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Sudden Agression. Help!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I think if it were me, I would look into getting another female dog. If you get Lacy back, then you will just have three instead of two, so no problem! :)
  2. Sara

    Sara New Member

    A female would likely work out for him for company but you'd have to socialize and make sure they are compatible as living companions... I bet it would help that a lot... Make sure she's close to his age and not TOOO much younger... and if you want to breed him to her make sure her ped. is compatable...the merles can crop up with problem if doubled up...you'd NOT want a merle female... You likely know that part but if you hope to breed POSSIBLY make sure she is a worthy candidate and he is too... No reason if your dogs aren't correct and high quality and will compliment eachother... Peds. should help in that latter department... Sounds like a good idea to me though.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    But definitely also do the other things to work on the aggression - training, etc.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok So I'll start looking. As far a sthe merle goes. Smokey is a perfect. Not spotted merle like many are. I don't like that at all. Lacy was a solid as well. They would have complemented each other emensly so. She had a 6 gen ped on her. It was AWSOME!!! She was traced all the way back to Queensland and her 4X great grandpa was one of the most successful ACD's of ALL time. She had most of those traits.

    I'll call Katrina again. Perhaps she knows of any. I know she's wanting us to get a puppy from her next litter. But Smokey is 4 and I think a female at age 3-5 would be best for him.

    Quality and peds are the most important to me. They MUST be proven for me to even look at. I'm very picky, I know. But most people try to pawn off "good CH dogs" who are not proven nor have ever been. Not to meantion all the disqualifications, health problems and stuff....
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    See you got it all covered...I assumed you had but wanted to make sure! Happy hunting and I can't wait to see pics once you pick something out!!! Keep up the good work of course!
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. SO Granvel went to the Dr yesterday and got some anti biotics. His poor hand is still very sore and swollen. The dr told him if it didn't go down in the next couple of days he'd have to see an orthopedic surgeon.

    Apparently he's got a couple hairline fractures and some muscle tissue damage. But nothing should be permanant....
    It must not have been hurting too bad last night, cuz he was working on his new motor block for a welding machine and hammering away with a mallot.....

    I brought home some chicken nuggets and french fries (Smokey's Favorite from Mc Donalds)

    I leashed him made him do a few commands for me and rewarded him with a fry and nuggett.... then it was Granvel's turn after he saw what I was doing.

    FIrst he stood above him and made him come. He gave him a fry and smokey imediately Snapped it way from him....so Gravel got the next Fry, and made him sit. It took about 3 tries to make him sit, but he did it...even though his butt just hit the ground and imediately bounced back up. But this time he held the fry in a closed fist and just barely opened it (this is the hurt hand he was using to let Smokey know he did bad , Trainer said that would remind Smokey) and this made Smokey have to take it from him slow and gently. Then he walked around tso make Smoeky come, and the sit but for longer periods.
    After about 45 minutes, he had Smokey sitting and not moving even with Granvel walking around him. And he was taking the nuggetts and fries without snapping them and grabbing them!!!!

    So we had a BIG positive result.

    Next came the fixing him from breaking out of the kennel. SInce the cinderblocks failed (he just pushes them out of the way). We removed all blockeges from around the pen and put up a hot wire fence. (we monotored him closely of course).

    He imediately went for the weak spot in the kennel where he's been breaking out. Hit the fence and kept going!!! He was screaming and yelping and runing like a bat outta hell.....

    SO We went and retreieved him made sure he was ok and calmed him down a bit , but not baby him. WE put him back in, and he hasn't gone for the spot yet!!! I guess he learned his lesson. The trainer said to leave it up for good. But after the first week or so we don't need to have it turned on. He need to "hit" it a few times to let him know that when he is distructive and tries to break out he'll be shocked. I know it hurts. I touched it to see what it felt like and if it was on.....it hits hard....not as hard as a livestock one or horse one, but hard enough to make me back off.

    After he learned that. Granvel went into his kennel to clean it, feed him and water. So we'll see if this helps. Not once last night did Smokey growl or take on a defensive posture to him. I thought we ended ona very good note, and Smokey got a very good lesson with Granvel and the kennel.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm glad to hear it's going well. I think if Granvel keeps working with him, it will stick very quickly. Smokey is a well-trained dog, so he just needs solid reminders of what his place is. He will keep testing, of course. Smokey is the kind of dog that you can never totally relax with - you have to make it a point to let him know where he ranks, especially at the first sign of backsliding.

    Did Granvel tell the doctor it was a dog bite? Were there any problems because of that?
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Yes he told him it was our dog. And that he was UTD on all shots and vacc's....and that it was a prevoked bite. SO he shouldn't do anything. But if they do try, I'lve got all my bases covered. I can quarentine him at home if neccessary, and I have wonderful vets that will help out as well.

    My mom brought up, "He can kill a child, he should be put down!"
    No. Thats not going to happen. One, we are very responcible owners and handlers. Two everyone we know with children know to keep their kids away and to behave, and if their over at our place, he's always confined.

    As for going for rides in the back of the truck. I beleive that will be put off for a good while, or he'll just have to ride in the back seat. I know he doesn't like that, but its for his and others safety.

    Heelers are dogs that attach themselves to one person or a very small house hold family. Thats why they are difficult to rehome, and shelters have so many agression and temperment problems with them.

    Heelers are one of the smartest breeds and learn sooo quickly that by the time you knotice a problem, its too late and requires hard work to correct it.

    The are bred to bite, and bred from the wild dingo. SO there's a big clue there as to many of the problems.

    They are a "crouching" dog. Which means they run low to the ground, and hone in on low things such as heels...hince the name Heeler.

    They have a rap just like the Pit bulls. They are mean and bite...well yes to an extent. A well trained, bred, and socialized heeler is the best dog you can get, but like the pit bulls, a bad owner and handler, and you have a problem.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    When Bonnie chases Nala (in play) she zooms in close and then stays even with Nala's flank. She can match Nala's speed easily and turns right with her. She doesn't bite at her heels, but she will go for the neck (still in play).

    Does this sound heeler-ish to you? Bonnie's personality is definitely different than a heeler, but she is getting some interesting behaviors as she is figuring out she is finally safe and no one is going to smack her anymore.

    I used to think Nala was the faster dog, but now I am convinced that Bonnie is - she just never passes Nala. I should bring the camera to the dog park. I love to watch them when they run full out!
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    It could be. There are header dogs and heeler dogs. They work as a team when penning or working many heads of cattle. One dog will nip at the heels to get them moving, the other will go for the nose and ears to get them to turn.

    I noticed that Lacy and Smokey played that way. But I also see Axel and Abby and Freckles play that way as well.
    So it could be just a normal dog thing..

    I know the Alpha dog will always be in the lead even though the "underlings" can surpass their motor skills. In wolf packs even though a submissive dog is faster, they won't pass the Alpha. Its a sign of submission.
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Bonnie does let Nala go through doors ahead of her, so I think Nala is the dominant dog....sort of. If provoked, Bonnie will stand up for herself, but her threshold is really high so she is rarely provoked. Nala would steal her food and Bonnie would let her, so Nala gets tied when they eat. But with a peanut butter Kong, they would fight for it.
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thats the signs!
    Allowing the Alpha to eat first, and lead is always the signs of who's dominating over whom.

    Although they will fight for possessions. Toys and such, but food is a completely diffrent thing.
  13. Sara

    Sara New Member

    My puppy eats first then the two older dogs... and I didn't do that...it's just how they do it in their runs when I feed... WEIRD...because the last to eat is the one who picks on the pup most...and the second to eat is my male and he wollops on the female, last to eat (Askari)...Precious is the puppy who apparently runs the show??? Not sexually mature so maybe that's a puppy thing... They allow puppies WAY more liberties than they would an adult... all dogs that is...
  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well I just spoke to a lady about some puppies. They are 6.5 weeks old. So I'm going to meet her tomorow after Smokey's vet apt and take a look.

    Wish me luck...

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