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My 30 Gallon Pic! And my weird lookin fish!

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by JxKIM89, Jul 9, 2004.

  1. JxKIM89

    JxKIM89 New Member


    Tell me what I should add to my tank please!


    What is my fish called? The fish store just called it ghost fish...
  2. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    I used to have those! I love em! They're called glass cats too. They need caves, a low pH, and a school of 5 or so to make them less shy. They're quite nocturnal as well. Any small, peaceful tetra would be good. But nothing too boistrous as they scare easily.
  3. JxKIM89

    JxKIM89 New Member

    i was thinking more decors? can anyone giv me advice on what i should get? (decorations)?
  4. 2nafish

    2nafish New Member

    if you get those payara put some drift wood :wink:
  5. JxKIM89

    JxKIM89 New Member

    thanks tina1 for the glass catfish info... and thank you 2na for your advice :wink:
  6. Mwm

    Mwm New Member

    I would put some more plants in the middle and maybe like some caves, pots it will make it look really cool ur gravel looks awesome
  7. JxKIM89

    JxKIM89 New Member

    well... :wink: you know its only wonder rock :D haha thanks
  8. RottweilersRule

    RottweilersRule New Member


    what about a background?
  9. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    nice, thought in the pic it dsnt look like a 30 gal. umm get a few plants, maybe get some driftwood for them to hide and play around. best of all would be a cave or something so they can hide.
  10. JxKIM89

    JxKIM89 New Member

    thanks... how many gallons does it look like?
  11. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    it really doesn't look any bigger than my twenty :?

    Adding a background would help its appearance if that is the opinions you were looking for. (Sorry, I thought you were after possible tank mates :oops: ) Also, IMO any tanks appearance is increased with live plants. They also help the fish exhibit more natural behavior.

    Just my $.02 worth :)
  12. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    lol, sorry if you took it the wrong way. it just does, it looks about the size of my 10 gal. this is how it will seem bigger, can u c the length, width and hight? just curious.
  13. Mwm

    Mwm New Member

    IF u tell me all the messurements in inches ill tell u how many gallons
  14. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    lol, thats what i was going to do but who cares so just post them and we will c what Mwn comes up with
  15. bloodpain

    bloodpain New Member

    Just to add on to some useful advices, they live in small shoal. Which means they CANNOT be kept as a solitary. If kept alone, it will refuse to eat and will die eventually.. Best of luck :eek: on your glass catfishes.
  16. Mwm

    Mwm New Member

    Sorry for stealing you heat :lol:
  17. Mwm

    Mwm New Member

    Another thing did u end up gettin the crazy fish if so post pics i wanna see it, and good luck :roll:

    Careful of the language this is a family type forum. Edited by kc5gvn
  18. JxKIM89

    JxKIM89 New Member

    i decided not to, and i was thinking about arowanas but people here keep telling me all these things on why not to get it. :cry:
  19. JxKIM89

    JxKIM89 New Member

    my tank measurments are 30" Wide, 19.5" Tall, 12" the side?

    Measurments are almost exact, cuz i used my ghetto ruler for it.
  20. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    hmm ok, lets see mine is: 18.5 tall, 12 on the side and 30 wide. hmm mine is a 29 gal and all is the same but yours is about an inch taller. so yeah yours is on the verg of a 30 gal. mine is a 29!

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