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ohhh boy KITTENS!!!!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by FMgurl43, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    You said in one of your previous posts that they had been gone for a month. I'm thinking that when they leave again, swipe the kitten and find it a good home. The kitten will have an actual home and they'll never be any the wiser :wink:. They'll probably will think that it got run over by a car or someone picked it up.
  2. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    well i think that the black kitten princess might have a home w/ my aunt and cousin and cousins daughter that live 3 streets down from me.. i want to keep her but as most of u know garfield is my baby boy and he refuses to come around me to much now that the babies here he will come to me when he dont smell her but thats it... chyanne and simba and sasyy dont mind her but garfield is a total spoiled brat and is used to having him mom to himself (other then w/ the other 3)sooo at least she might go somewhere where i will still get to wtach her grow and visit her...and the mom cat i think i found a no kill shelter that is willing to take her in just i have to pay the $20 fee... but its worth it cause she wont be living in a cage or anything like that the place is called A.R.C. (animal refuge center) its in morth ft. myers they have a web site that tells all bout the place and its great ive been there many of times.... its just a house full of happy fat cats and acres full of fat dogs....lol...im gonna see if my neighboors will be willing to pay the $20 fee which i doubt they will but if they dont i will pay it...cause its better her being there then here where she isnt takin care of and keeps having babies... at least there she will have a chance to have a good life....
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm glad everything seem to be working out! :eek:
    Any news on the male kitten that they want to keep? Is he still outside?
  4. Bente

    Bente New Member

    just one more thing, i agree with Aqueous: If "their" kitten is still outside, I would wait until they're gone and kidnap him! Seriously. They don't deserve to have pets, and what are they going to do? With the kitten living outside, he could have been killed for all they know...

    STUPID people :m3: Sorry if i'm getting a little carried away here :oops: but i just read the whole thread over again...
  5. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I agree with you there Bente, what's the point in having a cat if you're not going to take care of it? I mean what satisfaction do they get with leaving their cat outside 24 hours a day? They can't honestly think that they're providing it with adequate care?

    Technically we don't have to call it "kidnapping" we could just call it "Search and Rescue" :wink: .
  6. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    thats funny cause i thought about that to... but today i didnt see the lil boy anywhere....all day and even tonight i still havent seen him... ive seen the momma cat just not him...i havent seen the onwers either till bout 6pm and they were sittng on the front pourch...so im kinda hoping they put him inside but.... i dunno if i see the man tomarrow ill ask him.. i try and be nice to these ppl even though i cant stand them....and its really hard to try and talk to them without the cops getting called on me....i cant stand 4 ppl to be like that towards animals it makes me sick...

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