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  4. Live Spirulina

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Please let me introduce Molly & Emma!!!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by PooGirl13, May 2, 2004.

  1. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Thank you all so much!!

    I just bookmarked that web site Monster, now I have something to do on my lunch hour at work! :lol:

    I did check it out really quickly though, so that I could order a catalog immediately! (thanks MyBaby!)

    3Dogs ~ I will definetely be posting as soon as I can on Thursday to tell you all about it! I can't believe that tomorrow is my last day at work, then "poo day"! Yes, we've been referring to it as "poo day"! We are nuts! :0010:

    I like that Pet Storage Tower that you provided the link to, MyBaby. I'll have to show it to hubby to see what he thinks! Right now I have their leashes, collars, harnasses etc in a basket on a table. It will work for now but that tower would be an excellent thing to have to keep everything organized.

    I can't take it anymore guys! I'm so ready for my girls!!! :eek: :eek:
  2. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Mybaby that is a neat tower. I will have to look into that. Our girls have accumilated quite alot of stuff in the past year. They have regular walk leases and collars, then their fancy ones that dad (yes my hubby! shocked me) bought. Plus the harnesses and the stuff for my husky to pull her little sled around in the snow. Anyway now I am rambling but that looks really neat. On a side note, does anyone know if food goes stale? I keep mine in a rubbermade container but last time I bought the really big bag and its been over a month and we still have food. I dont want it to get stale. The guys at the pet store told me the Innova I feed will get stale in thebag but I hadent thought about how long it stays good in a container. Ok well Poo Day is almost here! and I have gone on enough now! :lol:
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I don't know if you have an ottoman that is at least half the height of your couch. They sell some with the inside storage thingy. It would be the best thing in the world to get your new pups used to using something shorter to get on the couch. It will save them in the long run in the joints department. The more jumping a dog does the more likely down the road it will get some sort of joint problem, so nip that in the bud right away. Hey have you seen those cute little kid chairs, they are shaped like couches. Thats would be cute. My girl is a bit big for them.
    Oh, Also this site is even better on costs of flea product and they ship within a week. www.fleas-go.com/ I always buy from them.
  4. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Great advice Puttin! I didn't even think of that... we do have an ottoman, but it's pretty high. Our couch is not too high so I'm hoping that it will be fine for them. I tend to forget just how little they will be, so I'll have to keep that in mind. Hmm.. I believe I have seen those kid chairs online. I'll have to look again because that might be worth looking into.

    Thank you for the site, I will go check it out right now and bookmark it! :D
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    3Dogs, it is great! I am a bit of a freak when it comes to organization, everything just has to be organized or it drives me nuts! :roll:

    Like I said earlier though, many pet stores, and other regular stores (i.e. target, wal-mart, etc.) sell products just like that with different options and looks, it's just a matter of finding one that would work best for your needs!

    Yes, indeed it does, and I believe that holds true for any brand of dog food! It's best to keep it in an airtight container to prevent it from getting stale! My dogs are on Canidae at this moment, and I always empty the bag of food it comes in into an airtight container so their food does not go stale!
  6. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member


    You are in sooooooooooo much trouble!! I can NOT believe you never told me about that storage tower!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR.....

    I have been looking for something like that forever.... I (only admitting this HERE) have a ...ummm... little leash/collar/harness fetish!! (well, wait! THAT came out wrong...lol). Let's just say that i've bought wayyyy too many of those things for Bailey! LOL... and they all hang by the front door and are a mess!! :)

    anyhow, I am sooooooooooo looking at that website and checking out the storage tower... and in the meantime, I am sooooooooo mad at you, mybabyshihpoo!

  7. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    LMAO & ROFL!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

    But yeah, the tower is wonderful for organization...love it!

    Shopping for dog stuff is too much fun, and very addicting! The other day I was looking around at various dog stuff on the net and happened to come across these "dog car seats" (they even had one for multiple small dogs)...OMG, they are too cool! They're raised up so your dog can easily look out the window, come in many different styles, buckle type things to snap/hook onto your dog's harness for safety purposes while riding in the car, etc. I am SOOOOO tempted to buy it...I just can't resist the temptation!

    I need some "Shop-aholic Therapy"! LOL :lol:
  8. Jody

    Jody New Member

    WOW - Very cute indeed.
  9. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    One more day right :0020: one more day. Woo hoo. lots of pictures ok. :0020: :0020:
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OMG!!!! Exciting....

    As far as Pets mart goes....Ahem :oops: I'm in complete controll...NOT!!!! :lol:

    Granvel gets sooo mad when I go! But I just explain to him that they all need this stuff, its futal to their survival. Then he usually comes back with, "And how does new Pup hats fit in to their survival?"

    LOL. GUilty as Charged!!!
  11. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    YES, today is IT!!!! I'm leaving work in about 1/2 an hour and I'm going to go home to get the house all clean for the pups tomorrow!

    I can't believe it's almost here.. tomorrow morning we are leaving at 8:00 am to get our girls... oh my god... :eek: :eek:

    I will send pictures tomorrow, I promise! :D

    :0020: \:D/
  12. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    :0018: PARTY TIME!!! :0018:

    :0020: :0020:
  13. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Congratulations Mommy and Daddy!!

    This auntie is anxiously awaiting pictures!!! :) GOOD LUCK and ENJOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!

    :kiss_heart: :kiss_heart:
  14. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    I bet you and them are having a blast. they are such cuties
  15. hitomishiri

    hitomishiri New Member

    Congratulations! So happy for you! :0018:
  16. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Wellllll, to busy now!!!! Come on, tell us.

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