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The Life of Bobo (among others)

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by bellack1, Jun 27, 2004.

  1. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Thanks Vene. I was looking into it from the forum about them. I signed up for the certificates. I thnk the closest participating vet is about 15-20 minutes away. They haven't sent me info yet so I dont know how much it will cost. I would have to ask matt for a ride to drop them off and pick them up. I think doing them at the same time is a good idea too.

    By their ages, patches is the oldest and bobo the youngest. This would make me wait for bobo to catch up so all 3 can go at the same time. Is this okay? Instead of 6 months old can't they be a certain weight? This might work better. I dont want to be waiting for Bobo when Patches and bella would be able to mate.

    Thanks again. Your info is greatly appriciated :mrgreen:
  2. vene

    vene New Member

    Bellack, you are always 2 steps ahead of me. A certain weight sounds ideal. We wouldn't want them mating now, do we? :0023: The certificates would be great. Hope they'll save you a few bucks- school, pet supplies and vet visits are so costly now a days! :mrgreen:
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    The low cost clinic that Bean was done at will spay/neuter kittens as long as they are 3 lbs. Hopefully, the clinic you contacted will have similar rules. I agree that it would be nice to have all 3 done at the same time.
  4. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I got the tickets in the mail today. They dont give a price so I'm going to call.

    I have been visiting with my rommate at her house. I have to tell about all the barncats I seen. I'll update in a litle while. Sorry its been awhile.
  5. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :eek: hi bellack!!! :y_the_best:
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    Waiting impatiently for the barncat stories! :mrgreen:
  7. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member


  8. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I'm so sorry guys. With moving in to school and classes starting I've been busy. I am supposed to have internet in my room by the end of this week so I'll def be on more.

    Ok so the barn cats...

    I went to visit my roommate who lives about 1 1/5 hours west of me. She lives in the middle of corn fields in Serena Illinois. Its a tiny ton with a small population. Anyway she owns 3 minature horses which are so beautiful and 2 dog- 1 inside and 1 outside, 3 inside cats-one with 6 toes in front and 5 in back, and tons of barn cats. I would say 15 or more. And one is pregnant. Where she is everyone who lives there has an old barn and barn cats. These cats recieve no medical attention unless it is suspected they have something like ringworm that could spread to the others and then are put down. They are not neutereed b/c they say its a waste of money so they keep reproducing- usually inbreeding since the same cats stay in the barn. Once in awhile a tom cat will stray through but since everyone lives kinda far from eachother not much. Some of the cats are even skittish and wont come near you. Others are tame and rub on you and follow you everywhere if you pet them. It is unusual for my roommate to have indoor animals. Where she lives everyone keeps all the animals outside at all times. Her outside dog only comes in if its thundering b/c she gets scared. She recieves medical attention and has severe arthritis so doesn't wonder. In the summer my rommate gets a regular tall horse from a college to take care of and she rides him and shows him. I got a chance to ride him for the first time this summer. They take good care of all their animals just not the barncats. And there is a lot of them so I understand but if they would just get all the females neutered or interbreed with neighboring farmcats it woul be better. They even have miniature cats from inbreeding. The cats are given cat food everyday and their water comes from a goldfish pond outside. When winter comes their only water source is the horse water. Most of the kittens have green goo comming out of their eyes and noses and consintly sneeze and weeze when breathing. I asked one kittens name and I was told he doesn't get a name until he lasts through the winter.. If he makes it he get a name. When theyt have kittens the cats take full care of them and they recieve no soft food- just hard food. I seen 3 different residences of barncats and I found my roommates are the healthiest eventhough most of them have uri's. I saw one on another farm that had open sores in his neck that had been there for weeks-I suspect it was ringworm since it wasn't healing.

    I just wanted to share. I dont think there is anything I can do for them but I just didn't know this took place on farms. It seems harsh compared tro the city where I have indoor cats and I treat them so fragilly- the right fod and so on. It was surprising. Anyone else see this?
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    What a sad situation! :( Why don't those people look into the catch (care and spaying/neutering) and release program for ferral cats? It's basically each cat fending for themselves. Poor things!
  10. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    yeah they are fending for themselves. They don't care enough to do something like that. Any money spent on them they think is a waste. And its not only 1 farm its everyone. We explored the attic of the barn where the scared kittys and where cats like to have kittens at and we found 2 decomposed bodies of cats that have just went up there and died. The other cats can see them and everythin but the attic is huge so they doint have to go anywhere near them if they want. If I was a cat and saw that I'd be scared :cry:
  11. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    well...therein lies one of the main problems in our society. desensitization....people become desensitized to these things when they are exposed over and over, then it loosed its meaning in terms of value. like...important, unimportant, big deal, no big deal. so...living on the farm...they see it all the time=no big deal. you...never see it, never had exposure=big deal.

    did that make any sense??#$%%^?? i just got up :roll:
  12. vene

    vene New Member

    Lynn, you are making my head spin! You are right, but Lol's the way you described the situation. It will become a big deal if the cats gave the people some dreaded disease/s. :?
  13. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Well I came home last nite and saw my fur babies for the first time since last saturday. I could have sworn that Bobo has grown since I seen him last. They were happy to see me and slept with me all night. The severe thunderstorm could have been why but ya know :wink:

    They had a vet appointment today too. All 3 got their 2nd distemper and Patches was big enough to get his 1st rabies. I also got eye ointment b/c Patches' eyes are still watering and leaving stains. The vet clipped their nails and examined and weighed them. Bella didn't gain any weight from the last time she was there. I'm a little worried. She is small and eats good. I shouldn't be worried. The vet isn't and shes healthy. Well all together it was about $160. In 3 weeks Bobo and Bella have to go back for their rabies.

    Oh I forgot to mention- yesterday I noticed that when Bobo walks, his right hind leg has 1 toe that sticks out more that the others. I showed the vet and she said that when he was limping he prolly tore something and thats why his toe is like that. She recommended we only get that toe declawed so the nail doesn't get snagged on things. It sticks out from the side and is crooked compared to the others. We have to watch it but when he goes in for neutering he has to get that done. Has anyone heard of this??

    Sorry for not updating sooner. I already have tons of work to do for school including papers and speechesand its only the 1st week!!

    So how is everyone?
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    Lots of hugs. Missed you and your furbabies! Can't believe school's so tough- it'll build character and knowledge. LOL's!

    Will they x-ray Bobo's foot to determing the damage done? Can they do tendon repair instead of declawing? :0011:
  15. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Thanks vene I hadn' t thought of that. I was reluctant to get him declawed too. When she asked if I planned to I def said no. I'll look into that. I wonder if that would be more expensive. :|
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    I don't know if his toe was dislocated, fractured, or he had a tendon or ligament damage. Only x-rays and or ultrasound will determine that. Ask EternalFlame, she used to be a vet tech. She'd be able to give some good advice. And hopefully others will too.
  17. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    being at school all week is killing me.i miss BObo and bella and patches so much. I am planning to take bobo to school next week- tues thru friday. He is growing up without me. He gets good care at home but I just miss him. :(
  18. vene

    vene New Member

    Hi Bellack. Will Bobo be fine without his buddies for a few days?
  19. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I was thinking abuo that and I think he would be okay. Pathches is the only one wh cries at night when he gets lonely and he'd have bella. I still have until monday night to decide so I'm okay. I was thinking of waiting a little while until I decide-maybe another shorter week. I dunno we'll see. When I came home yesterday Bobo semed like he got even bigger than last time. He's growig so much.
    By the way I'm glad I'm going through all this at schol just to get out of my previous school. There was a shooting and killing last week on my brother's 1st day in the school parkinglot.
  20. vene

    vene New Member

    Bellack, I can totally relate. The shooting and killing, firesetting etc. used to occur quite often where I grew up- in my high school, neighborhood. The bad news never makes it on TV or the radio. Lots of hugs heading your way. Try not to worry about your brother. If he's anything like you, he'll find a way out.
    Kittens grow up so fast. I'm sure Bobo won't forget who mommy is.

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