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oh boy.....feral kitten

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by nern, Sep 2, 2004.

  1. nern

    nern New Member

    I've heard of that Chessmind....I think Sams once posted about it in the dog forum. Maybe they did help keep the wound clean then. It looks pretty good for now. It does'nt seem inflamed and I don't see any pus or inflamation. It does'nt appear to hurt him when I flush it either. He hisses at me everytime I have to pick him up but does'nt put up too much of a fight and has'nt bitten or scratched me yet. When I had to flush his wound this morning he was asleep in the crate....when I tried to get him out he peed all over. I felt so bad. He is eating quite a bit but has'nt pooped since yesterday. I'm hoping he will soon because I'm getting a little worried.
  2. vene

    vene New Member

  3. nern

    nern New Member

    Thanks vene. Maybe I will try that. Tomorrow morning will be 48hrs that he has'nt pooped. I worry because of his hernia...its really popped out and I'm thinking that might be the problem. I pushed it back in (like the vet showed me) twice but it just comes back out. I might call the ER vet in the morning and just see what they say.
  4. karen_80

    karen_80 New Member

    That poor thing. :( It's too bad that whoever owned him or his mom and let them go couldn't have been at the vet, too! He's a gorgeous boy, and you're so much further ahead that you can actually treat him. You're awesome to do this! :y_the_best: You've obviously got a good vet if they're going to help you with the cost of the surgery.
    We've found with the strays that sometimes they don't go for a few days (and sometimes even as long as a week) and once they do, alot of the time it's rocks, dirt, sticks and the odd beak (ick). He might not quite realize either that the box is for that, or that he can go indoors. For the more 'feral' ones we've sometimes had to fill a box with dirt from outside and then move their feces to the box filled with litter until they get the hint that they can go in it.
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Thanks Karen. I was suprised but he did use the litter box and has continued using it since the second day he was here. I have a big pot in the hallway filled with dirt and I thought for sure that he would use that over the litterbox but he did'nt.

    Update -
    He pooped!!! :eek: :eek:
    He looks really good today. His eyes are clear, he looks alert and he was even sitting in the window when I got up. His wound looks like its really starting to close up too. Oh, and remember I thought his nose was burnt? It was'nt I think what happend was the discharge from his nose got all over the top of his nose and then got dirty and stuck there while he was outside. His nose is pretty clean now...most of the dirty dried stuff is gone. After I flush him and give his meds I hold him for a while and pet him. He usually hisses at first but then starts to fall asleep and stretches and looks so comfortable. He is definately starting to warm up to me. :y_the_best:
    I really think he's going to make it. Now I just need to choose a name for him. :D
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    Great news Nern! :eek: :eek: :eek: It'll be lots of fun naming him now that he's ok!
  7. Rene

    Rene New Member

    great news nern and he is so cute i'm glad he found you and is getting all better
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    Thanks for the kind words. :D

    His wound is already starting to close up....its healing so much faster than I expected. I talked to the vet today and she said that I can stop flushing the wound soon since it is closing up and I can bring him back in about a week or 2 for a re-check and to get him started on his vaccines.
    I still have'nt decided on a name yet because its hard to see his personality while he is still so afraid of me. I'm leaning towards Stanley for now....he kind of looks like a Stanley to me.
  9. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    Ohhh what a cute name! I'm sure it fits him well. :eek:
  10. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I'm way behind as I haven't been able to get on here much lately, so I finally just read this thread. Wow Nern! I'm very impressed with what you're doing for this little guy! You are an awesome person. I'm sure he'll start opening up to you soon.

    Stanley is a great name. :D
  11. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    lil Stanley boo-bear. *nods*

    hehe i'm so happy for you! to hear he's warming up to u now after your intial first posts is GREAT news! :eek:

    more pictures please :)
  12. nern

    nern New Member

    More photos to come soon...

    He must be feeling really good today because I had a heck of a time trying to hold him (even wrapped in a towel) to flush his wound and give him his meds. He was very squirmy and hissy today. I held him for a little while and then he jumped off my lap and sat next to me and cleaned himself. He then went down a few stairs and then kept looking at me and sniffing my slippers. I think things will move along a bit better once his meds are done.
    P.S. He's been happily chowing down on the Timberwolf cat food that my cats would'nt eat. I'm so glad because I would have hated to have to throw it away. :y_the_best:
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    Nern, you've got the magic touch! :eek: I like Stan, such a cute name for him! :mrgreen:
  14. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    He sounds like he is doing so much better, Nern. :eek: That's good that you are holding him and trying to socialize him.
  15. nern

    nern New Member

    Update -
    I got him to play with a shoe lace yesterday! He was in his hiding spot under a sleeping bag so I dangled the shoe lace around him (he hissed at first) and after a few minutes he calmed down and started batting at it and chasing it. I did the same thing again this morning....he seemed to really enjoy it. Then this evening I gave him his canned food and sat on the steps while he ate as I usually do and when he was finished he did'nt run back to hiding. He sat there and looked at me for a while, stretched, clean himself and then came closer to me so I decided to get the shoe lace and see if he would play out of his hiding spot. He just sat there at first but then starting going nuts trying to catch the shoe lace, batting at it and biting it. He was running all over and looked so happy. After about an hour of this I thought he was tired so I stopped and put the shoe lace next to me. He then ran up the stairs, sat right next to me, batted at the shoe lace and looked at me. So I played with him for a little longer. It was so nice interacting with him like this that I forgot that he was feral for a moment. When I finally did get up to go back into the house he backed up and flattened his ears so I whispered goodnight and went into the house. Maybe if I do this every day he will eventually be comfortable enough to let me pet him. Its only been a week and I can't believe how much progress he is making. :D

    BTW, I still have'nt decided on a name for sure yet. Stanley just does'nt seem to be sticking. I keep calling him Steven on accident but I can't name him that because I already have a guinea pig named Steven. Now that I'm starting to see his personality a little I should be able to eventually come up with a name that suits him.
  16. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    here are some S names i looked up for ya to maybe consider... i've always been a sucker for names with meanings...

    my real name is indian and means 'never changing' which works coz i'm stubborn. ;)

    anyways it goes the name, what kind of name it is, and the meaning.

    Samson, Sam- Hebrew -Bright as the Sun
    Samuel- Hebrew -Answer to Prayers
    Sean- Hebrew -Heavenly Generosity
    Sheridan- Celtic- The Wild Man ((thought this one was fitting lol))

    and then i found another site, name meaning.

    Scott - Wanderer
    Sherwin- A Friend

    but those were just the S's sssince u seemed to want an S name? hehe anyways just ideas, but u can do boy name searches on google too :) Maybe find one with a meaning u like.

    And it sounds like he's progressing in leaps and bounds. Kittens also socialise and learn their peers through play. :)
  17. karen_80

    karen_80 New Member

    That's great! He'll come around, just you wait & see! :)
    Some kitties don't know HOW to play with humans - sometimes we just have to show 'em how much fun it can be. :lol:
  18. nern

    nern New Member

    Thanks for the name suggestions...Sheridan would be fitting for him. LOL.

    Today he really got nasty when I tried to give him his meds...its like I have good days and bad days with him. I guess I just have to be patient, patient, patient....I must keep reminding myself that.
  19. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    geez...i cannot believe everything that has happened!! i havent read any of the posts...somehow missed it. oh nern...you are such a good mommy. he is simply adorable. but...the maggots...oh God. i would have fainted... :shock:

    i love the little bit of black on his nose. isnt it a wonderful feeling when they start to warm up? :wink:
  20. Ashimmerystar

    Ashimmerystar New Member

    I just got through reading all these posts for the first time, wow! Are you going to keep him if he makes it? You are really selfless and it doesnt seem that you even batted an eye when he came into your life. He is very lucky that your roommate found him and he was brought into your life. :bow_now:

    You could name him Jack or Greg...or Milton. Those are cute ooo or because of all the hissing name him Damien. :p I like Damien because I have known so many cute guys named Damien and it works for such a cute fiesty cat.


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