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Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Tangible, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Hmmm, maybe I can try. Well not much better. Just went thru imagestation. Its not much better bigger . Sorry.
  2. tammyg

    tammyg New Member

    We have a shorkie!

    We have a new shorkie pup - he is eight weeks old and is beautiful.

    I was going to put a picture here, but can't figure out how without paying 10 bucks! Anyway, we have one - email me and I'll get you the picture. He is wonderful!
  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I was just reading this post and rene saying the pups were 3-4 weeks old and just starting to eat and stuff, all I could think was I think "it has been forever since she had those puppies, unless she had a 2nd litter and it is tooo soon to have a 2nd litter, but I thought she had them both fixed"so then I looked at the date on some of those posts and was like "ahhh ok it was a while back!"
  4. Rene

    Rene New Member

    lol lil yep i had them fixed no more pups for me it's to much work lol.

    didn't get to finish i had to leave work lol. I actually was thinking the same thing i saw my post about the pups and thought wow when did i do that lol.

    to post a pic you can go thru tinypic.com and put your picture there then copy the img link and post it here i think you also have to hit the img button at the top here I would love to see your new baby :eek:
  5. tammyg

    tammyg New Member

    Here are the pictures of my baby

    Here are some pics of my baby and her baby

    I hope this link works!

    Also, did anyone have any trouble pad training or box training your little guy? We are having an awful time with this. He will just go wherever, and we don't know what else to do. We don't have a crate to do the crate training thing, and besides, I think he would just go in there too. He is about four weeks, so he is about 12 weeks old now.

    Any suggestions?

  6. Rene

    Rene New Member

    what a little cutie pie so little sorry i have no suggestions on potty training we failed that :cry: mine are 2 and 3 and still have accidents.

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