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What other fish would fit in a 5-7 gallon tank then goldfish

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Ellie, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. Ellie

    Ellie New Member

    Ok I am going to get a bigger fish tank maybe in the summer!
  2. Ellie

    Ellie New Member

    How big of a fish tank should i get? How much sunlight do small fancy fish need?
  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    If they're both fancies, then they need at least 30 gallons. Fish do need a sense of night & day so idealy they should get around 8 - 10 hours of light/day.

  4. Ellie

    Ellie New Member

    they get about that much a day they get about 11 hours of sunlight a day, my room is very bright so they get the right amount of sunlight. About the fish tank are you shure 30 gallons? thats pretty big for the small fish i have. I really want a tropical tank too maybe a 30 gallon tropical fish because i think i'll buy fish shortly after, and put the tropical fish i already have in the tank. Thanks for your help :D :) :wink: 8) :mrgreen: :y_the_best:

  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Fancy gold fish should get around 6" long (not including the tail). That's about grapefruit size.

    Here's a 5" goldfish in a 10 gallon. Doesn't look too comfortable, does it?

  6. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    Looks horrible. my bro got a fancy and a fantail in a 10!.

    (And the tank in the pic aient realy filled up to well)
  7. Ellie

    Ellie New Member

    I guess your right, sorry about that. Im confused though how come my fish haven't grown yett? is it because they grow to their inviornment?

  8. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    They're likely being stunted. When fish are kept in a tank that's too small, water quality is generally poor and that causes their growth to be stunted. However, stunting is not healthy. It causes a weakened immune system which makes them more prone to infections, deformities, and a much shorter lifespan.

  9. Ellie

    Ellie New Member

    I didn't know i was stunning them. That's horrible! I'm sorry about all the stupid questions, i'm new with all this fish stuff. Thankyou for informing me on my fish and giving me tips, thanks again! :D :) :eek: 8) :p :wink: :y_the_best: :mrgreen:
  10. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    That's okay. Very few people get into fish keeping knowing everything there is to know. Even I made some huge mistakes when I first started out (7 africans, 3 oscars, and 6 plecos in a 55 gallon tank :shock: ).

  11. Ellie

    Ellie New Member

    Thanks again

    -Ellie :D :) 8) :p :wink: :mrgreen: :y_the_best:
  12. pookiepets

    pookiepets New Member

    onee word WHITE clouds! some ghost shrimp and snails otta be fun

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