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Sams, look at this guy

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Nov 23, 2004.

  1. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Yes, I have "joint custody" of Sarge (GSD) with my ex! My feeling is that for one, the GSD has the health problems due to detriorating breeding standards. I have been really interested in the King Shepherd. They are listed with ARBA. This is an attempt to breed back the larger size that GSD's used to be, coupled with eliminating the health problems. It has produced a BEAUTIFUL dog with an amazing temperment and extemely high level of intelligence. A police canine trainer friend of mine here in town bought one 2 years ago. The Dept. is now looking into getting more of them. The Shiloh is another newer interesting Shepherd, but mostly b/c they are so darn pretty!




    I guess my moderately small level of knowledge regarding herding dogs won't stop me from weighing in! I have the general opinion that whatever the breed was originally bred to do, that is, whatever their genetic instincts are, such as the Ban dogs, etc. that they should be left to their field. Instinct is hard to change. Herders may be good guard dogs for their family and flock, but my feeling is a Corso is what I want for protection. As that is what his natural instinct is. Am I making any sense? lol![/img]
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I see what yall are saying.

    The ACD's derive from the wild dingo bred to a dalmation....So you not only have the wild instinct to herd and drive, but the loyalty and protection all in one!

    If you knotice, all ACD pups are born white. Later their tru colors come in. This trait was brought over from the dalmation. The body structure drive and "bite" came from the wild dingo....
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member


    It's VERY interresting to watch the different instincts in dogs... Like the herders even as opposed to drovers and guarding... Different ways of doing things...different types of biting and holding or not holding... Like There's the drover that is all about "catching" an unruly animal by the nose and at the same time going to battle to protect... you get the herding dogs that tend to move rather than engage an animal in a struggle and that follows with the humans CLOSELY...drovers stay with the herd/flock instead...

    Then there's the dogs like My Boerboels that are people dogs but they also go around the property if they feel there is something there... They warn with a HUGE display and then engage in a manner to say...get away or I'll REALLY get you then... The sole purpose for them is to get rid of the threat however they can...be it chase it away through displays or killing it if it won't give up the fight... INTERRESTING forms of behavior for sure!

    I like the Shiloh Shepherds myself...haven't met a King but since my dogs are ARBA recognized as the only BIG registry in the US I've seen the Shiloh dogs a few times... BEAUTIFUL and distinguished for sure!
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I've taken a liking to the APT and Boerborals since I've been here. Both I think are magnificent animals.

    I'm a firm believer that the breed purpose should be used for that purpose unless the act is harmful to the animal itself or harmful to the environment.

    Take for instance the Pit. Beautiful dogs, with GREAT talent at hog hunting. However they are also bred to fight. Allowing them to do so is harmful to the indiviuals and therefore not acceptable. Hog hunting is a great way to use their tallents and economical and helpful.

    The ACD's, bordercollies, and aussies.....great herding animals. But not everyone lives on a ranch and has the "need" to herd. Therefore their tallents are reverted into "flyball" and "adjility". I think both are excellent.

    As long as the dogs are using their "Natural" instincts, tallents and so forth, I don't see a problem with it. But trying to force a dog into doingsomething un natural (like teaching a Lab thats bred to hunt, to become a police dog) isn't right.
    Labradore Retrievers are bred to Hunt and retrieve. Using them as adjility or fly ball is a great way to channel the tallent and instinct....but come on!! Using them for K-9 Units...thats just not right....
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Tracking K9 units is good for labs... Our police have a couple of trackign and bomb Labs... But I agree as far as patrol work...

    So you like my Boerboels eh? Cool!
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    oh yes. Ever since I first saw you here!!! I started reading up on them and the more I look at em...the more I like em!

    Oh I agree... Labs for Drug dogs or search and rescue are one thing...but Patrol dogs....no
  7. Sara

    Sara New Member

    That's crazy cuz I been doing the same thing with the ACD's...LOL... How funny!
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member


    Here's my boy. Not the best photo though..he's got his ears down and kinda in a grumpy mood.... and here's Chars last litter....



    And this is what you get when you cross a red heeler with an APBT: Freckles

  9. Sara

    Sara New Member

    My first dog bite was from a Red healer... I can still remember the first time I ever saw a Blue healer... I was enamored! Since then I'd swore up and down that I'd get one... a nice DARK one with a patch over his/her eye is what I saw and I wanted one like that...
  10. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Happy thanksgiving everyone...I'm off till Friday!!!

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