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The Life of Bobo (among others)

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by bellack1, Jun 27, 2004.

  1. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Well Pooky is at the vet now prbab;y having her sergery. I left one of her blankets with her so she is reminded of home. She was cute. She got on her hind legs to say goodbye and then the vet took her away :cry: I'm sure she'll be okay. After dropping her off I had to go to work. One lady actually argued with me over 18 cents!!

    YEaterday at the vet I looked at 2 kittens they had. One is a female and quite calm. The other is VERY playful and I think it's a male but not sure. I don't know which one to get! They both had food and litter in their cages and know how to use them. I dont think they should be so close- the food and litter. So basically its down to playful male and calm female. ANY SUGGESTIONS??? I won't get him until Bobo has his shots to thats about another weeks or so. Bobo will be 5 weeks on Friday. He loves to chew on my fingers and explore. He still falls over when he shakes his head or trips over his back legs. :lol: He crys when I carry him so I think he's scared of heights. He also crys when he's on the floor by himself. He gets lonely :roll: I'm still having trouble weaning him. He just doesn't know what to do. He walks through the saucer or falls in it :| He still hasn't used the litter box again- it's too soon and I still stimulate him after I feed him. How long should I wait to stop stimulating him? After he's weaned?

  2. vene

    vene New Member

    Don't worry Pooky will be fine. Let Bobo choose which one he wants to be with when the time is right. Keep stimulating him to go and keep trying to wean him. It'll take time. Good luck!
  3. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    good luck to pooky!!!! we are thinking of you!!! :eek:
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Jenny the dewormer (probably pantal - probably spelled that wrong) would give the kittens "dire-rear". The fosters I had got "dire-rear" after I gave them the dewormer x 5 = lots and lots and lots of litterbox changes :shock:
  5. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I just got off the phone with the vet. They said Pooky is awake and is okay! :eek: I have to wait until 5pm to pick her up though. I asked the vet if I could bring in Bobo to see who he gets along with and she assured me that since they're young he'll bond with either. The thing is I can't bring him in until about 2 weeks and who knows if the kittens will still be there. WHen I go in today I take another look and make the appointment for Bobo and ask how long the kittens will be there and everything.

    OHHHH Bobo just peed in the litter box all by himself!!!! and a lot of pee! Good job Bobo!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

    I guess the litter box will be if he has to go inbetween feedings which is good since he should be fed every 8 hours now. He's growing up so fast!! I would take him in today to see the kittys but I don't want to risk it cuz he hasn't had his shots. I just wish he would start eating out of the dish now :| Patience is a virtue :| :wink: Bla bla bla...
    Oh and I was a little bit worried b/c I saw a couple pieces of litter in Bobo's mouth. Is this normal? Its fresh step clay litter.

  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    kittens will try to eat litter - which is why clay is better than clthe clumping kind.
  7. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm glad to hear that Pooky is okay.
  8. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Well Pookys home now and I introduced Bobo and Pooky for the first time since Bobo's eyes opened. That was the first time I saw Bobo hiss and spit!!!!!! Hopefully he'll calm down. I just fed him and he still won't eat out of a dish. I gave Smokey some and showed Bobo how smokey was licking the dish but he didn't care. I also introduced him to water in a bowl and the bottle. I added a small bowl of water to his box. Right now it's 87 degrees in this room!! Wayne (Di's husband) won't get AC.

    I went into the back of the vet to see some other kittys and get Pooky. They had a lot of kittens! The calm female I saw is about 1 year old. The male kitten is 8 weeks. I also made Bobo's appointment for his shots. The official date is 7/29 at 11am! They ask yo to put down a $50 dollar deposit torwards his neutering and when you get it done you get a discount. While he gets his shots they will also look at his eye. Then I will look at choosing a kitten. It's soooo hard! I just want to get them all! As long as they get god homes. To walk out with a kitten its about $150 plus deposit for neutering.I also noticed they keep the food dish and litter box right next to eachother! They are really high litter boxes but still thats not good.

    Pooky is pretty normal. As soon as she heard my voice she started crying and barking.. SHe knows her mama! SHe will be recieving Clavamox 2wice a day for a week and after that OraVet Plaque Prevention gel once a week for 8 weeks. Her teeth are sparkling white and boy was she thirsty when we got home!

    Bobo wags his tail like a dog! It's so funny. I hope Bobo and Pooky will get along good with time. :|
  9. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    lol, lol again bellack1. you must get good grades in english...your phrasing is sooooo descriptive, and you use adjectives well :eek: ...like

    i am not sure if the quote came through or not...but if it didnt...you get the point.

    so glad pooky is okay....bellack1 ...how old did you say you were??? im thinkin like 30....certainly not 17. sheesh!!!
  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I agree - you must be a very mature young person. :y_the_best:

    is a pleasure knowing you
  11. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    lol lynn I will be 17 on September 9th. You will also notice me making up spelling like '2wice' or 'b/c' or 'cuz'. Thats the way I am..lol

    I went to a bad highschool for freshman year(gangs, drugs school probation, etc) and sophmore year I got accepted to IMSA- Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy. I really don't like it there but I need it for a good college- going back to my old highschool isn't an option and my parents cant affod private school. IMSA is state funded. If you're interested learn about it at www2.imsa.edu

    Yea I have to live there but I come home on the weekends. That is one of the reasons I'm getting Bobo a playmate- to play with when I'm not there. Of course he still has Pooky, my 15 yr old bro and parents but ya kno! :lol: Oh and my bunny Aida. I will miss him dearly and all. I am even thinking about sneeking him in during the school year for like a week or something. I'm sure it'll happen! By the way I have to move in again on August 21st. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: I really don't like it there. It's really hard. I was always an A student and there I'm surprised for an A, usually get b's and 1 time a c. Oh well- my furbabies will cheer me up! :eek:
  12. jennyret

    jennyret New Member

    belleck1 I am happy to hear Pooky is doing well.

    As far as Bobo eating, it is a very frustrating process. The three kittens still walk through their food, but at least they eat it. Only Boomer is using the litter box, the others poop everywhere.

    Mary_NH, thanks for letting me know about the dewormer. The vet neglected to mention side effects. She is more concerned with getting a stool sample from each of them. Which of course I can't obtain until the diarrhea stops.

    So, i just keep changing the wee wee pads and cleaning the litter. Boomer prefers a litter called Yesterday's News. It is recycled pieces of newspaper. It absorbs very well. I am wondering if the other two will not use it because he is or because they would prefer Fresh Step. I may try adding another litter pan.
  13. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    jennyret...i just used yesterdays news for max after his neutering. it was really expensive though...like 8 dollars for a small bag. granted....you only need a little, but max didnt really like it anyway. he kept trying to eat it, then play with it. plus...when they poop, you cant scoop it....the whole thing has to be dumped out. i didnt like it.....

    God bless your soul for taking care of them...i have said it before and i will say it again...i just dont see how people care for multiple cats...its all i can do to take care of max. i will say, however, that i think he is on the mend....i think its about time since weve been struggling with these medical issues for FOUR MONTHS!!!!! ugh! :shock:
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    Bellack, I'm glad to hear that Pooky did well and is ok. When will the biopsy results get back? It sounds like you got your mind set on a kitten friend for Bobo. I guess it'll be up to you to choose which one since Bobo will bond to either one according to the vet. We got Milo and Venus around 8 weeks old and they bonded to Monty Boy right away who was 4 yrs old at the time. He napped, groomed, and played with them. He still does with Rene and Milo.

    Sounds like Bobo is developing quite nicely and has quite a personality. I have yet to hear Monty Boy hiss.

    Jennyret, you are one amazing person to be able to care for all these orphans. I think it's much more stressful taking care of kittens than caring for 1 human baby and I bet you have just as much fun if not more.

    Lynn, it's so nice to finally see that Max is on the mend. That's because he is so loved and well-cared for by his meowmmy.
  15. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I'm glad to hear max is doing good.Had a crappy day at work today.
    I've been giving Pooky her meds and she seems fine. I'm still amazed at how fast Bobo is growing. I can't wait for his vet visit. :p He's so cute. HIs eye is still the same. Not worse or better. I think it can wait until his vet visit instead of charging for one before.

    Still won't eat real food. Should I offer it every feeding or what?
  16. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I just tried again and also tried showing him how Smokey lapped it up. He didn't care he just was looking for the bottle. He thinks his food only comes from the bottle. He smells the plate and knows its there but just doesn't want to or know, I dont know. It's so fustrating. :| Anyone have this problem or know what else to do?
  17. vene

    vene New Member

    Bobo is a toddler now. He's got a strong personality and knows what he wants. That's why he only wants to be fed from the bottle. Have you tried putting a dab of tuna on his milk plate? That might do the trick. Or just wait another week before you wean him.

    You have probably already read this from:
  18. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Thanks Vene I'll try that next time he's fed. Its fustrating. He just walks through it looking for the bottle. Another thing thats weird is he's REALLY aggresive when I'm feeding his sometiems. Not all the time. Like he'll have the bottle in his mouth and he'll claw at the bottle very fast and since my hand is there holding the bottle it hurts. He goes nuts. He moans while doing it too. It's kind of scarey.

    He just had a rude awakening...lol. He was crawling on the bed after eating and he was torwards the edge and fell asleep there. Well I guess he rolled over and fell off the bed..lol. I just heard a thump and knew it was him. Don't worry he's fine. He landed on the pillow I put under him. It was just funny. :lol:
  19. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member



    THAT IS REALLY NOT OKAY!!!! GRRRRR....$%#@@%$$!!!!!!

    so anyway...about the eating thing...he used to make the funniest noises when he would eat...like growling an chirping noises. he did it alot. still does from time to time, but when he was little...like 8 weeks...it was hysterical.

    in the wild i think cats growl to protect their food. max also put many little things in his food bowl...his mouse, the protective cap from my razor he plays with, the protective cap from the electrical socket...all his favorite toys end up in his food bowl, and water bowl. like this morning...he had NO water in there. obviously what he had done all night is drop his mouse in his water and retrieve it until there was no more water left. then...........................he drops it in my coffee....oooohh....im gonna get him............MAX!! MAAA-AAAXXX!!! MAA-AAA-AAAXX!!! GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW....RIGHT NOW!!! I SAID RIGHT NOOOWWW!!!! YOU ARE REALLY PUSHIN IT WITH ME MISTER!!!!!! GET......OVER......HERE......!!! :mrgreen:
  20. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Oh my gosh. I just had the scare of a lifetime. I let Bobo play on the bed as usual so I look over and he's nowhere to be found on the bed!!!I pick up the blanket and pillows and still no Bobo. I look under the bed next to Pooky and no Bobo. I look on the side of the bed and no BOBO! By now I'm going crazy worring if I sit on the bed I'll squish him or something. So I look in this little hole against the wall where there's some space between the wall and the bed and I see this little furball!!!!!!!! I was soooooo relieved. NEVER do that to mommy again you hear you little sneeker!!! :?

    Oh Lynn thats hilarious. :mrgreen:

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