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What precautions to take when leaving pet in car

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by jarodsgamma, May 21, 2005.

  1. jarodsgamma

    jarodsgamma New Member

    I have a problem. This summer we will be taking our Shih Tzu Bichon dog on a camping trip with us. This will be his third camping trip and he absolutely loves it. When he travels in our truck with us he is in the back seat in his kennel so he is safe and just sleeps or looks around.

    Now to the problem. While on holiday we are to attend a wedding and we have to the location and keep him in his kennel rather than to leave him at the campsite. The wedding is to begin at 6:30 p.m. with a dance to follow. What we would like to do is keep him in his kennel in the truck while we attend the ceremony (which I am sure would be well under an hour) then we could go and give him a drink and let him out and go back and forth to the dance and check on him regularly. Should we leave the air conditioner going or how much should the windows be opened. Do you think he will be okay. We have no other option.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I dont know whereabouts you are or what the weather is like there. As far as thats concerned, even on a warm day it can get too hot inside a car even with the windows open, I dont know how your AC works, in my car if the engine was switched off the AC would create humidity and not cold air. I know you said the wedding is at 6:30pm, again it would depend on heat.
    Is there anyone else at the campsite that you know that could maybe watch him for a few hours for you? Or even a local boarding facility just for overnight (or the weekend) of the wedding?
  3. duckling

    duckling New Member

    I agree that the local temperature matters a lot. If boarding her isn't an option, I would run a crate fan and make sure that water is available to her at all times (Likit water bottle, crate bowl, etc.). There's also a variety of cooling mats to keep your dogs comfortable. I've only had personal experience with the Canine Cooler; even though it tends to be expensive, I've found that it keeps my dog comfortable when we're on the road, and we travel with him quite a bit.
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I would never do that and never recommend it. It is just too dangerous. And you coud get fined or in trouble, do you really want to take that chance? how big is your dog? Maybe you could sneak it into the wedding, by keeping it in a bag or something.
    I won't even leave my dog in the car in the winter time.
  5. duckling

    duckling New Member

    Call me paranoid, but I've never done it either (I smuggle him into grocery stores, etc. with a Samsonite pet carrier). It's not a risk I would take with my own pet, but if [somewhere], Canada is very cool at 6:30 PM, it might be feasible last resort.

    jarodsgamma: I got the impression that leaving the dog is the only option, but maybe you can hire a petsitter to sit in the car/at the campsite for an hour for your own peace of mind? Out of curiousity, is it illegal to leave your dog in a parked car in Canada, too?
  6. jarodsgamma

    jarodsgamma New Member

    Thanks for everyone's replies. Yes, I agree with you all. Our camper is a 21.5 foot fifth wheel and I think we will leave him there while we attend the wedding, go back and let him out for a little break then put him back in there. He can have the run of the place with plenty of water, toys, etc. We don't have air conditioning in it but will hook up to power and will put a fan on with windows open. It can get very hot in the summertime in Canada. We may check out a kennel facility for one night but I think with talking it over with my husband that he will do fine in the camper.

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