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what breed is my baby girl

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by elswaydizzle, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. elswaydizzle

    elswaydizzle New Member

    I have been woundering for a while now what breed is my baby girl.....she is a short breed black & white pit.....she was pretty stocky but she is getting older now so she got a little fat compared to what she used to be.........i was told she looks like a colby breed but i have not really herd of them ......so is there such thing ?plz help if u can i would send a pic. but im not payen $10 bucks 2 do so what a rip off[/b]
  2. tobiasschnell

    tobiasschnell New Member

    The active ingredient in PERCORTEN-V is desoxycorticosterone pivalate (DOCP). It is a mineralocorticoid hormone and an analog of desoxycorticosterone. It is white, odorless, and stable in air. It is practically insoluble in water

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