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Were can I find a 55 gal freshwater tank setup and stand

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by hop0626, Jun 11, 2004.

  1. hop0626

    hop0626 New Member

    I am in Orlando FL and looking to buy a 55 gal tank and setup for freshwater fish also looking for a stand for the tank.
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Have you checked Walmart? They generally carry 55 gallon setups. IIRC, the tank and stand together comes to around $300. The filter it comes with isn't that great, but the tank, stand, & hood are good.

  3. hop0626

    hop0626 New Member

    I read your post and decided to check out walmart they got a really good deal $150forthe tank set up and $76 for the stand thats a good deal I heard the filter is crappy it comes with and the heater is also how much does it cost for a decent filter and should I use 1 filter or 2 filters
  4. hop0626

    hop0626 New Member

    Oya forgot to Thank you for the info Chelle :D
  5. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    I've been looking into the wal mart tank too and I've decided (for now) on getting the Emporer 400 filter. I think it would be good, and it comes with a bio-wheel. I think the standard heater that comes in the kit would be just fine.
  6. hop0626

    hop0626 New Member

    Tina how much $ is the Emporer 400 filter and do they sell it at walmart
  7. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I've heard a lot of good things about Aquaclear 500's (I think they're called 110's now).

    I've also heard good things about Emperior & Penguin biowheel filters and Fluval, Eheim, and Filstar canisters. And I, personally, have Cascade filters on all my tanks and really like them.

    I would avoid Whisper filters simply because I had 4 die in less than a year.

    The general rule for amount of filtration is you need a 10x turnover rate with HOB filters (ie 10 times the volume of the tank per hour so 550 gph) and 3x - 5x turnover with canister & wet/dry filters.

  8. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    They don't sell it at wal mart, but my lfs sells it for $69 and bigalsonline has it for about $47 (I think....). It's says on the box that it's good for up to 65 gallon tanks, once again I think, but it's been a long time since I've looked at it.
  9. hop0626

    hop0626 New Member

    Thanks for all the info I am going ot Petsmart this week do you know ifthey sell a decent filter for a 55 gal for around $50
  10. tina1

    tina1 New Member

  11. hop0626

    hop0626 New Member

    Thanks Tina I am definitly ordering one
  12. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    I have a 55 gallon with a 300 AquaClear... works great! The only problem is that now WallyMart doesnt carry the replacement filters and I have to pay the LFS prices. :|
  13. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    With all my filters, I stopped using the replacement cartridges a long time ago. I went to the pond supply store and bought a couple sheets of coarse sponges. I cut out sections to fit in my filters and use 2 in each filter. All I do now is rinse them out once a week. I should never have to replace them.

  14. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    i know this is kinda late but yeah the best you can get is an emporer (sp?) but usually they are not sold in florida wal-marts, well mine dosnt atlease. but there is a petsmart around that area if you go there they usually have about 5-10 in stock at most times

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