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Please let me introduce Molly & Emma!!!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by PooGirl13, May 2, 2004.

  1. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Did I miss a previous post??? WHAT HAPPENED WITH LADY!!?!?!?!?!? :cry: :cry:
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I was wondering the same thing?!?! :cry:
  3. Jennifer

    Jennifer New Member

    What happened??? Is she okay??

  4. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Sorry guys ,I forgot
    June ,cora ,Poo and I are members of another group too .I guess we are all members of other groups .LOL !
    While I was in DC ,my husband found Lady (a rescue we have had and made one of our own for over 5 years ,in the woods .Someone had hit her with something in the back .She has a vey bad back now ,I will not go into the details ,but she is paralized from about 1/2 way down .We haveher on all types therapy ,have to squeeze her bladder forher to urinate every few hours .The outlook from our vet was 50/50 ,
    I don't think she is getting any better ,she goes for a check this week (end of ) ...If she is not better ,the vet says ..well ...that she has no chance .I only want to see one leg move a little or just a toe even ,she seems not to be in pain ,as happy as she always was ...My lady -adie .Not fair at all .Please pray for her .
  5. Jennifer

    Jennifer New Member

    oh hon... I'm so sorry to hear about Lady!! :( How in the world could someone do something like that to an innocent little dog.. :x

    I sure am praying that you will see some results and that one way or another that Lady doesn't suffer! My heart is just breaking for you...

  6. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    :cry: so very sorry to hear that, I wish you well.
  7. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Thank you deb and Jen .lady needs all the prayers she can get .
    the story of Lady -adie is this .About 5 ys ago a very young small mix shorthair dog (about 17 lbs ) was dropped overnight in a box at my vet .She had 11 puppies .The vet placed all the puppies ,was gong to put the mama to sleep .I said no ,fix her ,I will take her .lady has been with us ever since .
    our joy in that she 'talks 'to us .protective ,loves to snuggle and is very much in love with our Bull /chow mix Sheba .never once in her young life has she been sick or ever been agressive .Swet natured and hates to have Robert to call her a Beagle .he teases her ,telling her she is a "half beagle -eagle ' Lady gives him a dirty look and walks away .he loves her a great deal and so do I .
    She has been with us so long now that she is such a part of us that this has ever been hard .
    I left on Thursday about 3 pm .robert said when he got home about 6 pm ,he could not find Lady .He stayed home from work on Friday looking for her ,kept me informed as I was in Pa and then in DC ,friday afternoon he found her in the woods below our home ,called my vet at home and he met Robert at the clinic .The vet can find no 'hit " marks as from a a car ,he says a blow had to do it .So ,he kept her and did x-rays ,work ups and finds the back is not broken as he can see but the discs are all out of sorts .We are talking about surgery and if it is possible but at this time the vet thinks not ,says only that it is too slim a chance it would ever work ,looking at the options .Right now there seems to be none .We are hoping though .
  8. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :cry: My deepest sympathies to you, your husband and Lady...how incredibly sad! :cry:

    I'll be hoping and praying for the best! :D

  9. Rene

    Rene New Member

    how come i cant see the puppies????
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I know you have mucho much going on :lol: . I'm sorry, some day soon the story can be told. How is your shoulder?
    Shirley really has a heart of gold guys. She wil rescue as many dogs as she can at a time and keep them till she finds a home for them.
    You know I just found out yesterday that my ex-hubby took his dog to the pound. WHY you ask. Because he would not listen and he would growl at him. He deserved it too. That poor dog was scared to death of him. He stood there and told me one day about how he wouldn't listen to him so he grabbed a stick and was going to beat him with it. Chandler snarled and tried to protect himself. I wish he did bite him. I was just talking about him last friday and about skunks and all. He did not even mention what he had done. He was acting kind of funny though. I really wish his girlfriend could have taken him. I don't know when this happened. Anyways, someday I hope shirley shares her story it was very funny, not for her but to hear it after was a crack up.
    I Hope little lady shows some improvement.
  11. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I'm so sorry Malti :cry: Please know I'm thinking of you, your hubby & Lady. [-o<
  12. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Hi Rene.. It might have something to do with your computer settings, but I'm not positive :roll: I can view the pics fine at home, but when I tried to pull up the link on my computer at work I couldn't...

    I did make a Dogster page for my girls though (although it's lacking a lot of info!).. just click on the "www" under my signature :D
  13. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Thank you guys ,I will tell Lady she has extra prayers going on for her . :)
    June ,you are a true sweetheart .(But you don't have to tell them everything ...LOL !!! ) :wink:
    I am sorry to hear what your ex did .I am so sorry to hear about Chandler ,I wish he had bit him too .tell him for me that I will "bite" him if I am ever near him !! That stuff gets to me :x .Want me to come visit ? I can fly on my broom down there ,have to visit Cora that way so I can take care of hers too ! LOL !! Here comes the wicked witch of the South or is it the wicked B _ _ _ _ ??!?? :mrgreen:
    Shoulder is better ,back is never going to get better ,I don't think .
    Rene ,you can view the puppies on dogster ,I think poo has them on the www below on her posts .They are the cutest little things !!!!

    I will tell the story next week .I promise .Also will tell some ghost ones (real ) if you want ...may as well laugh at all my antics .
    How shall I begin ...
    I live on land handed down to me from my great grandparents .They say that the place where I live is Haunted by horses and by a child that fell in the well just below my house ......well if that is true then this whole mountain area is Haunted also .I know ,I have SEEN and HEARD them and so have others ...here are some of my true stories ..

    How is that for starters ? :eek:
  14. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    OH Malti,
    I'm sooooooo broken hearted!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: I can not believe that someone would actually do anything like that!!! Poor Lady... I'm sending extra extra prayers her way.... and Bailey is praying too. (He doesn't know it yet, but I PROMISE we'll talk about it later when we're in bed and he's getting his belly rub) Love to you both!!

    WHAT ON EARTH!!?? I can tell that you've been a dog lover for yearsssssss, so what was he even thinking? argh.... Some people are so (oh never mind, I have to behave here!). Needless to say, I'm sorry to hear that news! :(
  15. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    and I forgot to mention: CAN'T WAIT FOR YOUR STORIES!! :)

    We need some happy news soon! :)
  16. Rene

    Rene New Member

    ok poogirl i must be blind or something i dont see your dogster link either :oops: but i'm dying to see your babies
  17. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I want you to see my babies too, Rene! :D Okay.. under my signature line, do you see all of the tabs listed?

    "Profile" / "PM" / "WWW" / "MSNM"

    The "www" tab will take you to their Dogster page! :eek:
  18. Rene

    Rene New Member

    :eek: ok now i really feel stupid sorry about that they are so so cute bet you are so excited
  19. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    By no means should you feel stupid, I probably wasn't clear in my explanation to begin with :? It's been known to happen! :lol:

    I am E-X-T-R-E-M-E-L-Y excited!!! :eek: We've got much to do before their arrival but I still want to have them RIGHT NOW! :mrgreen: I made their picture my wallpaper on my computer at work ~ so, I'm looking at them all the time!
  20. Rene

    Rene New Member

    that is so cute when i bought my brand new house i did the same i made the wall paper on my computer my house and every time someone would come up they would say why do you have a stick house on your computer lol.

    you said you get them in 3 more weeks i know how hard it is to wait when i decided I wanted a Yorkie i called an add in the paper and he had sold all of the puppies but he had another female that he thought might have been pregnate he said he would let me know i waited all that time and i didnt even get to see sebastain before i got him but i was dying to go get him as the time got closer. lol

    I hope it all works out well for you and your babies they will be well loved and taken care of


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