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Traumatic experience

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. asdmom

    asdmom New Member

    i have to laugh because i am sooooo bug phobic it isn't even funny. spiders i am most afraid of. everyone who knows me knows that if they walk into my house or work and see a cup upside down on the floor or a garbage can upside down on the floor that there is some kind of bug, usually a spider, underneath it. then it becomes their job to kill it. one day just a few weeks ago scout and i got attacked by a swarm of bees. i was screaming so loud and running like a maniac in the street , not only did all my next door neighbors come outside to see who was killing us but a neighbor from 2 streets over heard me and came running. i try to limit my time outdoors in the summer and usually will only go out at night when most of the creepy crawlys are sleeping.
  2. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    LMAO I gotta say Trixie is a big fan of bugs too. When she sees them on the ground she starts to hit them w/ her paw and push them around and then eat it if I dont catch her cuz I think it is just nasty. BUt anywayz I was outside on the patio w/ Trixie and she was scratching at something. Then when I looked there was nothing there so I open her mouth and inside was a huge slug like thing like an inch long. EWWW and I couldn't let her eat it ( it was still alive) and I couldn't touch it so I opened her mouth and waited for it to fall out. Hee hee and it did finally.
  3. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    I remember the bee incident~scary. I have to laugh, please don't misunderstand, but ...um, when you go out at night? most of the creepy crawlies at at their busiest! You just can't see 'em (sorrta' like ghosts~grin).
  4. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    I think the truth of the matter with my crew is that as Pyrs, they just don't want to have to expend that much energy...chasing the thing down, catching it. Sounds awfully like well, WORK!
  5. asdmom

    asdmom New Member

    well the bees are in at night and it is dark so i cannot see the other crawlies so i just pretend they aren't there and i am okay. :) if it were up to me i would never go out in the summertime because of the bugs. completely irrational and sad i am. my husband thinks i am a big dork. and of course cause of all my bug fears my son is that way also now with spiders. so my husband thinks i am turning my son into a sissy. MEN !!
  6. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    hmmmmmmm....... now somebody w tell me, WHYYYYYY did I go look at the cicada gallery of pics!?!?!? cuz i now have creepy crawler thoughts!!!.... and sheesh... my scalp keeps itchin.... and there... had to scratch my arm... ew....

    LOL@trixiemom.. :lol: .... hehe... love the fact that you had to wait for it to fall out of her mouth :lol::lol:
  7. Maori

    Maori New Member

    the cicada sound they do is deafening that is one thing you can't forget.
    and then you see the outshell of them attached to the tree's.
    Seen a few Pack Rats around the place. Not to sure who actually caught them if it was the Pyrs or our cats. Though but i have my suspicions.
  8. HectorLuver3

    HectorLuver3 New Member

    Wat type of dog is Nala, i have a yellow lab named Nala.
  9. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    You guys are a bunch of "jinxes"! I let the dogs out while I uploaded some photos. I heard Arwen raising a ruckus and went out to see what her problem might be....would you believe not one but 2 dragonflies were on the other side of the screen, JUST above her head height. She was going nuts. Angel & Beau could have cared less, there were a couple of mud puddles that needed their approval.
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh I hate those bugs!! *shudders* As far as spiders go, we have a bad case of black widows and fiddle backs. I've seen a few taranchelas (sp) and we have scorpions as well.
    Luckily the only thing Smokey goes after is the flies, and squirls, cats, and cows...occassionally he thinks he can catch a rabbit and tries, but ends up all disapointed.... He caught a rat one time, and was soooo happy and proud of himself. He wouldn't give it up! we had to litterally pry his mouth open to get the nasty thing out!
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hector, Nala is a border collie mix. You can see her here: http://www.dogster.com/?23360

    Nala was her name at the shelter. We were going to change it (would have been Tasha), but while we were trying to come up with a new name we decided she was so mouthy that a lion's name was very fitting for her.
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Jami - after looking at Bonnies photos...that dogs got soooo much heeler in her its not even funnY!!!!! That head. Those ears, that color!!!! I'm serious. She's gonna come up missing and when she does.....
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hey! I asked you if you thought Bonnie had heeler in her when we first got her, and you said not at all. Bah! Change your mind, will you? ;)
  14. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    You MUST live in the desert? While our spiders are BIG enough to give a trantula a run for it's money, they are non-toxic. We do have the occasional Black Widow & Brown Recluse...scorpions, ours are wee things, but I'm just as happy to have never seen one in or near us.

    Lol at the rat, YUCK!
  15. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    oh you guys, yuK! I am glad Jake and Wylie dont eat anything gross, now Midas is another story, bringing in live mice, etc. hea cat eat a whole bird in 10 seconds flat.


  16. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    yeah yeah yeah.... but those photoson her dogsterpage....Humph! There ain't no doubt in my mind she ain't got at least 1/4 heeler in her!
  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I love her ears. They look like huge bat wings. :)

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