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oh boy.....feral kitten

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by nern, Sep 2, 2004.

  1. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    This is all so exciting reading about Ritchie! (hope i spelled that right?)

    Dont worry about the hissing with Bean and he... it took about 4 days or so for Lex to allow Raz near him without running away, growling or hissing. even a few days after the fourth Lex still was alittle uneasy.

    Just takes time :)

    LOL @ the paws under the door. Raz has started that now when you're in the bathroom. this little tiny paw... lol
  2. vene

    vene New Member

    That's a shocker! :shock: I thought everything is made up of mostly water! :0011:
  3. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    i can see vets being against canned food coz the soft food can rot their teeth faster... but never heard them against it cozza the water lol
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    Exactly vene...even the meat we buy for our families at the grocery store is mostly water. :roll:

    Eternal Flame...she made the "bad for teeth" comment at a previous appointment when I mentioned feeding my toy poodle canned food. Yet the other vet that works there went on and on about how great his teeth looked considering he was an older toy breed so I guess it did'nt have much of an effect on his teeth.

    And an update on my progress with Ritchie.......
    I was able to pet him today! :eek: It was short and quick and he had his back turned but I actually accomplished this without him running back to hiding or hissing at me. He just looked at me and continued to play.
    He is still hissing at Bean and smacking him at times too. I feel so bad for Bean...he is so friendly and does'nt even seem to get mad when this happens but he does look a bit confused. Ritchie seems a little less threatened by him each day so I think we may see some progress soon. One thing that I really love about my little fur family is how well they all get along and how much they seem to love each other.....I really hope that Ritchie will eventually fit in this picture. Only time will tell....
    I brought Chieve into the hallway with me today for the first time and he hissed at Ritchie everytime Ritchie even moved. I had to take him back into the house....guess I'm moving a little too fast at this point. I just thought that since Chieve is so much smaller maybe Ritchie would'nt be as afraid of him but with all the hissing Chieve was doing I think Ritchie was more afraid of him than he is of Bean.
  5. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    :? this mean u might be needing your sig banner updated? :roll: :D
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Yes. LOL. Now I just need to get a really cute picture of him. :wink:
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    I love the name Ritchie. You are making such great progress with him! :eek: Can I loan you to tame Ginger the stray at my yard? [-o<
  8. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    just catching up on the posts...i like the name ritchie too, nern... :wink:
  9. nern

    nern New Member

    Thanks. My roomie named him Richard when she caught him but told me I could change the name. Since I could'nt come up with anything else that really suited him I finally decided to just call him Ritchie and it seems to fit.

    Sure vene....why not. LOL. :wink:
  10. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    instead of Ginger, loan her your hubby vene... get her to change his mind about letting Ginger in lol

    *nudges nern* yup. just get a cute piccy and i'll add him in ;) course... all i've seen of him he's cute. :roll:

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