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The Life of Bobo (among others)

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by bellack1, Jun 27, 2004.

  1. vene

    vene New Member

  2. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Thanks I'm sure those will help me.

    Nope, Bobo's eyes are still closed. Since I have orientation today Di will feed him at 12. I practiced with her at his 6am feeding and she did okay. She does things differently a little and isn't as successful but I'm sure he'll be fine for 1 feeding. Yeah, he's a lot bigger. I'm just so surprised his eyes haven't opened yet. It's 13 days not I've had him plus the 2-3 days he was with his mom. I use a warm paper towel to make him go after every feeding but he rarely goes poo. He usually goes poo on his own all over himself :cry: He goes pee a lot though.

    I agree- I think Smokey has to be one of those two. I wonder who her father was :0011: Oh well whatever she is, she's one unique cat!

    I'll check in later after orientation. Thanks again!
  3. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Orientation was fine. I do cashier training Wednesday then start on Sunday.

    Di did a great job with Bobo!!! :eek: She said he pooped and peed 3 times and ate a lot!!! I'm really glad. I hope his eyes open soon though :shock:
  4. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    oh bellack1...i know how much you worry about your little guy. i think he will be okay, though. good luck in cashiers training on wed. they are lucky people to have you as an employee. :)
  5. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member


    I'm worried. Di fed Bobo at 12pm today and I went to feed him at 6pm and he wouldn't eat. I thought he should eat at every meal. Could it be b/c he's still full from earlier? but that was 6 hours ago. I'm gunna try again at 8
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    Try the above first, if that doesn't work, PM Mary_NH
    Also this may not be the case:

    Do a little more research if you can. Sorry, I can offer little help and when in doubt, call the vet for advice.
  7. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I'm worried now. He still refuses to eat. I force fed him about 15 ml's though. At least he has something in him.

    I check if he was dehydrated by doing the scruff neck test thing and he's fine. I cleaned him like the mom and tried again and he still wouldn't eat. He cried a lot more than he has before.

    Do you think he has an upset stomach?? I know when I do I don't wanna eat.

    Another thing I'm worried about is when I'm holding him sometimes, when he lifts his head up it shakes from left to right, like shivers. I warm him up and it still shivers. I don't know if it's from the cold or what.

    I also noticed his right eye is starting to open. On the inside corner, there is a tiny hole where it seems to be starting to open. This would be good news but I'm just so worried about him.

    Please help if you know or have heard of any of these symptoms. My vet is closed until monday morning so I can't call. :cry:

  8. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    p.s. I weighed him today and he was a whole 8.9 ounces!! I weighed him a couple days ago and he was 7.7 oz.

    I need to watch it very carefully now to see what happens
  9. vene

    vene New Member

  10. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    bellack1...our thoughts and prayers are with you and bobo. you are so observant and informed. do you have him on a heating pad? maybe he is just cold because he is so little. i would try to call an emergency vet though, just to be on the safe side, or vene's suggestion re: the link she provided. take care, i know you will keep us informed. it's like a family in a way...start to really get to know people and their animals...any crisis or loss is our crisis or loss. i worry about all the kitties, along with max. but i will say that max has had his moments when i worried that he would die...but he made it through the rough spots. now i just wish he wouldnt poop so much. geez...back to ten times a day...at least.

    lynn and max
  11. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    how's the baby doing today?
  12. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Well I tried to feed him at 6am and he still won't eat. He suckled for like 3 seconds and then wouldn't take it anymore. Yes, I've had the heating pad under a towel under him since the second day I had him. I don't understand why he won't eat. I forced 10 mls this morning. I wrote to the author of that article and her's what she said:

    Hi - First thing to do is make sure he isn't dehydrated. Give him pediolyte. I'm guessing his eyes are open now - is there any infection in them? He probably needs antibiotics and for that you'll need to see your Vet but please get fluids into him. He may just not be hungry but he does need fluids - God Bless - Jer.
    Jeri Dopp
    Provide a home - NOT a litter!
    This message virus free - checked by Norton prior to sending..
    Ruining the sex lives of Feral Cats in California and Proud of it!!
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Christina Koski
    To: jmd@safehavenforcats.com
    Sent: Saturday, July 03, 2004 10:36 PM
    Subject: kitten in trouble..please help

    On June 20, I found an abandoned kitten. He still had his ambillical cord
    and eyes closed. I've been nursing this little guy around the clock and he
    has been thriving. Although his eyes aren't open, he is more than playful.

    When I found him I guessed he was about 2-3 days old. If that was true, then
    he is now about16-17 days old. I have encountered a problem this afternoon.
    I fed him at 12pm and he was great. He ate 20ml and pooped and peed. Well I
    went to feed him again at 6pm and he wouldn't eat at all. I decided to try
    again at 8pm. He still wouldn't eat so I force fed him about 15ml. Then I
    just fed him at 12am and he still wouldn't eat. When I first tried, he
    suckled for about 2 seconds and then all of a sudden wouldn't take it
    anymore. The milk was warm, I burped him and he semed fine. I'm worried
    because he hasn't done this before. I tried rubbing his head like his mom
    would but he still wouldn't budge. He loves to chew on my fingers and I can
    feel little nubs comming in.

    I'm sorry to bother you but my vet isn't open and I came across your

    Thanks you for your time and please respond asap- Bobo is eating less as we

    Christina Koski
    P.S. I have been reporting his progress as well as pictures on an online
    forum about him. Please read it for any other questions. The site is:

    http://www.auspet.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... sc&start=0

    Thanks again

    I check his neck and it doesn't stay up. He pooped again this morning and is acting normal. He isn't lethargic or anything. It seems as if he's sick of the milk or something. His eyes are still closed but I can tell the right one is trying to open. They should open in the next couple days.

    The cats are going to go crazy tonight- the 4th and all. I think Bobo can hear now and I hope he doesn't get frightened too. I'll try to feed him aain in an hour (12) and let you know.

    Thanks for all the support!
  13. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I just weighde him and he's 8.6 ounces! He was 8.9 a few days ago. This is really bad news. I'm really worried now.
  14. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    put a little bit of Karo syrup on his tongue if you have any. If you don't a little sugar mix with water would also work. This is to give him a little boost. Don't use much just a teeny bit in his mouth and wait a few.

    The karo syrup would be best. This will perk him up enough so you can probably get him to eat.

    Please report back to let us know how he's doing.
  15. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I gave him some corn syrup earlier- I read it's for blood sugar. It didn't make him want to eat.
    I don't have any Karo syrup so I'll try to make a sugar mix until I get some. Will corn syrup work the same??

    I'm about to go feed him so I'll let you know what happens. It doesn't make sense. He ate 20ml at 12pm yesterday and wouldn't eat since then. It's so weird. He was doing so well.
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    Karo syrup or sugar water sounds like good advice from Mary. Infants weight can fluctuate a lot during the day. As long as he is not lethargic or dehydrated, keep trying to feed Bobo as usual and see if he perks up. Loss of appetite as you know can be due to a underlying problem such as low immunity- no mom's milk, causing infection. He definitely needs to see his vet. Hold him as much as you can for at least 3 hrs a day to imitate his bonding with mom cat. And don't forget to bring a stool sample to the vet tomorrow. Bobo doesn't have diarrhea right?

    Here's some more interesting info:



    Let us know how Bobo is doing.
  17. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hang in there bellack1...
  18. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    It's a miracle!!!!!!!!! :eek:

    I didn't realize the corn syrup I had was Karo syrup and I put it on his tounge and fed him and he ate!!!!!!!! He ate 15 ml's on his own. Then he fell asleep right over my heart. He was practicing walking and was shaky but will learn soon.

    I'm soooo relieved!!!!

    I'm going t call the vet tomorrow and make an appointment for Pookey asap and when I go in I will bring a stool sample from Bobo. How 'new' does the sample have to be? B/c he pooped yesterday at 12 and hasn't since so I was wondering how long I should hold onto it and what to put it in.

    I hope this keeps up. He's sound asleep now and I know when the family comes over for the 4th they'll wanna see him so I'll make sure he's not handled too much and everyone washes their hands.

    Happy 4th everyone!!!! :lol:

    and thanks for sticking with me and responding right away. After I feed him at 6pm I'll write more. THANKS!!!! (and thanks god-you know I prayed)

    Miracles do happen!!!!!!!!!!
  19. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :eek: yea!!!! well, if you can put a sample when he goes next in a baggie, tie it up tight and keep it in the refrigerator (i know...it sounds gross). at least you will have some sample to take in if you cant get one right before the appointment. the fresher the better. i usually dont refrigerate, cause max goes all the time. its not hard for me to get a sample. but maybe you can also call your vet on monday am to check...see what he/she recommends.
  20. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    ok thanks you guys are awesome!!!!

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