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My Boo laid an egg

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Mar 30, 2005.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I wish I could just let them all have nests and raise babies and stuff, but they're just too darn prolific for their own good! :shock:
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I know what you mean.
    Mine now have a clutch of 4 eggs so far in there nest think they just like having eggs they did go through a spell where they would eat the eggs but now she seems to want to have babies again.

    a pair of my cockatiels now has 3 babies and all doing great, I think its the time of the year that all birds and other animals start breeding wish mine would stop they even lay eggs with no nest sometimes lol.

  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Boo laid 3 eggs while I was away on business. My son did what I told him to do and put them in a new dish. I think she actually laid the last two in that new dish. But when I got home, she was not sitting on them, so I took them out and boiled them. I will use them as duds if she lays any more.

    I moved the food dish where she was laying them down (again) so now it is very low in the cage. Boo and Piper no longer sleep in it at night. Now when I uncover the birds in the morning, there are usually about 5 birds crammed into the food dish that is now the highest one in the cage. I doubt she would lay an egg with so many birds around.

    I think I will just keep changing the locations of the food dishes every few days to keep them slightly off-balance. Hopefully that will help with the egg-laying.

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