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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lynnhaz, Jun 6, 2004.

  1. vene

    vene New Member

    Glad to hear that Max is getting great help! I like the rice idea for Maxie. Whenever my kid gets diarrhea, he gets extra dose of rice/breads. Rice definitely bulks up the stool. I have a feeling that both Max + Rene are going to have soft, not runny stools for the rest of their lives. They just love to drink excess amounts of water!
    Isn't Samsintentions wonderful? So are lots of our other buddies here. They do so much for the little ones!
    By the way, do you have a pic of your Tennesee Walker?
  2. xxrachfromtheukxx

    xxrachfromtheukxx New Member

    EVERYONE IM HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY :D just picked up phoebe and shes been asleep in my arms bless her! shes sooooo tiny its weird!
  3. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    who's phoebe??? i love that name. is it a new kitty? please send pictures if possible. :)

    i know this is a cat forum, but i am going to sneak a picture of my horse in here. hope i dont get in trouble. i will just say...."oops...wrong forum....my bad... 8) :? :shock:


    oh...and vene...ya know, i think it is a bengal thing. i mean, about the stools. i think they tend to have looser stools overall than other breeds. the problem with it is that he STEPS IN IT!!!!! ALL...THE....TIME...ITS...MAKING...ME....CRAZY....CRAZY....CRAZY.... ](*,)
  4. xxrachfromtheukxx

    xxrachfromtheukxx New Member

    yeah phoebe is my new kitty! rrrr she keeps sleeping in my slipper! LOL :D my dad has a bengal cat called ella! shes beautiful. i dont see her much, cos my dad doesnt live with me, and he lives a fair way away.
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    I love your horse! What's his name? It's a he right and how old is he and how did you acquire him? Can you believe I've never ridden a pony or a horse! :x I wish I did when I was little. They said I was too short!

    Don't worry about Max stepping on his stools. Monty used to do that and he outgrew it. :mrgreen: At least Max covers up after himself. Well, you know kitten poop smells real bad. Well, Vene used to leave her mess exposed and peew the whole house would smell. If I don't cover up for her, the other cats usually do. :-&
  6. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    vene...i will send you a private email to tell you more about redeye.

    thanks for the feedback on stepping in the poop. i sometimes wish he wouldnt cover it up, because he gets in there and separates it into tiny little pieces all over the box. :shock:

    rachfromtheuk...what kind of kitty do you have?
  7. xxrachfromtheukxx

    xxrachfromtheukxx New Member

    i dont know!! i think shes just a regular moggy. nothing special :)
    im gonna post the pictures of her tomorrow as i need my stepdad to put them on the computer 4 me LOL :p im hopeless myself
  8. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    rachel...does "moggy" mean "kitty"? thats cute!
  9. xxrachfromtheukxx

    xxrachfromtheukxx New Member

    moggy is just the word we use when the cat is just a normal cat like not pedigree or a particular breed. i got the kitty from my friend katie, as it was her cat that had the kittens. katie found the cat crying in her yard on the fence in the pouring rain :cry: she brought it in and took it round the neighbourhood searching for its home, but no-one could claim it- poor thing :( so i guess ill never know the breed of my kitty.
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    Hey, they use that moggy word a lot in the Harry Potter series.

    How's momma cat and the rest of the kittens doing? Do they have names? How many were in the litter and what do they look like?

    Don't worry about the breed. It's not that important as long as you have a healthy and happy cat! I'm sure you can tell to a degree what Phoebe's breed is when she's a little older.
  11. xxrachfromtheukxx

    xxrachfromtheukxx New Member

    hiya sorri i havent replied sooner lol! ive been busy with phobe :D
    well the mom is called kitty lol original i kno :p then there was chinky (now phoebe), socks, gizmo, lucky and conker lol :)
    i agree about the breed, but it would be nice to know
    anyway how r u? hows life?
  12. vene

    vene New Member

    Rachael, I love all the names including Kitty. My hubby's cat used to be called Kitty too. He was the best ever! Are all the kittens adopted by others yet or will they stay with mommy cat?

    I'm well thanks for asking. Life couldn't be better. The cats have been sleeping all day. It's raining here in Western NY. My baby napped for 3 hrs today and 9 hrs last night and he's watching the Justice League movie right now and laughing!
  13. xxrachfromtheukxx

    xxrachfromtheukxx New Member

    lol! how cute! :D glad ur okay! ye all the other kittens have got homes now phoebe was the last one! wats that movie? neva heard of it here in england? :oops:
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    It's a superhero cartoon show! Cartoon network has a wealth of info on all the different shows aired in the US:


    This one is specifically Justice League! I hope I don't get you addicted to cartoons! By the way, what is Phoebe doing now?
  15. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hey!!!!!!! rachelfromtheuk...i can hear your accent in your posts!!! :eek:

    thats really weird... :shock:
  16. xxrachfromtheukxx

    xxrachfromtheukxx New Member

    lol!!! that really is weird. im scared :D

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