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The Life of Bobo (among others)

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by bellack1, Jun 27, 2004.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    with his eye...do you have any cotton balls? You could get one wet with warm water, squeeze it so it's just damp and wipe his eye off. Keep an "eye" on it to see if it gets worse...if it does you might want to consult the vet. sometimes upper respiratory infections can involve the eye. Just watch it - you're doing a great job so I can't imagine you wouldn't notice it getting worse. You are very diligent.

    I bet you have a clean room too :lol:
  2. vene

    vene New Member

    Nern and Mary have great advice as usual! :p Here's what I found in the net:

    It said to apply Terramycin ointment from the pet store for eye infection.

    Good luck!
  3. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i use clay litter too...fresh step like mary...its better than the other clays. i think i heard somewhere that you dont want to use clumping with kittens. they have litter made out of paper and made out of i think wood as alternatives...

    or did i read that in this particular forum topic :shock:
    that would be wierd...giving advice that i read from the same topic... :shock:
  4. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Everyone here is SO helpful. If it doesn't get better I'll get the ointment from Petco. I'm using clay freshstep and starting at 4 weeks with that and weaning. I read that some kittys are slow at weaning so not to worry if he doent get it right away. I will keep a close eye on his eye (lol didnt realize it til I wrote it :lol: )
    So the countdown is 1 week until weaning and litter training. How exciting! I hope he gets the litter thing right away cuz he sure does pee a lot and he hates it when I use the papertowel b/c I have to hold him up so he doesn't pee on himself.

    I'm on the phone right now with the vet about Pooky's teeth and Bobo's eye. Pooky needs her teeth cleaned and a extra growth from her gums removed. It's gunna cost about $300 !!Wow.
    Bobo is $35 for exam plus wahtever they have to do.

  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Christina something you might want to consider (a word of advice from an in-denial middle-aged mom...who says I'm middle-aged?)

    anyway...since you are working now you might want to set up a savings account and earmark it for vet expenses. That way if you run into any "surprises" you won't panic as much as you would if you didn't have any money tucked away.

    Just a thought...my dog had an $1100 surgery last year and luckily I had $800 in my Christmas account - everyone understood Christmas was gonna be tight last year but they preferred having Sadie dawg :eek:
  6. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Yeah I already have a checking account and yesterday I set it up so I have direct deposit with my check straight to my account.
  7. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    This just in:

    Bobo is now 10.9 ounces!!

    I just finished the roll of film and I thin I am going to drop it off tomorrow so we'll see them soon!!
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    That is great!! :eek:
    I can't wait to see the pictures.
  9. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I let Bobo crawl around on the bed but I was scared he was going to fall off. I thought the basket was getting too small for him soooo.....


    I brought up this huge box from the basement and put a blanket and towels in it and now Bobo has more room tp roam. He has been crawling around in it and hopefully he gets used to it. The only time I will use the basket is going back and forth to my house and Matts (Di's)

    Yay Bobo!! :eek:
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    Way to go Bellack + Bobo!!! :eek:
  11. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Well Bobo is doing pretty good today. When I went to give him his moring feeding, the dark crusty stuff was back on the outside of his eye. I wiped it away again. He's been eating good. Just sometimes he's a little finiky and wont eat much. Tomorrow we are going to Petco to pick up that ointment for his eye. Its not oozing or anything. He hasn't pooped in awhile so I just gave him some Mineral oil.Before work I'm going to drop off the film so it should be ready by tuesday. Can't wait!!
    Friday seems so far away for my check to be comming. I want to go shopping for his food tomorrow but oh well. We went through like 7 cans of milk already so I'm picking up a couple more tomorrow too. He should be weaning soon but just in case.
    His belly is so plump. He loves sleeping on his back with it sticking up in the air. He seems to like his new 'home'. Its big and should work good for when he wants to roam around an we dont want him to yet. Smokey still hisses at him. I catch her getting close to him and sniffing him though. Yesterday I put her on the bed next to him-she didn't know he was there - and then I put Bobo infront of her and snapped a pic to show the size difference. She didn't stay there long! She sniffed his nose and ran away. At least she doesn't try to hurt him. :)

    I have to work 5pm-10pm tonight. Hopefully it won't be too bad.

    I've kind of decided on Friskies and Freshstep clay litter.

    Does anyone have anything to say about Purina? No1 has mentioned it.

    Thanks everyone for your support!! :y_the_best:
  12. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    since you are going to PetCo you might want to check out Royal Canin Baby Cat dry food...it's not entirely dry but kinda soft for a dry food. The pieces are tiny tiny so easier to a kitten to eat and swallow. I bought some more today and a 3 lb. bag was a bit pricey for my taste but it does go far.
  13. vene

    vene New Member

  14. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Thanks guys

    I don't really know how I'll feed him yet. They said the first step is to let him lick milk off your finger but he doesn't do that yet. He just rubs his face in it. I'm going to leave for Petco and Jewel in a few minutes. I'll look at that brand . I think I'm going to start him on baby food mixed with formula, then canned food then canned and dry food then canned once a day with dry food always sitting out. Thats what we do with Smokey.

    Bobo is really alert today. He is walking pretty well. He still trips over his back legs and is alittle bow legged but by the end of the week he should be fine. He just ate 30 ml in one feeding without stopping!! He's a hungry little bugger. Before he ate he was walking a lot so I think he built up an appetite and now hes right asleep.

    Well I'm leaving now. I'll let you know what I pick up!
  15. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Wow DI spent 230 a Petco!!

    I did get that Royal cat food and lots of friskies canned kitten food- not the fish one. I also ot nail clippers, KMR step 2, collar, Fresh step clay litter, litter box, bowls, Bene Bac, quic stop, a whole bunch of stuff. I got pedialite, gerbers chicken baby food cuz I couldnt find that other kind, and a whole bunch of stuff. When we got back I had 15 min to get to work!!

    I'll post more tomorrow.

    Also Petco didnt have the oinment for Bobo's eye infection. They only had stuff for dry eyes. I'm going to ask my vet when I take Pooky in.
  16. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I also got a scratch post for Smokey but she hasnt used it yet. She was scared of it at first and I've seen her sniffing it.

    Since I couldn't get anything for Bobo's eye, does any1 have any suggestions on how to treat it? So far I have been wiping it with warm water with a q tip taking the crust away.

    Also he always shivers his head. I know it isnt due to being cold b/c right now its about 85 degrees in this room and he still shivered when I fed him. Not his body, just his head, left to right.

    His eyes are wide open (have been) and hes investigating everythign around him. So is his nose. He is working on walking. He can take about 6 steps before tripping so he's comming along. I'm not too worried about him but I'll feel better when he's examined by the vet. If his eye doesnt clear up within like 5 days, I'll take him in just to be looked at.

    Today is Day 23 (so he's about 25 days old) :y_the_best:

    NO one thought he'd come this far except me and Di. I'm so proud of him. I really hope he is and becomes a healthy happy little boy.

    PLease give me any and all your advice for now. :p

    I plan on weaning him around friday to see what happens. I'll also try to litter train him. SInce he's seemed to be a late bloomer on things so far he might not be ready.

    Any advice and directions on weaning and llitter training??

    I just weighed him and he's 12.0 ounces!! :eek:

    Leave feedback!!!! :eek:
  17. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hang in there bellack1....youre doing great. hi little bobo...hi little bobo!!!!

    hold on bellack....here comes maaaaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxxx............................................................................hi bellack and bobo...my momy sez i kin talk on the puter cuz ive been reel good tooday....and i have hardlee dun eneething rong...well...kinda i havnt dun harlee eneething...i dont thinc shee nose about the buttr...i 8 alot of buttr tooday...but i ran away reel fast and shee didunt c me :p uh oh...sheeze cuming ovur heer...shee haz that look on hur fase...uh oh....i bettur go now and run reel fast cuz shee looks mad...shee has the buttur in her hand :shock: ......................................................................
  18. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    p.s.- I didnt have time to drop off the camera today so maybe tomorrow :0011:
  19. vene

    vene New Member

    You are well read and prepared for the weaning and litter training for Bobo! If I see any coupons for baby food or cat food, I'll send them your way. Di is wonderful. It's so easy to spend money on our little ones. They are well worth it! A happy healthy cat makes a happy owner or is it ownee? I think the cats and dogs own us and they let us know it! :mrgreen: Good job Bellack! Our Bobo is getting big, strong, and healty! :eek:
  20. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    NO advice??

    Di dropped off my camera today so it should be ready tomorrow.

    Bobo is so huge to me! I look back at his pics and see his eyes closed and him crawling and now hes walking and alert and huge! He likes his new bed.
    I gave him his fist dose of Bene Bac today.HIs eye is still the same and his appetite is good. Hopefully he won be hard to wean.

    He has a lump right in front of his leg on each side. He's had it for awhile so I'm thinking its normal or lymph noids. He's vocal as well and I hope that Bene Bac helps him fight his eye infection.

    Di finally got satalite tv yesterday and ever since I've been watching Animal planet!! I know I am truly going to go into the animal field just dont know what yet. I'm thinking something with rescue or care b/c I can't operate.

    Gimme some advice about his eye and stuff mentioned above! :p

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