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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lynnhaz, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Maybe :| I'm sure it'll pass.

    I used to have a White cat named Sarge and she had a very bad habit of eating plastic. No matter how hard you tried to hide it she'd find some somehow. She usually threw it up or pooped it out. I remember seeing the litter box with poop with plastic in it-odd. She didn't have any serious probs from it tho.

    I think he will be okay. :y_the_best:
  2. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    thank you everyone for your concern. max is eating well, but still has diarrhea. he is energetic, and back to his old self. :shock:
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Thanks Lynn and Bellack. Milo is fine now. No pukes, acting cute and eating normal again, and wants to go outside this AM. I'll let him out in a couple of hrs.

    Yeah! Max is somewhat back to normal!
  4. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    vene...i am relating. this morning, max had that "khacking" sound like someone posted the other day. it definitely is a hairball or throwing up sound. but...he just swallowed and it was over. no vomiting. he is still eating okay. i think milo probably got into something. does he eat grass? that will always do it. maybe he has a hairball. KHACK!!! KHACK!!! :p

    P.S. JUST GOT A CALL FROM DR. GREEN! the bacteriologist. his fecal came back negative for tritrichamonads....which is good, but they said it looks suspicious for camplobactyr. (spelling?) gotta go research this and see what it is.

    CAMPYLOBACTER- CAMPYLOBACTER: A bacteria, Campylobacter jejuni is most often associated loose, sometimes bloody stool in cats, dogs, guinea pigs and other domesticated species, as well as in humans. Many infected cats show no signs of illness even with the bacteria present in the intestinal tract. Most affected cats are less than 6 months of age. Diarrhea (sometimes bloody) is the sign seen most often, but in most cases where Campylobacter are discovered there are other pathogenic organisms present as well. The organism can survive in the environment for 3 days or more. Infection in humans is usually through the food chain; infection from cats is rare but it does happen. Any severe loose stool, especially with blood present, should be evaluated by a veterinarian.
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Since Max is already on antibiotics, what does Dr. Green plan to do to get rid of Camphyobactor? Can you give Max some natural remedy stuff like yougurt to help with his build up of good bacteria in his intestines and boost his immunity? I think someone mentioned something to Bellack about a product from petsmart to use on kittens for boosting immunity.
  6. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Yeah...the product was Bilbac. I haven't gone to the pet store to get it yet so I don't know how it works.
    I just called Petco and they don't have it or heard of it. I researched for it and can't find it on the internet either. Maybe it was spelled wrong??? Feafly is the one who told me about it so maybe you want to ask her. It''s not on the petsmart website either.
    Good luck
  7. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Yeah...the product was Bilbac. I haven't gone to the pet store to get it yet so I don't know how it works.
    I just called Petco and they don't have it or heard of it. I researched for it and can't find it on the internet either. Maybe it was spelled wrong??? Feafly is the one who told me about it so maybe you want to ask her. It''s not on the petsmart website either.
    Good luck
  8. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    well...good question. if it is campylobacter, then it is a different antibiotic, like tetracycline i think he said. he also said the tylan powder is effective. since he has been back on the tylan powder, his stools are a little more formed.

    he is also on an enzyme powder that i sprinkle on his food called proenzyme. really anyone can use it with their animals...just helps them metabolize the nutrients better. i have tried yogurt. he wouldnt touch it. didnt like plain cooked chicken either. he would rather have broccoli with butter or twice baked potatoes, chips and dip, tamales, cheese, chinese food....anything that is not what he is supposed to eat. i have to sit and eat my dinner with the spray bottle right next to me. he wants it all. of course i give him NO PEOPLE FOOD...except what has been suggested like the yogurt, chicken, plain rice, and plain baked potato to bulk up his stools. but...he doesnt like any of it.

    goofy cat...

    but the good news is...he is liking the zd now. i am mixing a little in his normal food and he is eating it. so, maybe i will be able to go to a hypoallergenic diet some day to see if that is part of what is giving him the diarrhea. :shock:
  9. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    tonight max had probably the most normal stool he has ever had. still soft...but at least it had some form to it. probably a result of both the tylan powder and the zd i am mixing in with his regular food... :eek:
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    Rene loved to eat human food too until she turned one. I can't even get her to eat a piece of cold cut anymore. She also has soft stools and that's to be expected since they love to drink so much water. I'm sure Max is a water freak too. It's in their leopard genes.

    At least Max is settling in with something that works. Too much messing with food and meds will make even a normal stomach turn sour.
  11. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    isnt that the truth???

    okay, so how do you get poo poo out of the carpet. he squished some soft poo poo into the carpet today. i dont like to use the commercial products because they leave dark spots after the carpet is cleaned. how about soapy water? suggestions?
  12. vene

    vene New Member

    Yiikes. First I soak up the poo or in my case usually vomit with paper towels as much as I can. Then I use soapy water- I like Palmolive lemon scent with a sponge to clean the area. Then a good spray of resolve. It cleans the rug real good and leaves a fresh scent. The patch will be white at first, but with traffic it usually evens out at the end. Good luck!
  13. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    thanks vene...its got wet towels down now. not a big spot, but his you know what is still soft, so it seems to go right in there.
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    Lynn, Milo is sneezing now. First it was puke, then it was diarrhea, now it'e sneezing. He's got the flu. Luckily, non of the other kitties caught it. I bet he ate something bad outside!

    By the way that good bacteria stuff that I didn't know was Bene Bac (beneficial bacteria) that they sell in most pet stores.

    How's Max doing? The last I heard from you was that he's back to having diarrhea 10x/day and misbehaving.
  15. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hi vene. his stools are a little more formed, but he is going a zillion times a day. his energy is good. now let me tell you a funny story....

    so about three weeks ago i posted the funniest thing i had seen him do. i was in the bedroom, and he came trotting into the room with his syringe for liquid medication in his mouth. he jumps on the bed, and drops it on my chest.

    this morning, i hear him making some sounds...all of a sudden (i was still laying in bed) he jumps on the bed, and what does he have in his mouth???? that he drops on my chest??? his bottle of pills!!!

    i think i have an addict cat. he loves his pills...so strange. :shock:

    oh vene...i hope milo is okay. probably just a bug...i will say a prayer though....
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    Lol's , Max is a "druggie." Very pleased to hear he's back to his old energy level. Thanks for thinking about Milo. He's fine, eats + drinks fine, just has the sneezes. He's getting much better. :mrgreen:
  17. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    okay...here is the update.

    it has been a LONG and trying four months with max and his poopie problems...we have been through different medicines (metronidazole, tylan powder, amoxil...), vet appts out the ying yang, fecal exams, a specialist in bacteriology, pooping over ten times a day, dribbling blood and feces on my counter tops, ivory carpet, (you name it), and ingesting string which resulted two weekends ago in 400.00 day of xrays and barium..., getting into a plant which resulted in a call to the poison line and a day consumed with fear...

    TROOPER!!!!!! :eek:

    through it all.

    so several days ago, i lost control with the secretary at my vets. the bottom line was this.....he wasnt getting any better with the specialist's recommendations. his stools were watery, he was dribbling everywhere, and he went a zillion times a day. :cry:

    the specialist disagreed with my vet on the idea of changing max's medicine to something my vet had looked into...a mixture of metronidazole and bactrin, combined with b-12 shots. the specialist said he wanted to do a biopsy...

    my vet disagreed...

    i didnt know what to do...here are two people who are supposed to be helping me...they couldnt agree with each other. long story....short....my vet called me shortly after i lost it...and explained his theory and why he disagrees with the specialist. he said he did not think it was time to do an invasive procedure like a biopsy when we have not explored the new mixture of medicine and/or his diet...he felt an ethical responsibility to go with a lesser invasive solution.

    and i agreed...so...he went off tylan powder four days ago and onto the mixture of met. and bactrin + B 12. WELL FOLKS!!! :D for the first time in months...he has only gone two times a day...and his stools are firmer. not yet right, but much, much better. he even seems less agitated.

    so...my vet wrote a letter to the specialist...and we are going to try this route. plus a biopsy would cost about a 1000.00 and i have already spent about 1200.00 on him so far. whew!! he is my high maintenence kitty.

    in my tantrum mode...i cancelled his neutering....i said "CANCEL IT ALL...I AM SO TIRED OF ALL THIS...CANCEL ALL VETS, CANCEL HIS NEUTERING, CANCEL EVERYTHING!!!!!" :shock:
    (really because i didnt want him neutered when he was going ten times a day and dribbling...)

    so there ya go...thanks for listening.... :roll: (by the way...he gets neutered next tuesday :wink: )
  18. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm glad you went with Max's primary dr. I would probably choose the less invasive route until there were no possibilities left. I read somewhere, I think it was one of nern's or Chessmind's old posts, that vitamins will boost the cat's immunity when taking antibiotics. Souds like the right dose of b-12 and antibiotics did the trick! :eek: I'll be thinking of Maxie and you on Tues.! :mrgreen: Keep us posted!
  19. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    yes...my vet has talked about trying to get acidophales into his system. he hates plain yogurt. (uhh...not my vet...max :wink: ) he also said that when they have chronic intestional problems they cannot absorb b-12...something about the small intestine or lower intestine....didnt really understand it. but it made sense. :shock: yesterday he only pooed three times. miracle...downright miracle. hope it continues

    i found some articles on it and basically it states that there is significant evidence to support the idea that cobolamin (b-12) deficiency is present in animals with gastrointestional problems and may even be a cause of gastrointestional problems. this is VERY interesting... :-k

    i found this quote:
    As described above, there is compelling evidence that significant tissue-level cobalamin deficiency is present in some
    companion animal patients with gastrointestinal disease
  20. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    :y_the_best: Glad to hear that Max is pooing better...hopefully it will keep up...and he'll be good and happy and wont have to go to anymore vets other than for the routine stuff!!!!

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