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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lynnhaz, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. vene

    vene New Member

    Yep, 12:30AM today. I was up because we went out late. Baby wiped out at 10PM. Finally! We went to Walmart, Target,Home Depot, and IHOP for dinner after hubby came home. He had to fix some toys the baby destroyed in hubby's toy room. We had to replace a $50 hose reel the landscaper's employee destroyed by ripping out an anchored hose reel. He's already destroyed a chunk of our vinyl fence, broken our downspout with the lawn mower, cut our cable line. He mows our lawns after it rains and we have ruts all over our yard and Venus is dead and this is her anniversary. We were a bit stressed last night.Then we had to deal with our new hard drive last night after the baby fell asleep. You knew that I got bugged getting on Morpheus. I picked up the computer yesterday and spent $166. We had to figure out which files were saved and which weren't etc. etc.
    So I think I saw Vene at 12:30AM today. She was sitting smack in the middle of the kitchen and I was about to trip over her. I thought it was Milo. Then I stepped over nothing. I could swear I saw a dark kitty sitting there. Maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. It could've been our first grey tabby Pooky as well. Who knows? Yes Bellack you were right. I did get visited.
  2. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    whoa.... :shock: hi kitty vene from all of us! WE LOVE YOU!!!
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Are there any other ways of Max getting B12 besides getting shots? Why can't his body absorb the vitamin?

    I was looking at cat pics with the baby and came across this site:
    http://sobi.org/photos/Cat/amsterdam/index.html There'a a Bengal kitty in the mix. I was wondering what Max will look like when he grows up. By the way, the baby is so cute. He keeps grabbing his stuffed kitty from the living room and hugging it whenever he sees a cat pic that he likes and says "awww." He was hugging Rene all day yesterday and annoying her. Too bad I can't take a pic of her with him. The camara says "error" and I have to fix it when I can so I can take pics of pics of Vene and Milo when they were kittens. I have not been having good luck with electronics lately. Maybe it's just me. :x

    By the way, Milo is getting plumper each day. He looks fine and dandy. I think I better cut back on the extra foods I've been feeding him. Thank goodness he's fine. I don't think I can handle a sick kitty this week.
  4. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :eek: vene...i love bengals!!! :eek:

    well, i think he will look similar. and i think he is going to be really pretty. both of his parents are very striking animals.

    i am SO glad that milo is okay. sheesh! these cat scares are going to be the end of me. this weekend i am going out of town :shock: as you know...and one of the vets assistants is staying with max. she charges only 15 dollars a day, whether she spends the night or not. now...that is a deal...but i think ill give her 25 a day. most cat sitters will charge 50. i usually have a friend stay...she stayed with otis all the time...but max has to take pills...so this will work out perfectly. and...i love this assistant. shes great.

    so...thanks for the morning bengal fix...all the way from amsterdam!!!

    p.s. any more sightings of vene?
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    You are so lucky to have people you can trust. Max will miss you and vice versa but he'll be in good hands. Enjoy your weekend. :wink: Do you think StormyWinter's avatar is a Bengal? And nope, no more Vene sightings. I'm sure she'll pop up sooner or later since she's revealed herself a few times now. I'm glad she's sticking around. I really miss her. :( By the way, Rene acts exactly like Vene still and looks a little like her. It's weird. They both attack the same objects in the house and have very similar personalities. I wonder if the 2 cats conspired to be naughty. :shock:
  6. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hmmm....vene...rene...vene...rene....starts to blur doesnt it? dont get me started on the "woo ooo" things out there... :shock:

    max is so different than otis ...but he sounds so much like vene

    i am going to look at stormy winter...that sounds familiar. maybe i posted something and then asked for a reality check because i was starting to see bengals everywhere...like that kitty picture in the closet between the hangars...
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Milo is starting to gain some weight. The last 3 pics were on the memory card and I've saved them to photoisland. The camera is busted and I have to wait until it gets back to me before I can shoot some more pics of a healing Milo. These pics will only show up if I'm logged in Snapfish.

    Before sickness pic:

    During sickness pics:


  8. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    The links don't work. :( You need a password and username...

    edit - So you have to be logged in for us to see them? Strange...
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    Halaroo, PM me with your e-mail address and I'll let you have access to the Kitty pics if you want. I don't know how to copy pics directly from Snapfish and silly me forgot to copy Milo's files onto Photoisland.
  10. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Here's Milo before he got sick:


    He's so pretty!

    Vene - that's the only one I have access to. I can post the others if you want to send them as well.
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    Halaroo, I sent you a second photoalbum, it must not have gone through. I'll send again. Thank you for posting them. Ok, how did you get the pic to show up here? As you can see, I'm computer illliterate. :mrgreen:
  12. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I just saved the picture from your photo album and then uploaded it to my personal website. If you quote my last message, you will see my personal website address.
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm too lazy to figure it out so I'll let you do all the work. Thanks Halaroo, you're my savior (spelling?)!
  14. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I still didn't get the second album yet. If you wanted to email the pictures outside of Snapfish (ie. the ones you originally uploaded from your computer) I can put them on my site too.
  15. vene

    vene New Member

    Sorry Halaroo. I sent the pics a third time. It probably didn't go through a 2nd time because of my typo somewhere.

    I don't have any saved images on my new computer. My old computer got bugged and was supposed to be fixed. It's in a PC store awaiting a cd burner installation so I can save my pictures and other files onto a cd. All of my cat pics are there or on snapfish. Sorry to trouble you.
  16. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Not a problem!! I got your pictures the third time, but I'm not sure which one's to upload. I took out the three last ones, but Vene, you'll have to provide the commentary for them. Let me know if you want any of the others uploaded! :D


    I love this one:


  17. vene

    vene New Member

    Thanks Halaroo. That was super fast! These are the last 3 that I wanted posted. Milo looks like skin and bones here from getting a bad bug. I can't wait to get my camera back to show Milo's weight gain. He's taken over my toddler's bed and the baby sleeps on a queen bed now. I don't see how it could be comfortable sleeping on top of the dresser but apparantly he loves it and does it all the time.
  18. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    what i do is save the picture to "my pictures" by left clicking....saving it as bitmap. then i go to "paint" in my "accessories" under "start" and resaved the picture as a jpeg. then...i went to photoisland and saved them in photoisland. then you can transfer it to the forum through photoisland.

    did that make sense??
  19. vene

    vene New Member

    Too complicated Lynn. It's much easier to let Halaroo do all the work. He he he. Or the next time you! Just kidding. :mrgreen:
  20. vene

    vene New Member

    Ok Lynn, Milo's done it again. 2 days ago, he ate the upper half of a large rabbit and a mole or huge mouse (only intestines and the gall bladder were left). Today he puked up brown stuff with fur bits. I assuming he had some type of blockage and has now cleared it. He's going to be under observation for a couple of days. I'm not letting him out ever :m36:

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