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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by sphynxluver, Sep 2, 2004.

  1. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    I was just thinking of our Auspet friends in Florida. I hope everyone is safe.
  2. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    well in my neck of the woods everything went ok... we never lost power or anything winds got kinda strong but it didnt rain that much but now here it is 11pm and its raining cats and dogs..lol its commin down now thats 4 sure....i know if we r not flodded by morning we r lucky... we flood to easily around here... it stinks.....but i feel horrible 4 all the ppl on the other coast that had to deal w/ those winds hour after hour....and all the damage they have to deal with now... and i realy feel bad for the ppl that have went though it 4 a second time first from cahrley and now this one and not to mention ivan whose on his way HOPEFULLY he wont hit we already have a X in the middle of florida as it is....crazy crazy crazy!!!! but now is when everyone has to be extremely cause of the down power lines etc.... i have family that lives in clewiston etc... glades and hendry county and clewiston got hit kinda hard to....good luck to everyone out there that is/has/ or is going to deal w/ this monster storm be safe!!!!!
  3. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Hope everything is going okay for you so far and will continue, FMgurl43. Also, I hope everyone else down in Florida is fairing well and with little or no damage to their houses. Keep us posted.
  4. sphynxluver

    sphynxluver New Member

    Okay, that one wasn't half as bad as Charely. For us at least! We lost power, but have gotten it, along with our cable back already.

    We had some nasty rain and winds for awhile, but we were boarded up and had sandbaged everything up, so I felt pretty safe. We had a trench dug along our back porch, and put a water pump in it to pump water out to the road, which is the only reasone our family room and 4th bedroom did not flood!!! We had some tornados tear through here today, but luckily they didn't go through my neighborhood this time!!

    My thoughts and prayers go out to those in Port St. Lucie who lost eveyrthing, and those on the west coast still recovering from Charley. I know we are still trying to get our lives straightened out after Charley!

    We will have to replace our roof now because of Frances, but it could be worse!!

    ONE MORE THING......

  5. Rene

    Rene New Member

    glad to hear you made it thru i'm glad you only have to replace your roof that must be so scary
  6. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    i can tell yall 1 thing if ivan even comes this way and they think it might my happy butt and my kid and my fur kids and feathered friends and nephews will be going as far north as my car will go thats 4 sure... good time to go visit some places ive been wanting to visit... but u wont catch me in florida for ivan or the other one behind that one....cant take any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :m13: ](*,) :m36: :m35: :-&
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Sending lots of hugs your way. Hope Ivan and other hurricanes dissipate and never make it to Florida and the surrounding areas! :m35: :love_y_t_much: :m38: :kiss_her:
  8. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Yes, hopefully Ivan will go a different path or fizzle out. You sure don't need another hurricane down there.
  9. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Well, it's Wednesday afternoon and it is raining pretty hard here in Pennsylvania. From what our weatherman says, it seems to be the leftovers from Hurricane Frances. It's sort of fascinating to look out and realize that this rain we're getting was once a major hurricane.

    Our whole area has a flood watch right now. Fortunately, I don't live a flood zone.

    My kitties like lying on the patio watching the rain.
  10. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    well watched the news and looks like he is commin our way no matter what now where he makes landfall thats the ????? but i was told my a national gurad today that just got back from west palm beach that we r gonna get him thats why they r all commin back this way....SCARY!!!!!man i hate this i love florida but man i wanna move right now!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

  12. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    man im going crazy here not knowing weather to leave or not..... ](*,) i dont want to wait till last min. to leave knowing that I-75 will be backed up and gas will be running short but if i leave now and go to fort walton beach in the panhandle then i wont know if its gonna hit tghem either.. my mom dont wanna go w/ me soooo... my dad says just stay home and if it gets to bad to go to a shelter but i refuse to go there if i cant take my animals.... man... my nephews r on their way to kentucky w/ their other grandparents tomarrow to go to their familys house sooo....but i dunno i guess ill wait another day and see how it goes if it stays a 5 or even if its a 4 im leaving....sphynxluver may i ask if u r gonna stay and ride this one out or leave????
  13. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Here comes hurricane Ivan. Looks like Florida won't be the direct target this time. Thanks for the sites you suggested, FMgurl43. If it goes the route the map shows, it will definitely affect Pennsylvania. Of course it won't be a hurricane when it comes but we'll get fallout from it.

    Hope everyone in its path keep safe.
  14. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Fallout from Hurricane Ivan has reached us in Pennsylvania and we've been gettting poured on all day causing alot of flooding and flood damage.

    It took my an hour and a half to get home from work. What a mess!

    Anyway, I took a picture of my Mittens watching the rain from our patio. The rain doesn't show up in the picture well but thought I would share it with you.

  15. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    yea my area got lucky with ivan but now theres gene or whatever... man....i hope u guys dont get flooding w/ all that rain... and ur kitty is so cute.... looks like my sassy just w/ long hair...lol
  16. Ashimmerystar

    Ashimmerystar New Member

    I am sorry you have to deal with that. Natural disasters are imossible to fight, just follow the suggestions of the local disaster relief agencies, and hopefully you will be fine.

  17. vene

    vene New Member

    Almost every year, people in Buffalo has to deal with flooded basements and yards from the tailends of major hurricanes and this year there's no exception. These pictures were taken in spring of this year and imagine our neighbors' yards looking like a lake, 10x worse than the pics:

    Sunset05, glad you and Mittens are ok. Hope everyone else stays safe from any natural or unatural disasters.
  18. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    wow thats how the ppl across from the street of me yard looks after it rains.... thos ducks r sooo beautifull...
  19. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    The area I went home from work through yesterday is totally flooded today. The creek must have risen after I passed through. What a sight to watch on the news this morning. We've never had this much rain before. We've had a total of 5.95 inches of rain in one day...a record for Southwestern Pennsylvania.

    Here is another picture we took last evening of a creek damage about a mile and a half away from us. Our house is on high ground so we are fine here.

    This is a tree trunk that was rammed into a bridge. It looks a little dark so may be hard to see well.

    Here is another one of the bridge and creek. The creek was a lot higher in the afternoon.
  20. vene

    vene New Member

    It was very scary in Buffalo too. Last time we had 4 inches of rain and all the creeks were overflooded as well. I'm very sorry to say a 3 year old was washed away after the parents had moved into a new neighborhood. :cry:

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