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Please!I really need some help!And FAST!!!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by KittyTales, Sep 12, 2004.

  1. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    :) My grandpa and my dad decided to get her a scratching post.If it does not work then we get her declawed.
  2. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    That's good to hear! I hope it works out.

    Can I give some advice (strictly from my experience?)

    If you try the scratching post idea, could you get more than one? For example, we have a post in the bedroom and living room. We found out that when we simply had one in the bedroom, the cats would still claw the furniture downstairs. I guess they're too lazy to travel to scratch.

    Also, maybe pay attention to how your cat likes to scratch (if you notice that at all right now). I say this because apparently some cats like to scratch while practically standing up while others like to scratch floor-level things. (My cats all have different likes). So, that way you can by a post that caters to what your cat does and hopefully it will work better for you.

    You can also try to put some catnip on the post you buy to attract your cat to it. I actually demonstrated to my cats how to scratch the post and what they're supposed to do with it.

    I have found out, also, that some cats like those cheap cardboard scratching boards that go on the ground. We also have a large kitty condo that my cats love, but it can get expensive.

    I suggest all of this just from my experience. But, I wanted to give you a better chance for success with your kitty and keeping the poor thing from being declawed.

    Good luck!
  3. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    Oh my gosh.In the vets office this morning I saw a cool scratching post that if your kitty scratches it treats fall out. :D
  4. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    lol about the treats!! :eek:

    my cats are really good :kiss_heart: ....they dont scratch my furniture. max uses the carpet...so one of the flat scratching posts would be appropriate for him. mikey used the corded on i have and also the wicker furniture....which he doesnt hurt. he just sort of puts his nails in there are kneads a little. i am lucky...neither one has ever been a problem.

    when i got mikey there was a concern from the shelter that he would scratch...he did it in the foster home sometimes. but...not here, thank goodness.

    they have the cardboard scratching pads at the rescue shelter where i volunteer. all the cats seem to like them. :wink:
  5. karen_80

    karen_80 New Member

    You can also take one of those carpet runners or a strip of carpet about 2 feet wide and 6 feet high, and attach it to your wall. I did that with mine (it's about 5' high) and they go crazy scratching, and it's also fun for them to climb up it, almost to the ceiling!

    Great news about the "declaw rethink"!!! :)
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    good news...see education can go a long way. My cats prefer the sisal rope scratching posts. I have both the carpetted ones and sisal and they go for the sisal everytime. You can also rub catnip on the post to encourage it being used.

    Keeping my fingers crossed your kitty uses the post and can save her claws. Note...some cats will develop litterbox issues after a declawing - they relate the litterbox with discomfort they feel in the paws after the declawing. So there is always the possibility that if this baby MUST be declawed there will be problems peeing on floors - hence destroying carpeting. A little tidbit you might want to whisper in your mom's ear while she's sleeping -subliminal message
  7. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    That is great news...my kitties alll prefer the cheap corregated cardboard scratchin posts....especially the angled ones..so they can stretch...they cost about $10
  8. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    :0018: horray!

    geat news! Keep in mind if one post doesnt work try another... kitties are all different and prefer to scratch on different things.

    Lex STILL tries to get away with attacking the furniture. we have 2 scratchy things for him- carpet pole and a cardboard thing. gotta try rope next :mrgreen:

    karen> when i was little i had my cat declawed too. He was a naughty kitty tho... part feral and he'd attack everyone. so it wasnt just a question of property getting messed up- but people too. :shock:
  9. karen_80

    karen_80 New Member

    They're all different, for sure. Some like up, some like down, some like carpet, or sisal, or cardboard. As with everything else it's all trial & error! :)

    Eternal, thanks for letting me know that. Sometimes I feel horrible having done it and other times, when he's scratching the couch to save his life, I can just giggle and get down & scratch it with him, happy that I don't need to give a light scolding.
  10. Mark McMahon

    Mark McMahon New Member

    I got both my cats declawed. Zack was 6 months when he was neutered and declawed on the same day. It took him about a month to completely heal up. Sonya was about 1 and a half years old and we got her spayed (which I hear is more painful than being neutered) and declawed on the same day also. Incredibly, she healed in one week. Her stomach only had a scar, and she picked the glue out from between her nails and they were completely healed. I didn't want to have this done, but my dad made us. Anyways, my cats behavior and personality DID NOT change. They were just as loving as they were before surgery, or maybe even moreso. I've heard that cats have a high tolerance for pain anyways.

    My $.02
  11. nern

    nern New Member

    Well I don't know if thats true :? but it is true that cats instinctively hide their pain as showing signs of illness/weakness would attract predators. When a cat is showing signs of pain I would imagine that the pain is quite intense if they are unable to hide it.
    For those that are unaware of this instinct, it might be mistakedly thought that cats have a high pain tolerance.

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