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New pictures of puppy Lilly 6 weeks

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by puttin510, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Here are the newsest pictures of Lilly she is just shy of six weeks old. She looks great up against that green quilt.
  2. Rene

    Rene New Member

    oh she is so cute do you get her when she is 9 weeks?? i cant wait till my babies get around good and stuff (except the potty part)

    Lily is a little doll
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    No she need to be with her mom till 12 weeks at least, especially since I will need to ship her. Alabama is quite a ways from California. We weighed out all the options and flying is the best and quickest way.
  4. Maltipoomama

    Maltipoomama New Member

    She is just to die for!!!!!! What a little dollbaby!!!! Yes, it is difficult waiting for them to be ready for their new mamas. Don't worry... the shipping will go just fine.... cannot wait till hear all the fun stories you will have to tell once she comes home to you!!!!!

  5. Rene

    Rene New Member

    oh 12 weeks i bet that will be the longest 6 weeks of your life lol are you going to fly there and pick her up or is she just going to fly by herself? I just looked at her picture again what a doll
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Actually, its been six weeks I've been waiting since the day after the pups were born, so another 6 weeks does not seem as bad a 12. She is so colorful isn't she. :D I think the most unconfusing way to get here is to ship her straight her.
  7. MollysMom

    MollysMom New Member

    Oh wow..what a doll baby!!!!
    I know what it's like counting down those weeks!!! (we were on a wait list for Molly) But before you know it, you'll have in your arms. :eek:
  8. Rene

    Rene New Member

    i have never shipped a dog before do the flight attendants take care of them??

    what color do you think (or are hoping) she will turn out to be?? I love the color she is now so cute. I know the waiting feeling i called an ad in the newspaper (i know bad mommy didn't know then what i know now) to get sebastain but all the yorkies were sold he said he thinks his other female may be pregnat if she was he would let me know so i waited for them to be born but then the guy sold him to me at 6 weeks old. Jasmine on the other hand was 3 days short of being 6 weeks and she had no shots nothing but i love them both and dont regreat a thing if i ever get another dog i will defentilly not look in the news paper
  9. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    No, the animals are put in cargo, which is not accessible by the flight crew during the course of the flight. However, a few airlines are trying to make "flying the friendly skies" more friendly for K-9's who are not brought into the cabin with someone. Instead of putting the pets in cargo, these airlines have made special, more comfortable (i.e. lighting, temp-controlled, etc), areas on the plane specifically for pets (instead of putting them in cargo)!!! :y_the_best:


    She is just getting cuter and cuter...what a beautiful baby girl you are going to have!!! :eek:

    Thanks for updating us! :D
  10. Rene

    Rene New Member

    thanks mybaby that is good to know but i thought they would at least have someone there with them geez.
  11. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I know what you mean, Rene, and that's one of the reasons (among others) that a few airlines have made an attempt to better the situation for pets who can't be in the cabin...let's hope more and more airlines catch on to this great trend, it sure would be nice!!! :y_the_best:

  12. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    You must just get more excited every time you see her, Puttin!! She's beautiful and I know you can't wait to hold her! :D
  13. ntengwall

    ntengwall New Member

    Which airlines are the ones making an effort to make it more comfy for the dogs???
  14. nern

    nern New Member

    She is gorgeous puttin! What a little doll. :wink:
  15. maltepoolover

    maltepoolover New Member

    Most larger airlines ,delta,american ,Us Air ,Northwest etc have temp controlled areas .But since 911 and this is the major catch ,ailines like US Air haev went back to their smaller planes ,now whether on those they have the updated areas (which have been around for years ,cause we have flown puppies to Alaska and to california and all over the US to their new moms and dads for over 5 yrs ,or not I do not know .Rules on paper ,however good they say are not always the case as any airline ,if you call their pet cargo /shipping delt. have new changes on a regular basis ,for example ,most pug faced dogs cannot fly with out being in cabin ,certain temps ,certain rules apply to certain dogs and animals .Flat face dogs ,are Shih Tzus ,Pugs ,Pekinese and otehrs ,they can fly ,it is just a more difficult process and we know cause ,even thugh we have never flown one of those type ,we have to stay on updates from airlines in order to know any and all type rules changes ,For instance Delta use to let us use a special carrier ,now they will not ,so we use American .Before we ever fly a puppy anywhere ,we always contact the pet dept to see what any or if any changes have occured ,for instance ,both winter temps and summer temps are too hot or too cold for the airlines to fly pets if the layover is over a certain time ,so they have bans on what can and cannot go ,so before we fly a puppy we have to call and get the temps .,what cities are a nono and other info ..And some airlines will let you use certain carriers that others will not .Some airlines you have to go to the cargo base to ship ,some you go to the ticket desk ,each is different ,but all follow the ban rules.Smaller planes ,that is different ,smaller companies also are different in their rules ,espically conector flights (shuttles )
    No mattter waht you read on the net ,if you are not experienced in flights and have not done it ,call the airline and ask for their pet dept .
  16. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Thanks everyone for checking her out. and your sweet coments.

    Thanks maltpoolover, What a great explanation..

    I believe Shirley only goes with specific airlines that she is comfortable. So that makes me feel more at ease. Still who's not gonna sit there or pace the floor till the pup is in your hands right, LOL

    Rene, Lillys daddy was a red toy poo and his mammy was a silver. She was hoping for some reds. Lilly is more so apricot. She may stay this color or she may lighten. I don't mind either way. She is one little cutie pie, no matter what shade she turns.
  17. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I know there are a few others, but these are the airlines that I am aware of NWA, Jet-a-pet, Air Journey, CA, Contin., Blue Star, and others (many of thoes are small charter airlines).

    A lot of what is written on the net regarding pet travel via air is written by well-experienced individuals (regarding shipping and pet travel). However, if you are looking to receive specific airline regulations, policies, etc. it is advised that you call the airline directly. With that said, if you don't want a sugar-coated version of what goes on behind closed doors, talk to someone who has seen it first-hand (not an airline customer service rep.)!


    Are you Malti!? Just curious!

  18. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member

    Lilly is an absolute beauty, Puttin! How very exciting...I love her apricot color. Lots of good luck with her. she's a beauty. :kiss_heart:
  19. maltepoolover

    maltepoolover New Member

    No I am not Ilovemaltipoos ,I am ,however her sister and do know that any replies I make here I will ask her advice first and listen as she has been there done that and knows more than I ever will .I help her here at home since she had her stroke last month .But I also know all the procedures as more than apt when my sister goes to the higher above place (Lord Willing not for a long time ) I will take over her dreams .And the main love of her life is animals ,helping them ,being with them ,sometimes I have this uncanny thought and belief that she can even talk to them as we would to each other ,I could never fit in her shoes ,but I can't help her in her life .
    She misses all of you .I have seen the tears of joy when she has helped someone from here ,I have seen her heart hurt in her eyes when she had been belittled for who and what she believes .
    She wears her heart in her hand ,but she does have a temper ,(not as bad as mine ) but I don't tango with her .HAHA ,She is smarter than I could ever hope to be .
  20. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Its not malti, she just know her.. I will probably be going with Northwest. I will of course call and see what their rules are. But Malti feels comfortable with that airline so I do too.

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