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Rating my stocking list!!!!

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Trickster, May 10, 2005.


Stocking List....


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    0 vote(s)
  3. Sounds fine.......... just fine

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  1. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    If you so kindly please sir, madam, rate my lil ol stocking list, read my fine ol signature to know what it is, and vote on the poll please, and if u wish, post a reply to changes u would make...

    EDIT: Yes, we have a language filter, but please try not to put it into use. Also, I deleted the other thread.
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    The gourami & female betta may fight. Plus blue gouramis get fairly large. A 20 gallon is sometimes okay, but with all those other fish, it may end up being a bit cramped. Same goes for the rainbow shark.

    I'd also either drop the tetras or drop the guppies and get a couple more tetras and another cory since they both prefer to be goups (pairs could work, but it's not the best situation).

    My recomendation would be:

    blue gourami or rainbow shark
    3 - 4 black tetras
    3 - 4 cories
    If you go for the rainbow shark, you could add a female betta.

  3. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    Guppies have been crossed out, i already got the 20 gal, so far female betta and gourami and 2 albino cories, the cories are alot of fun to watch, my beta and gourami dont fight at all, but act like best friends. Rainbow shark and 3 tetras is all the more that i am adding, then i will be happy

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