST KIDDING! I could look through MORE actually)

    And, WHOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAA.... Mybabyshih, the difference IS amazing in how Tigger changed!!! Not that I don't think he's toooo precious now being all white and all, but I gotta say... HE SURE WAS CUUUTE with that cute coloring/markings!!!! wow! And speaking of Tigger (and Mickey) SOMEBODY HAS A BIRTHDAY coming up.... next weekend??
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Yes, as a matter of fact their birthday is coming up, June 2nd to be exact! They will be a whopping 1 yr. old! :cry: They grow up too darn quickly! :0021:

    Anyhow, the doggie birthday cake has been ordered, and, get this, they have a birthday outfit (bandana, party hat, and birthday collar...oh, you GOTTA' see it :lol: )! We're having the celebration this Memorial Day weekend, so it should definitely be interesting!!! :eek:

  4. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    oh man, i thought i remembered it exactly! Party this weekend? well goodness, gracious, woman... you DO realize that PICTURES are a priority?!?! right? Hmmmm.... sounds to me like someone needs that digital camera we talked about :)
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    You bet there will be pictures!!! I haven't purchased the digital camera yet ( :roll: ), but we have family here for the Memorial Day weekend, and several of them have a DC, so I of course stole them, and have been running around taking pictures! :wink:

    :eek: Yep, party tomorrow!!! :eek:
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Now they sleep until however late I sleep! By the time my alarm clock goes off in the morning and I am getting up, they're still sleeping actually! But after about 5 minutes of me crashing around, they get up, and we go right outside. On my days off I get to sleep in to about 9 or 9:30, and when 9 o'clock rolls around they are DEFINITELY awake and ready to go! :D
  7. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I'm looking forward to the pics, MyBaby!

    As far as Bailey's sleeping habits, we were SOOOO LUCKY!!! We only had a few early mornings and he always would go back to sleep with us... and, I'd say, after the first week he would only wake up once for a potty break.... then pretty soon he got on MY schedule where he'd go to sleep around 10:00/10:30 and up at 6:30am!! He'll sleep in on the weekends with me too.... His daddy has a whole other planet's sleeping habits... he's asleep by 8:00 and up at 4:00/5:00am.... so LUCKILY I was able to train him to get on my sleep routine!! ((((PHEW)))) But my point of all this was that it was verrrrrrry quick and easy. :) So, hopefully your early mornings won't last too long.... then again, they both have a play friend/sister to keep them up and so it just might be impossible for the "here let me rub your belly and you go back to sleep, honey"
  8. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I have gotten so lucky with my poms. They are so loyal to me, they stay in bed with me until I get up. Doesnt matter how late. Now my husky is another story, when she has to go you had better get out of bed or she will stand right next to you and howl in your ear till you get up.
  9. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    They r so cute ooooooo i remember when Trixie was only like 4 pounds and my bunny was a whopping 5.5 pounds. Now I have a 5.5 tiny bunny and a 'whopping" 17 pound Trixie My advice enjoy them whle their tiny cuties and before they get big and start teething LOL
  10. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Thanks Trixipoo! I am going to miss them being little fluff balls, but at the same time it will be nice when they are not so 'fragile' anymore too. They do so many cute things right now and I cherish every moment because I'm sure they won't do them anymore once they are bigger.

    I'm taking LOTS of pictures!!!!!

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