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Need to find my baby a new home

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Breezay, Mar 17, 2005.

  1. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Im sure Breezay will give an update soon but I just heard that there will be a 'meeting' in a few days. :D Im keeping my fingers crossed.
  2. Breezay

    Breezay New Member

    Hiya, Well.. I met with dustys future family today and I loved them. They are lovely people... Sadly though they took him away today as well :( he has gone to a good home and they will keep me up to date with pics etc. Thanks DeLaUK, I really appreciate your help :)
    Love Bree
  3. mumofmany

    mumofmany New Member

    Great result Breezay & DeLaUK. Sounds like the puss will be happy and loved in his new home. :y_the_best:
  4. Breezay

    Breezay New Member

    Dusty's back at home with me again, things never seem to have a simple happy ending... He didnt like their other cat and was very violent towards him (i was in shock after i was told how he had behaved, never in his life has he behaved the way he did at their house) i am glad to have him back though... missed him when he was gone.
    love bree
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Hi Bree
    I talked to them today, they were sorry it didnt work out, no sign of infection yet....is that what happened to your BF? maybe he only likes woman, he was okay with Cheryl I think. Sorry it didnt work :(
  6. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm so sorry it didn't work out for Dusty in his new home... Are you going to keep trying to give him away?
  7. Breezay

    Breezay New Member

    he's never been that violent towards my bf before... i was so shocked when they told me how he had behaved.. in all the time i've had him, he's never been like that. it cant be because he doesnt like men because he's ok with my brothers and male visitors we have (my bf just doesnt like cats) i am still looking for a new home, but taking this new information on board - i think a catless home would be best for him now. my mum is thinking of having him back for me so if she does it would really help! i'm glad there's no sign of any infection, i honestly cannot believe he reacted that way. i shall never look at him in the same way again! :?
    thanks for everyone's help so far.
    love bree.
    edited to add... he's not eating again - probably due to the stress of moving etc... do you think he settle down and eat properly again soon? last time he got sick and i had to take him to the vets a lot of times... :? i dont want to go through that again... is there anything i could do to help him settle down quicker?
  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Cheryl said that Dusty ate early morning, I would keep him somewhere quiet so he's not disturbed too much but where you can keep an eye on him, maybe put out a couple of different foods, tuna or something. It could have been that he was really freaked out with the moving, from what they said he was mostly okay the first night, just a bit quiet which would be expected, a bit of a confrontation with Casper but he didnt put up a fight so it didnt get serious, (Caspers pretty submissive from what they said). Then in the morning it didnt go well :( They really are great people and are very sorry it didnt work, I think maybe Dusty may need to be with someone that knows more about behaviour issues and how to deal with them though. It would be great if your mum could take him, sounds as though he was happy there.
    Sorry again that it didnt go well.

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