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Rough start...Need help PLEASE

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by tyler_medeiros, Feb 6, 2005.

  1. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    they can survive in gravel......for them to survive to need
    A fish that wont eat them
    B no snails (they eat them)
    C adequate lighting
    D you can go out and buy the liquid fertilizer if you want.
  2. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    ok i guess i can give them a try.
    if they die will they hasrm the fish?
  3. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    if you leave dead one sin the tank, yea, probably when it breaks down......if it dies and you remove it, no, wont harm the fish.
  4. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    Hey Im finally done researching.
    Well for know untill I get the fish. I am just waiting to get a paycheck to go out and buy them. I also have to set the tank up and probly cycle it for a week or two.
    I am stuck though. I would like to get 2 dwarf gouramis, 4 zebra Danios, and either another gouriami or 2 guppies. Im not sure. Anyone have suggestions.
  5. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Tou could do the 3 dwarf gouramis (1 male, 2 female) and the danios. Guppies are pretty fish but mine multiplied like crazy.
  6. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    I found this tank online.
    I really like it.
    I finally brought my girlfriend to the pet store to look at the fish I had picked out however she didn't liek any of the three and since she is providing the majorityof the money she gave me a list of these fish that she liked.
    -Leopard Danio
    -Giant Danio
    -Red Eye Tetra
    -Threadfin Rainbow
    -White Cloud

    If any one know which ones of these would get along well in a 20 gallon and how many of each can you let me know.
  7. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    I was thinking 2 dwarf gouriamis, 4 leaperd danios, and 2 white clouds.
    We comprimised on the gouriamis but she also wants to put 2 mollies in. But dont they get pretty big.
  8. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Danios and white clouds are schooling fish so you might want to either get 6 danios or 6 white clouds.

    Giant danios get up to 4" and they are schooling so you'd need more than a few.

    Mollies are livebearers so you might get a little population problem if you get a male and female.

    Red eye tetras are nice fish too (I had some when I was younger) but again they school.
  9. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    Thanks alot
    we have pretty much decided on some fish.
    we are getting 2 male dwarf gouriamis, 6 leaperd Danios, and 2-4 hatchetfish.
  10. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    IMO, that's too much for a 10 gallon.

    If you're going to stick with 2 dwarf gouramis, make sure they're both females. If you get 2 males they'll likely fight. If you get a male and a single female, he will probably harrass her and in a tank that small, there's really not a lot of space for her to get away and hide.

    Also I'd go with either 4 danios or 3 hatchetfish.

  11. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    its a 20 gallon
    not a 10
  12. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Oops, I read 10 gallons in your first post and forgot that you decided to go with the 20.

    I'd go with the 2 gouramis*, 4 danios and 4 hatchet fish.

    * If it's a 20 tall, I'd still recommend 2 females. If it's a 20 long then you could maybe get away with a male & female if you provided plenty of hiding places.

  13. tski22

    tski22 New Member

    Sounds like a nice lineup for a 20. Keep in mind hatchet fsh are primarily top dwelling fish and they feed off the top so make sure the hood is fitted tightly because they can jump, and make sure there is enough food because hatchets dont have an easy time eating from anywhere but the yop of the tank. As far as the danios go they should be fine. IMO danios can be a bit nippy so if you got any less than 6 they might nip at the gouramis a bit, but if you are planning on getting 6 like you said, they should quarral amongst themselves. Dwarf gouramis are nice but as mentioned by Chelle a female/female pair would be best due to aggression. Lastly IMO it would be wise to first purchase the 6 danios because they are hardy fish and accept a wide range of water parameters. Then after maybe of week if all looks good, then get the gouramis and/or hatchets. Good Luck getting your first fish. Keep us updated, and maybe try to psot a pic of the tank. -tl
  14. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    thanks for everything guys
    i will be back on here
    the only reason i wanted the 2 males is because of there beautiful colors. I was told that the females werent as colorful so i wasnt sure. I was first plannign on cycling the tank for 7-10 days before i bought anyfish.
  15. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    If you're going to cycle the tank before adding fish, you have to add ammonia and it will likely take longer than 7 -10 days. Just letting it run w/o anything in it won't do anything.

  16. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    oh ok so just cycle it with the danios will do it
  17. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    Also my tank is a 20 gallon long. It has 2 little pots and a tower for hiding as well as good plant cover. The only reason i want 2 males gourimis is because of there colors. Could i do 1 male and 2 females.
  18. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    Also my tank is a 20 gallon long. It has 2 little pots and a tower for hiding as well as good plant cover. The only reason i want 2 males gourimis is because of there colors. Could i do 1 male and 2 females.
  19. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    We've finally made a decision!

    -4 Metalic Blue Zebras
    -1 Male Dwarf Gouramis, 2 Female

    -3 Hatchet Fish
    -3 Strawberry OR Blueberry Tetras

    With a 20 G aquarium. Decorated with a small castle, small clock tower, two tiny terricota pots, white and blue gravel, with plenty of plants.

    How does this sound, and of the two options, what would you recommend?
  20. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    please dont buy the strawberry or blueberry tetras.....those are dyed fish........http://www.deathbydyeing.org/colormedead.htm thats a list of dyed fish....other parts of the site tell u about the horrifying process.

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