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PitBull Attack. What Do You Think?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by loves-da-pits, Jul 22, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Looking at her photo, I can't see that scarring would really matter. ;)
  2. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    The homeowners should be initiating legal action for trespassing, and, I think, pain and suffering for their senior dog who has been removed from his family for protecting his home!!! If anyone set foot in my home without permission, they are there illegally. And how brain dead do you have to be to open the door after you hear the barking!? Large dogs tend to have a LARGE BARK!
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    can anyone say Cankles!!!! ewww.....

    Oh she's just trying to get publicity since her "upcoming election" is taking place.

    I tell you one thing. If some one is stupid enought to enter my property,
    AFTER reading the "BEWARE OF DOG" signs. Then they deserve what ever my dogs throw at them.

    THe preacher entered our gate, and Smokey bit the back of his leg. The guy played it off that we should "RESTRAIN that CREATURE! AT ONCE!" He was there to do the LORDS work!

    Sorry, I wasn't in the mood for goo roo's at that time, espceially him....
    You don't just go into someones property, with a barking dog, SIGN OR NO SIGN. Thats just plain stupidity. My dogs will bite, I tell everyone that. It takes them a while to get to know some one, Once they know you, You'll regret it because they'll love you to death. But until then. Beware!

    Oh..... I hate people. SOmetimes I think the world would have been better off if the HOmosapians were extinct! At least the stupid and ignorant ones!
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm with you, Sams. I want to move somewhere where there are more animals than people.
  5. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  6. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    MEOW! Saucer of milk at table two! Actually, I thought the same thing, where did she get that dress, from Mrs. Brady? Hey, did you guys know that when you put your hand in a garbage disposal that is turned on, you get your hand cut off? Isn't that weird? Like when I enter a strangers home (which I of course do all the time) and they have a barking dog, I go in anyway, cause what could go wrong? It's not like barking is a dogs way of WARNING others.... is it? (sarcasm inserted)
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh Sargesmom!
    Ya know. i'll just have to run home and test that theory of the garbage disposal!
    Oh wait, I can't afford one! WHY? Cuz B!t(h@s like her help us get nothing! If it were me. I'd be suing the crap out of her.

    Yeah, I agree. Can anyone say Moo moo!!!!
    The poor dog probably mistook her leg for a ham!
  8. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Ham! OMG! Stop sams! :lol:
  9. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    lol jamiya i laughed so hard when you said that! good thing shes back on her feet. she needs the walking.
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    he he he...yeah....walk, and not just to the fridge either!
  11. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Funny. Ya figure, when your old, your old. Who's gonns notice anyway.

    I think this poor dog was just looking out for his family. What sort of fool stands next to any door with a big dog baking at them. I would have gone down to the sidewalk. The owners of the house would have come to the door anyway. Hopefully this has not happened before and the dog will be returned.
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    He'a a pit bull and she's a politician. I think his chances are probably pretty grim. :(

    Your typo made me smile, though - a big dog "baking" at her. I have an image of a large dog with a cake standing in the doorway.
  13. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Did you watch the show on plastic surgery called The Swan. Thats the only time I've ever heard anyone else us the word cankles. Funny.
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm not familiar with that term...
  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    no I don't watch much TV, well hardly any at that.

    Jami, its where the calf merges with the foot, there's no ankle at all!
  16. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Everyone had some pretty good comments for that lady, I hope the people of her town (or whatever whereever she is running) don't vote for her. I don'T mean to be repetative but how dumb could she be to walk up to a barking dog? Even people who have no clue about dogs know to go away when walking upto a barking dog. I think she did want to stay there to convince the person to vote for her and get her picture taken with a dog, it makes people seem friendlier (it is what Hitler always did) I feel if that dog wanted to really get her it would have, it just wanted her to go away because the dog could tell she was a bad person!
  17. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    LOL Dukesdad- maybe he was a democrat!! With the election close at hand things can get pretty heated! Seriously, though, this lady had to have come into the house- why else would her materials be inside the door? On the other side of the issue, though, if this dog had any tendencies to be very protective, then the family should not have only an unlocked, flimsly screen door between the house and the outside. It's unfortunate that the incident happened, but I think the policition should look at herself and how she could have done things differently rather than just blame the dog- it's definately a publicity stunt, and I hope that dog gets returned.
  18. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    I have a problem with much off this article and the ladies actions. I hope the owner gets back her dog and does not get sued but most likely well be.
    We just had a pit attack here from a stray. There seems to be a one sided look at Pits from many people but yet I wonder if there is a problem with them as there seems to be a lot of attacks from them.
    Unfortunately because of those who chose to make this dog a fighting dog and breed them with this aggression in them I feel one does not always know what they are getting in a puppy. I find it strange when I hear about and attack from a pack of on the run dogs and the one dog that does the attack is a Pit but yet the others run away ? Could any dog attack if hungry or feels threatened, yes but it seems Pits well attack just for know reason unlike other breeds that do not attack and not so viciously. Responsibility is on the owner to teach and control there dogs but yet you should have the right to defend your property and love ones but to what degree. Should we just shoot someone who walks in our front door or beat them over the head till dead with a bat ? What is to much ? A lot of feelings and a lot of questions but know real answers to this problem. Stopping the breed well only start a new one that others don't like, maybe Pyrs because of all there hair bunnies they leave behind or how about breeds with to much gas destroying our ozone.

  19. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Not to start a huge debate on that subject 2Pyrs...but firstof all, a dog will only do what it is bred and raised to do. You yourself do what you were taught, and raised to do right?
    SO when a dog is "out of line" and attacks someone, that means the whole breed should be exterminated? I'm sorry. people take into the fact that ALL pitts are bad. They cause the most damage, they attack the most. NOT TRUE. Theya re just the target for publicity. There are more Heeler, and GSD and chiuahua "attacks" than any other breed, but are they spotlighted? No, why? Because its not the "IN" thing to be reporting on.
    LIke Paris Hilton and Martha Stewart, you don't think everyone else in that industry isn't doing what they are doing? DUH>>>> they are spot lighted because thats the new thing to be reporting on.

    Pitts were used to catch game. Hince the reason they do so much damage when they bite. They have a strong jaw (NOT LOCKING) that they use to grab and hold large game.
    Heelers have a hard fast bite. They were bred for herding. Hince the fast nip that causes little damage, but big pain.
    GSD dogs were bred for protection.

    Begining to get my drift here..... So why are people so suprised when an animal does what it was bred for?
  20. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I found this real interesting on temperment statistics in most breeds of dogs. This was done in 2003. You'd be surprised on the breeds that came in at 80% or lower in temperment testing.


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