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please pray 4 teddy bear

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by FMgurl43, May 5, 2004.

  1. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    yea ive been draining alot of those lately..... i just cant figure out where simba got his from... hes the lazy type that dont really care to go outside unlike my other brats who run to the door as soon as u open it.... simba likes the ac i guess hes spoiled.... he would rather be inside then out and he has been inside 4 exactly 2 weeks now and hasnt faught w/ any of my other cats or anything so im trying to figure out how he got it.... its a nice hole.. its pretty big not like a teeth mark unless it would be from a big dog but he hasnt been oustide soooo.... im gonna find teddy dead or alive weather i get her back or not i just wanna know what happened to her im still praying she will show up on my doorstep....its soooo quite around here w/ out her here and her big mouth meowing non stop....lol simbas feeling better he just now jumped on my shoulders and is grooming my hair.... back to himself..... my crazy cats....
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. How's Simba doing today? No fever? He's eating and drinking okay? His abscess is still draining? By the time you're in vet school, draining abscesses will be a piece of cake! :wink:
  3. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    yea i know i think i got the abcess down pack....his abcess is done draining and has healed hes back to himself....except today its funny u asked about him cause today has been horrible.... these new ppl moved in next door today and have a pit.. well simba ran out the door this morning when my dad left 4 work and when i went out to get him my next door neighboors thought it would be funny to let their pit out lose to catch him... i heard them talking about it as they watched me chase simba and i told them if they did i was calling the law well i gues that made them mad so they let their dog out who dosent like cats i might add and the dog ran past me and simba climed up a tree well he lost balance and fell and i tried to catch him but the dog caught him b4 i could the dog caught his back leg so i kicked the dog(i love animals as u may know but he was attacking my cat) the owners of the dog were sitting there lauging the whole time by then there was about 6 ppl watching from their house that was helping them move in everyone thought it was funny but this old lady that was there she was yelling 4 them to go get the dog... finally after she seen no one was gonna she ran up and snatched the dog off the cat i grabbed simba and ran to my house simba was bleeding all over the place but attcking me like crazy i called the law and animal services they took the dog and i dunno whats gonna happen to the owner they said they woudl contact me.... i rushed simba to animal services since they said they woudl look at him no charge and luckily all he has is a gash in his thight right below his abcess.... 4 me to keep it clean dry and covered he would be fine.... my poor baby....im sooo upset 1st teddy now simba.....
  4. moose

    moose New Member

    oh, hellllllllllll no!!! that last post of yours makes me furious! some people are such cruel idiots! you know, first reaction might be to be pissed at the dog for attacking your cat, but its "owners" let it loose!! in order to attack your cat!

    i would strongly advise seeking compensation from them for simba's vet care. from the sound of it, they sound like real winners, so i'm sure this won't be an easy task.

    what sort of laws for this type of behavior do you have in florida? ugh, it's such a shame there are people like this. and most likely the dog will get the worst punishment when it's the people that are to blame! bah.
  5. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I'm sorry for you and Simba and that poor dog that is being raised by a bunch of dummies. I'm just glad Simba is okay. I don't know if the new people are renters, but you may want to contact the landlord and let them what is going on. I have a feeling they will be causing a lot more problems.
  6. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    im not mad at the dog im mad at the ppl and its really pisses me off(excuse me) that they r moving in next door....where i may also add pets r not allowed since they r renting it!!! but im sure the landlord knows that they have a dog now sooo im not sure whats gonna happen there and just so happens my mom is best friends w/ their landlords daughter...lol so lets put it this way hopefully they r moving out as soon as they move in...

    as far as the laws over here my sis in law works 4 animal services and since my cat was running at large not on a leash then really i cant make them pay 4 anything which i think is really dumb since by the time my cat got attacked he was in my backyard but on the other side of the fence... its supposed to be that the cat or dog can run loose as long as they r in the owners yard which simba was when he fell outta the tree just behind our fence their dog was the one outta their yard... but i dunno... since my sis in law works 4 animal services and is real good friends w/ the vet therehe offerd to look at simba at no charge soooo i dont have a vet bill 4 them to pay if they had to....luckily simbas ok just in a lil pain....and nothing seriously bad happened to him ... im not sure whats gonna happen to the dog they wont put it down b/c it didnt bite a human over here they will only put a dog down if the dog bites a human... and luckily this dog was up to date on its rabies shot!!!!! but i know they r fining the owners 4 its being out of its yard and they dont get their dog back till they pay and they might even face jail time b/c they LET their dog go after my cat they considerit almost like the pit fighting....but thats all the info i have right now on whats gonna happen i wont know more till tomarrow...

    but its like when the cat across the street from me came in my room and ate my bird.... they didnt do anything about that... the ppl across the street from me have 2 bassett hounds 1 min pincher and 8 cats they kept the min pincher in the house and the 2 bassetts outside along w/ the cats the dog inside neevr got let out to go potty and the animals outside never got fed my neighboor would put food out 4 the bassets and so would we the cats were starving and were having kittens after kittens non were fixed and over the winter when we had out windows open since the cats were sooo hungry one made a whole in my screen and went into my room and ate my bird i tried to get my bird away from the cat since my poor lovebird was still alive and the cat bite the crap outta me and then tookoff outside w/ my bird and all 8 cats had a go at my bird so i caught all the cats and took them to animal services and told them the situation and told them the womna that owned then needed to by=uy me a new bird they said they woudl try to make her and the woman refused but then x-mas eve she came over and said sorry and that she woudl buy anyother lovebird but to this day still havent seen it she wont even talk to us... animal services came out and picked up all 3 of her dogs and gave her a $500 fine 4 the dogs and she got the min pincher back who is not a friendly dog at all if he gets lose he will chse u down he bit the animal services guy when he came and got them but they still gave the dog back... heer the dog is inside24/7 i neevr see him oustide and their kid came over heer yesterday to use the phone and he smelled so bad like dog crap and pee its horrible.....but all the cats got adopted and the bassets got sent to a bassett hound rescue up in bradenton florida.. but it just goes to show that they dont really care when it copmes down to it.....
  7. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    well simbas doing fine and teddys still missing... im losing hope its been 1 week and 3 days and still no teddy i got 1 call wednesday from a lady that lived 30 min away that found a black female cat on her doorstep saturday and matched teddy exactly till i got there and looked this cat once again had all its toes on its back feet.. teddys only got 3 on 1 foot... my poor baby i wish i knew what happened to her i miss her sooooooooo much following me around talking and triping me and climbing up my legs to get attention.... its sooo quite around heer w/o her....i wish she would come home or i could find her.....

    as far as simbas case goes the ppl got kicked out yesterday and they surrendered their dog to animal services which i found out today has someone already willing to adopt the dog w/ lots of room 4 the dog to run and no neighboors around..... simbas backl to himself again and has so much energey like garfield did when he got outta his cage....lol i keep all my cats locked in my roomata ight so they cant get out in the morning and b4 i leave i let them run in the house.... no one has been outside in 2 days....i cant handle losing another aniaml right now its to hard....i still miss my bubba and hes been missing 4 almost 3 years now and i still wonder what happened to him and when i go looking 4 teddy imlooking 4 bubba also....if i knew what happened to them that would be 1 thing but just wondering what could or did happen is what is getting to me......
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    That is horrible what those people did. I'm glad the dog was taken from them...they don't deserve to own one. I'm sorry to hear that Teddy has not been found yet.
  9. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi FMgurl. I'm sorry you still have not found Teddy. :( I am glad though that Simba is doing better and those dumb people next door got kicked out and that their dog may have found a new home. Hang in there. I sure hope you find your Teddy.

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